Mr. Goodnight

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 I wake up to my phone alarm for his pain meds. He is sleeping and I hate to wake him up just yet. I'll let him sleep for awhile longer. I get up to take a walk down the beach and I call the staff to get dinner ready for us. I'll wake him up here shortly and we'll go up to the house for dinner. He is avoiding telling me what he was doing last nite, but I'll weasel it out of him sooner or later. When I get back to the cabana, he is still sleeping. I crawl up next to him and kiss him softly to wake him up, he is really out of it. I kiss him again and he grabs me into a deep passionate kiss. I tell him I have dinner waiting on us. I help him get up and is moving really well. He even has that swagger in his step. We arrive at the terrace and dinner is there waiting on us. I hand him his pain meds and we sit down to eat. It is a delicious dinner of seafood/veggie pasta with German Chocolate cake for dessert, one of my favorites. He suggests, let's take the cake upstairs on the balcony. I carry the cake and we get up there to find a carafe of coffee out on the balcony bar waiting for us. We finish our dessert and I take the plates over to the bar to get us some more coffee. When I take it back, he wants me to sit with him on the chaise. I get with him and he puts his arm around me. I say, "So, tell me what it was you were doing last nite that caused the sharp pain." He shook his head no, "Nah-uh." Looking at him in the eye, "Sweetheart, you need to tell me what you did, please?" Denying me, "It's too embarrassing for me to tell you. I just overextended it doing a stupid move. That's all I'm going to say." I'm like, "Huh-uh, you told me earlier you would tell me, so spill it." He pulls me close, so he doesn't have to look at me, "Baby, I was trying a special move to see if could make love to you better and it just did not work." I buried my face in his chest and just cracked up laughing. [He humph], "See, I told you it was embarrassing." I shook my head, "No it's not. I told you to slow down. You are doing just fine loving me and I love you." I have to stop laughing and make him feel better. I pull myself back together and finally calm down my laughing. I kiss the ever lovin' daylights out of him. I aim to make he feel really good. I gotta quit laughing, it's just too funny. He's never failed at his any of his moves until now and I forced him to admit it to me. 'Sweetheart, you are taking care of me just fine, what made you think you had to do it any better?' I quipped [still chuckling under my breath] He responds, "Baby, let's go to bed. I want to make you scream my name instead of laughing at me. I need to make love to my beautiful wife." I jump up and kiss him, "Hold that thought. I'm taking a shower and I'll meet you between the sheets." I run to the bathroom and get into the shower fast. Thinking, I hope this calms me down from laughing and he keeps away from me until I get done. I get out of the shower and he's standing there, leaning on the door frame observing me. I say to him, 'Sweetheart, just give me a couple minutes and I'll be there. I'm just getting myself pretty for you." He says, "Baby, I've been thinking all day what I'm going to do to you." I reply, "Yeah, I bet you have. Just don't hurt yourself." I really should not have said that as I snicker under my breath trying to not laugh again. He turns to leave me saying, "Baby, I want you naked. Don't bother with anything else." I get all prettied up for him, with a pretty silk robe on and saunter out to bed.   He has all the candles lit and laying there waiting on me. I am so cool, calm and collected as I slide into be with him. He scoots over to me and just takes it slow. Kissing me and showering those kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. I just know he is going to ravish me with sweet, delicious torment. Taking time to pay attention to all the sensitive places and sweet spots that bring me to the edge only to deny me, forcing me beg for more. Making me scream his name so many times, I was a beggin', needy mess. Not until I sufficiently screamed his name enough and building it with anticipation, he finally pleasures himself with me taking us to a high never before achieved. The joy and happiness we share with each other, connects us on a level of a higher plane that is only achieved by the joining of our hearts and souls as one. After a night of expressing and sharing our love, the deep  passion for each other, he gathers me up to sing to me. This time he has words for the pretty tune. All these songs are for me and no one but me will probably ever hear them. I hope he will cut loose of some on a new album as they are beautiful songs from the heart. They are special gifts he gives to me. What a marvelous thing to have the gift of song, to be given to the one you love. He always gives me the best of everything including himself and his love. We doze off into a slumber of heavenly bliss.

