A Place To Heal

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 Sunday December 8th, 2013
I wake up and I know he is awake as he is holding me tightly. I greet him, "Good Morning Sweetheart. How do you feel this morning?" He says, "Good morning Baby. I feel really good today and no pain." I ask him if he wants to get up and have breakfast? He tells me yes, he's ready to get up and have breakfast delivered up here. I get out of bed and help him up. He winced and I asked him if he was OK? He said he was OK to give him a minute. I leaned in and gave him a kiss saying to him, "Take your time. There is no rush." He pulls me in and says, "Baby, give me some more of that sugar please." I give him a really long passionate, soft, wet kiss until he moaned and gulped for breath. He said, "Baby, maybe we need to go back to bed." I said, "Or not." as I drop to my knees to take care of the obvious, right there. I gazed up at him, "Sweetheart, lean on me if you need to." I brushed his length with my warm lips and he exhaled deeply, shuddered closing his eyes. I took him in, just the tip, teasing him until he moaned louder, "Oh Baby!" I lapped and licked, kissing him, all of him. When I fully envelop him with my mouth, he shot right out of there to another place and time. I held him until he returned back to me and he helped me to my feet. I said, "How do you feel now?" He was smiling and said, "I'm good Baby, I'm real good. Thank you." We get to the bathroom and get into the shower. He sits on the bench and I get him washed, shampooed, back out and dried. I sit him down on the vanity bench. He is watching me in the mirror while he fixes his hair, shaves and gets prettied up for his PT this afternoon. I get out and his eyes are transfixed on me, "Baby, come'er. I need to take care of you." "Sweetheart, Nah-uh, I'm good. You need to get ready for PT, maybe later." I dry off and ask him what he wants to wear today? He tells me the cotton tunic set. I leave the bathroom to get it out of his closet and get dressed from my closet. When I get back to him in the bathroom, I help him get dressed and we go out to our balcony for breakfast that had just been delivered. I take the cover off revealing I have eggs Benedict and he has a veggie omelet. I say to him, "Thank you Sweetheart. This is one of my favorites." He smiled and said, "I know Baby. That's why I ordered it for you." I smiled and ask, "What's this reward for?" He says, "For taking good care of me, Baby. Thank you." I just love this cat and mouse game. This is HUGE for him to order this for me. We ate breakfast and just relaxed on the balcony for awhile. He asked me to get his laptop for him and I go back to the bedside table to bring it to him. He checks a few things and I check my tablet for messages so we are both occupied taking care business. I put my tablet down and finish my coffee. He tells me that PT is on the way.

 I ask him where is he going to do that and he tells me the room off the terrace

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 I ask him where is he going to do that and he tells me the room off the terrace. So, I get him down there and have a staff member bring them to us. When she gets there, I just about died! I kinda figured it would be a girl and not a guy, but this one was like a Baywatch Babe with an English accent. He says, "Hi Jill, I want you to meet my wife, Gigi." I said, "It's nice to meet you, Jill." She is perky, smiling from ear to ear and replies the same back to me. OH, I am definitely staying for this. Wild horses could not drag me out of this room at this point. He says to me, "Baby, you can go do work or something, we will be about an hour." I said, "No Sweetheart, I want to see what she does so maybe I can help you with it." Jill says, "That's a great idea and should help get you more flexible quicker" I just smile and think, you are stuck with me here purple one. He gives me that side eye and I give it right back at him. She was really very good about it and even made sure I knew exactly what to do. Going over it in detail and involving me to make sure I had it right. She had an info sheet along with a sheet of exercises for him to do 2-3 times a day, and went over them with me. When she finished up, she said "I know the way out and I'll see you tomorrow." She be-bopped on out of there and I just gave him that look. He rushed over to me in double quick time and hugged me saying, "Baby, she's really good. Don't be mad at me." I said, "OH, Sweetheart,(pfft) I'm not mad at you. Now, I know why you wanted to get down here so fast. Just remember, if I ever need PT it is going to be a really cool looking surfer type dude, you got it? I like my eye candy too." He just busted out laughing, then says, "Baby, you are way too funny and so much fun. I just love your sense of humor. I love you so much." I respond, "I love you. Do you feel like going down to the beach cabana for awhile?" He says, "That is an excellent idea. I could use a good rest after this exercise." We stroll down to the cabana. I ask him, "How's the pain today?" He goes, "I'm good Baby. Not hurting at all." We take our time getting down to the beach and he says to me, "Baby, I hope you're not planning on doing that ocean thing again today, are you?" I snicker snidely, "Not planning on it unless you misbehave on me again." We get down there and I help him into the cabana bed and I crawl in on the other side next to him. He is being really good today. Holding me he conveys to me, "Baby, I'm going to try really hard to do what you want me to do and rest. I have to do that for you because I love you." I reply to him, "That's a good idea Sweetheart. I love you and I only want the best for you." Bless his purple heart. He holds me tight and we take a nice afternoon nap.

