Paisley Park Maintenance-3

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I wake up thinking we slept through the night. I have to pee so I peel myself away from him and head to the bathroom. He appears to be sleeping soundly. After taking care of business, I wash my face, brush my teeth, take Dolly off the counter and put her back into her box, place the box in a drawer of the vanity. As I sit at the vanity I think, "how in the world are we going to ever get over this hair fetish?" Looking into the mirror I try to imagine myself with long hair. I just can't grow it out, I can't. I need to tell him why and hope he accepts it. Kim is coming over this week to get us ready for London. I'll have to talk to her about my surprise for him across the pond. 

Looking back up in the mirror, he is standing in the doorway watching me. "Good morning Sweetheart." "Baby, Good morning. How do you feel?" "I'm alright Sweetheart. I don't know what happened last night, but I'm good now." "Baby, you need to rest more. I don't think you should work today. Just stay here and rest." "Sweetheart, I have work to do just like you. I'll take a break after lunch and rest. No afternoon delight for you Mr Nelson. Okay?" He is standing behind me and we are talking to each other in the mirror. Leaning over he kisses my neck. "Baby, do you feel like going over to storage and picking out some things to move over to the new house? It is heated over there... we could just spend a couple hours doing that this morning." "Sweetheart, that sounds like a fantastic idea. I don't have much to do this morning. All I am waiting for is that final estimate and it should be here when we get back." We get ready and head out, stopping on the way to pick up a couple cups at Caribou Coffee.

We arrive at the heated storage with time to pick out some things to take to the new house. He really got into it, loving my choices of furniture and decor to incorporate into the house. Everything was going quickly as he tagged the items for the guys to load on a truck. He pulled out a painting of my 'Elvis on Velvet' and it went downhill from there. "Baby, why do you have a painting of "Elvis" of all people? Do you have one of me?" I just stood there and shook my head no. "Well, this is going straight to the dumpster." "Whoa! No it is not! That is going to the new house for my room, The Lady Lounge." Brace yourself, here we go. "Baby, you mean you want a picture of him in your room and not me?!?!?" "Sweetheart, I have YOU to look at all the time, why do I need a picture when I have the real deal?" 

I do love screwing with him and this is gonna be good fun. What he doesn't know is that it is an artist painting of Elvis on Velvet and valuable. He looks at it and sees the artist signature. "Who painted this, Baby?" "Sweetheart, do you want to know who or why?" He looks at me puzzled, "Tell me the story Baby?" I ask him, "Do you recognize the signature?" "Well, I think I have seen it before but I can't make it out, who is it?" "Sweetheart, the artist is Joni Mitchell." "Baby! Are you serious?!!!!!!!!!" "Yes Sweetheart, I am, so be careful with it." We sat down on a sofa, "Baby, tell me the story. You know she is one of my favorite artists and influences." "I know. I interviewed her and you know she is sort of a recluse. She invited me to do the interview in her home. While there she showed me several of her paintings and I admired them. We discussed them and jokingly I said to her, 'These are lovely, but they ain't no Elvis on Velvet." We laughed hysterically and she thought I was really funny. A few weeks later, this showed up with a note of thanks for the article I did on her. 

Do you still want to put it in the dumpster?" "No way, Baby! Do you still have the note?" "Yes, behind the painting under the paper covering on the back, sealed so it wouldn't deteriorate." He tripped out on this one. Yeah, you know the look. "No dumpster for this masterpiece. I want it in our home for everyone to see. Please, Baby, don't put it in your 'lady lounge', please?" "I'll think about it. I may decide to let you enjoy it too." "Baby, don't tease me like this. You know how much I want to have it out in plain sight." "Sweetheart, I'll barter with you. What are you gonna do for me?" Well, you know how that went. That sofa in storage got christened and I agreed to let him have view of my 'Elvis on Velvet'. I may even let him hang it in his home office if he is real nice to me.

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