The alarm goes off and I snatch it up quickly hoping it does not wake him. He says, "Baby, I'm awake. Good Morning." I gaze into those beautiful eyes, on that beautiful face of my love, 'Good morning, Sweetheart. How do you feel this morning?" He tells me he just feels wonderful and is so happy with being pain free, more comfortable than he has been in a long time. I convey to him we need to get up and ready for the day. Breakfast will be here soon and Jill will be too. He hops up and keeps babbling about how great he feels and how he really appreciates me convincing him to do this. We get showered (you know how that goes) dressed and enjoy our breakfast on the terrace today. While eating, he just is going 90mph on everything. I have him take his pain meds and he hesitated about it. I informed him, "You already missed one dose, you need this before PT and after Saturday, we will see how it goes. No arguments, Mr. Nelson." He goes, "Oh Baby, I love it when you act like this with me. It is such a turn on." [trying to pull me over to his lap] I say, "Nah-uh, we have Jill coming soon and you need to just chill out. Let's take a walk until she gets here." Here we go, he is in hyper mode and hopefully, the walk will slow him down a bit. He takes my hand and is strolling along just as perfect as if he never had surgery last week. We stop at one of our stopping spots. He wraps his arms around me just kissing me and trying to get me hot and it is working. It does not take much and saved by the text, Jill is here. I point back to the house, "We need to make our way back, Jill is at the gate and will be waiting on us." He wisecracks, "When she leaves Baby, I have plans for you." I retort, "I have plans for you to rest like you are supposed to after exercise." He just smiles and shakes his head. When we arrive back to the house, Jill is waiting and ready to start his PT. She runs through the exercises and gives him a good workout getting more flexibility with more range of motion. Tells him to keep walking and if he is healed up enough, try swimming but more importantly, rest, rest, rest. I'm thinking, if she only knew. Jill leaves instructions of some water exercises we can do in the water. As she is leaving, confirms same time tomorrow. I go to the kitchen and get a protein shake for us. He thought that was a good idea and wants to go to the beach to rest. I'm thinking, sure! He is going to try to have his way with me down there and won't be much in the way of rest. We are walking hand in hand with our proteins shakes like a pair of teenagers strolling down to the beach. He is being extremely charming to me. God, I love him. We get to the beach cabana and I think, what's next? I help him to elevate his leg for a little while since he's had a lot of exercise on it. Advising me, "Baby, it's all good. Don't think I need to." I reply, "Yeah, I know you don't think so, but just do it for awhile to make sure it is not going to swell up. While you are doing that, REST!" I put the pillows under his leg for him and he pulls me into him to say, "Baby, I know you are trying to care for me and I love you for doing all this. Will you take a nap with me?" I agree, "Yes, finish your protein shake and we'll take a nappie-poo." He requests, "Baby, can you get naked with me? I need my eye candy." humph, "Nah-uh, you had plenty eye candy with Jill today. Sweetheart, please rest." He is just beaming at me. I get into bed with him and hope for the best. He pulls me close and is being really peachy sweet to me. "Baby, I love you so much. You being bossy with me is such a turn on. We'll take a nap and I'll rest like you want me to." I'm like, good. This is really hard on me because I want him just as much as he wants me. I cuddle up to his neck and whisper in his ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you. I love all the ways you love me." He goes, "Ooo, Baby. I love you too." We get a short nap in. When I wake up, he has managed to get my sundress unbuttoned and is playing with the girls which is probably what woke me up to begin with. I am really good at waking up without opening my eyes or letting on in any way I'm awake. I'm just going to see where this goes. He is definitely feeling his Wheaties more today than before. All because he feels w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l. Oh crap! A slight moan slipped out of my breath. I just lay there like a rag-doll enjoying his play and he knows exactly how to play them. I should sneak a peek thru my eyelashes and see where he is looking. If he's looking at me, he'll catch me. Feeling his breath on my neck, I take a quick look. Yep, he's looking away from my eyes and what he is trying do to stir me up. I could just bolt for the ocean because he is still not quick enough to catch me unless he has a hold on me beforehand. Nah, I love him and what he's doing to me. I just want to let him play it for awhile even though he's getting me hotter than a magnolia tree in the South Carolina sun. Oh dear, he is kissing my neck and collarbone. Another sigh slips out of my lips. He stops to unzip his pants to adjust himself. No panties to worry about, I quit wearing them the day we got here and the sundress has a built-in bra, which is no more. He's back at playing me, but this time he is working his way south of the border. I know when he hits that, I will probably scream. Now he's kissing my breasts and it won't be long until he progresses south. He probably is not sure if I am awake or not, but figures I am. Not sayin' a word, this is his game he's playing. I love him and he's having a delightful time. His hand is working in tandem and he is going to hit my centerpiece. Sinking further down in the bed, he is going to play it for all it's worth. Let's get ready to rumble!~~~~ And rumble we did.

 I wore the Purple Yoda out but good. I gave him a pain pill and bedded him back down. Told him he had better rest up for round 2 later. Called the staff to prepare two shrimp salads with fruit and cheese on the side and leave them in the kitchen on 2 serving trays. I got the text when it was dropped off and hot footed up the kitchen to get it. He was still in a dazed stupor and I told him I'd be back with dinner. I decided when I got up to the house to take a quick shower to cool down and get ready for round 2, picked up the food and took it back down to the beach. He was out like a light. I woke up him to eat, kissing him softly and whispering to him until he came around. If wants play this game, I'm gonna wear him out. He said he feels w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l, I'm going to make him feel even more wonderful when I get done with him. Bless his purple heart. He was so spent, he did not want to eat, but I made him eat all his dinner anyway. After I picked up all the dishes and set them to the side, cozied up to him and told him to rest. He says, "Baby, that was amazing. I love you, but you wore me out." I said, "Yeah, I know. You need to get some rest now. I Love You." I kissed him tenderly and stroked his face so he would go to sleep and rest. We went to sleep until the alarm went off for his pain meds. I woke him up to take them and he was still so sleepy, I hoped he'd go back to sleep. He drifted off to sleep but I know when those drugs kick in and that bewitching hour is upon us, he will be wide awake.  

I catch some sleep too and sure enough, he is awake just as I predicted. Waking me with light, tender kisses to my neck and face, he says, "Baby, are you awake. I love my beautiful wife." I turn into him and kiss him back, "Yes, Sweetheart. I'm awake. I love you." He confesses to me, "Baby, you are right. I really do need to rest. I am really tired." I inquire, "Sweetheart, do you want to stay here or go back up to the house?" He nods in approval, "We can stay here. I'm comfortable and just want to hold you." I ask him, "Are you having any pain? Do you feel OK other than being tired?" Revealing to me, "I'm good other than extremely tired." I told him it's a good idea to rest as he gathers me up to go back to sleep. I am so happy he finally has decided he needs to rest. I have no problem going to sleep when he is holding me like this. I just love to feel his love and peace flow through me. 

A/N-Please vote and leave me lots of comments. Hope to hear from you. I need your help and encouragement to keep this story going. Just a line or two brightens my day. Thanks for reading and enjoying this story as much as I do, love you!

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