After sleeping in for a nice, long afternoon nap, I wake up refreshed and ready to have dinner. I feel him with me and his loose grip, he is still asleep. I'm going to slide out and see if I can take a moonlit walk on the beach. The moon is just coming up and it is really glistening pretty over ocean. I just stop and gaze at it's beauty. I suddenly hear, "G! G! Come quick, come quick!" Oh crap! I run to him and he is grabbing his hip in pain. When I get to him, "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He is in pain and can hardly speak. He answers me it hurts really bad and thinks something is wrong. I ask him, "Let me help you get on your back and let's see if we can get this to feel better." He is clenching his teeth growling at me under his breath. I roll him on his back and he takes a sigh of relief. He grasps me and tells me it is much better and the pain is gone. I tell him, "Sweetheart, let me go up to the house and get some pain meds for you. You have not had any today and with the exercising, I think you may have irritated it." I run up to the house calling Jill on my way and tell her what happened. She informs me, "He probably over extended it and that is why he had the sharp pain. Everything should be OK, just don't let him over extend it. Have him stay flat, elevate his leg for about an hour before he tries to walk on it and put some ice on it. Call me if you need anything." I told her that he has not had any pain meds all day and I was getting him some. She informed me that most likely was part of the problem and asked what I had relaying to her what the dosage was on the bottle. He can take one or two as needed for pain. She told me to give him two and that he should be good to go in an hour. Jill said, "He needs to take his pain meds before exercise and to read the sheet I left." She also told me he needed a constant dose the first couple weeks so he heals quicker and she would be over the same time tomorrow. I thanked her for her help, snatched the pain meds, ice packs and hustled back down to him. I get back to him grabbing a water out of the cooler and slide into bed with him. He tells me it is all good now and he's OK. I told him I called Jill and she said for him to 'stay there for about an hour before you to try to walk'. She said you probably over extended it and could have some swelling from the exercise. He looked at me explaining, "Yes, I did. I was trying a stupid move and that's what happened." I asked him, "Do you feel alright now?" He told he did. I hand him two pills and give him a bottle of water. He looks at pills and questions me, "Two?" I respond, "Yes, you need two this time. Jill told me to give you two of these Tylenol 3. This is not much compared to the Vicodin, so yes, 2 is OK." I instruct him to make sure he does not turn that leg inward as I get that leg propped up with pillows, and put an ice pack on his hip. He pulls me down to him and tells me how much he loves me. I get with him and express to him to try to relax to let the pain meds work. He takes my hand kissed it telling me he'll be okay and thanking me for helping him. Stroking his face with one hand and him clenching the other, I try to get him to relax for awhile. He drifts off to sleep and I just hold him to reassure him all will be just fine. I softly kiss him on his forehead from time to time and every time I do, his hand flexes that is holding my hand. It's pretty cool him doing that in his sleep. I know he feels me when he does that. God love him. The next time I kiss him he holds my hand tight and says, "Baby, I'll give you forever to stop doing that." I inquire, "How do you feel now?" He wants to get up and go to the house. Sleeping for almost two hours, he should be good to go. He called the staff to get our dinner ready but he wanted to eat upstairs on the balcony of the master suite. I helped him up and he said all was good. I suggest to him, "Sweetheart, take your time, there is no rush to get to the house." We take it slow, stopping every now and then mostly to kiss and touch rather than rest. We reach the house and up to the master suite, dinner is waiting on us. We have a seafood paella with a fruit salad and chocolate cream pie for dessert. He asks me if dinner meets with my approval and I told him 'Yes it does. Plenty of protein and that is what you need right now'. I inform him I had the staff make some protein smoothies and they should be in the fridge. He expressed that was an excellent idea and was glad I thought of that. I ask him,"How's the pain level?" He replied, "Nothing, all is good now." We move from the table to the chairs to have the pie with coffee for desert. It has whipped cream on top of it and he looks at me, "Baby, don't start the whipped cream thing, please." I advise him [chuckling under my breath], "I won't start the whipped cream thing if you promise you won't give me a reason to." He shakes his head [smiling] and reveals to me, "Baby if I had