Laying Low

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I go to my office for a little while to work. I call Patrick to check on Paisley Park and to get the 'scoop du jour '. "Gigi, where the heck are you? He is frantic! I mean, completely out of his mind looking for you. Girl, you have to tell me where you are!" 

"Patrick, I'm not telling you where I am. I just called to make sure everything's running smoothly and the building maintenance is moving forward." "While you were gone, the carpet was laid and the restrooms done. You already know the HVAC system is complete and running great. There are estimates for the roof and waterproofing on your desk." "Patrick, scan the estimates and email them to me. I'll look them over and call Charlie to see what he thinks. In the meantime, do not tell him you talked to me, got it?" "Yes, mums the word, but you need to talk to him. He's in that purple funk like he was last year when you came to Paisley. I really don't like to see him like this; he's being mean to the staff because he thinks we all know where you are and just not telling him."

"Patrick, where is he now?" "I think he is in his office, his line is busy so I guess he's on the phone." "Okay, I'll call back later and talk to him. Text me when you think he's off the phone." "Will do. Please don't break his heart Gigi. He is on the edge right now. We are all worried about him." "Patrick, you are one of my best friends. If you tell him anything, I will rip your heart out through your throat, you got it?" "Yes, I've got it. Please don't leave him. He loves you- only you." "Patrick, he needs to get it together. All I'm going to say is, he broke MY heart and it still hurts. I am only reacting to what he did and it was not pretty. 

Call me instead of texting me when he's off the phone, alright?" "Yes G, I'll let you know asap." "Talk to you later and send those estimates in the meantime. Good bye, Patrick." I get off the phone and wonder what the heck he is telling everyone. This is not my fault, it is his! This is all on him not me. I decide to call Cathy on her cell so he won't know I called, and tell her about the whole ordeal. 

Apparently the purple one has no idea why I left him. He thinks I've simply abandoned him for some unknown reason. She told me he's been out of his mind not knowing where I am. She reiterated what Patrick had told me. I filled Cathy in on everything; the tabloid speculation, him calling Delilah on stage, getting down and dirty with her. She was shocked to say the least. I told her that before I could forgive him, he had some explaining to do- that he needed to make some changes or I would leave him. I explained that I felt heartbroken by his lack of respect for me and our marriage. She encouraged me to call him anyway. 

"G, you know....... I told you he still had some bad habits that he needed to work on and change. I don't think he even realizes what he's doing- or that some of what he does is wrong. I'm not making excuses for him or condoning what he did, but consider that he probably doesn't have a clue that what he did was inappropriate. G, think about it. He is never embarrassed by a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g he does. He's always gone for the shock value, you know that. It's an ingrained part of his persona. Yes, he screwed up- big time! You leaving sends the message to him that you won't tolerate this kind of behavior. I hope he will understand that what he did was wrong." 

"Cathy, I do too or I will leave him. I won't cut him any slack should something like this ever occur again. I didn't even make a big fuss when he stayed out all night, maybe I should have. Perhaps I could have prevented that little porn show if I'd shared my displeasure with him. He needs to comprehend what he could be jeopardizing." "G, I know you are furious with him, I can hear it in your voice. Please try to calm down before you do finally talk to him." "Cathy, that's why I left- so I could calm down enough to think it through. I feel better than I did, but I still need time alone to sort it all out."

I told her I was expecting a call from Patrick. We continued to talk until Patrick beeped in on call waiting. I told Patrick he could connect me to my husband now. When he answers, I don't say a word... I'm trying to collect my thoughts. "It's me. I'm alright, I'm safe. You are going to need to think about what you did before I'm willing to talk to you." Click, I hang up before he can respond. I miss him terribly, but he has got to learn. He is a married man and behavior on that stage was inappropriate and entirely unacceptable!

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