any idea this surgery was going to be this easy, I would have done it sooner. It is amazing, I don't have the least bit of that nagging, aching pain or grinding that has been plaguing me for years. I just feel wonderful. Seriously, I feel like I could pick you up and carry you over to the bed to have my way with you right now. But...... I'm not going to." My eyes widen and I just sit there looking at him wondering what he IS going to do or try to do. We finish the pie and I take our plates over to the table. I go back over to him as he is sitting on the chaise lounge and sit on the edge with him. I tell him, "Sweetheart, I love you so much. Do you think you can do just a couple of those exercises now?" He responds, "Yes, I can do a couple. Are you going to help me?" I reply, "As long as you behave, I will help you." He wants to do them up here so I help him over to a chair and we do them. We take a break and he pulls me down on his lap wrapping his arms around me saying, "Baby, thanks for helping me and doing all you are doing to help me recover." I counter, "I love you and want you to get better quickly. I think we should go downstairs and take a walk. The sheet says walking is the best exercise. Do you feel up to it?" He says, "Yes, let's go and walk around awhile. I feel really good right now and that is a great idea." I have him walk down the steps instead of the elevator. He navigated the stairs really well and told me he was good. We start the walk and he has his arm around me so we just go at a slow pace, stopping a few times. I mention I was reading Jill's sheet and it said to take pain meds about an hour before she gets here. You are going to have to take them so we don't have problems. I further discussed with him that he needs to take his pain meds on a regular basis for the first 10-14 days so he will heal quickly. He shook his head no, and I remark, "Sweetheart, it is just 10 days. This will keep any swelling down from irritation of the soft tissue. That is only through this Saturday. It says on the Rx bottle one or two so we can do just one but you have to take them on a regular schedule until Saturday. After that, we can see how the pain is, and address it then. OK?" He responds to me, "I don't want to take them unless I need them. I want to get off these drugs." I explain, "If the Tylenol 3 is handling the pain, that is a good thing. That is a really low dose pain drug and not anything strong like the Vicodin or Percocet you were taking. It will help too because the Tylenol will keep any swelling down. If you have any discomfort we need to put ice on it. That will help too. Please do this." He is getting really agitated with me [clenching his teeth, huffing]. I stop him by getting directly in front of him making him look directly at me. I tilt my head to the side, in my softest, sultry, southern voice I just say, "Sweetheart." Looking at him in the eye putting my hand, cupping his jawline. He just stares back into my eyes with a dark scowl on his face. This is a man that never takes orders instead gives them, always gets or does it his way by possessing the powers to do so, and can explode in a rage when anything diverse happens. He knows I care about him and his well being, I am not going to do anything to harm him and that my powers of persuasion are just as strong as his. Also, he knows, I won't back down and he is deciding to either fight me or give in. Both of which is a terribly hard decision for him to come to. I just maintain eye contact and I see some of the ice melting off. I see his anger is subsiding and he is coming back to me. Easing up, he calmed down and says, "OK, I'll do it. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it." I wrap my arm around him and whisper in his ear, "Sweetheart, I'm only wanting you to do this because I love you and I want you to get better quickly. You don't need to push through any pain or discomfort." He tells me, "Baby, I'm not going to fight with you on this. I don't ever want to fight with you. If this is what you think I need to do, I'll do it and I'll do it for you because I love you." I suggest to him we can talk to Jill about some of this tomorrow if you think we need to, he agreed to that. We make it to the beach where the cabana bed is and he asks me if we can to take a break here. I said, "That sounds wonderful. Let's pile up on the bed and rest for awhile." I ask him if he can get in the bed by himself and he said he could. I go to the other side, light a couple candles, get some drinks from the cooler and slide in. He says to me, "Baby, I love you. I'm sorry I got angry with you for trying to look out for me and my best interests." I express to him, "It's OK Sweetheart. I know what you are going through and everything will be alright. We just need to get through these next couple weeks." He pulls me in close and holds me. Looking out to sea, the moon over the ocean is just glistening on the water. It is a beautiful night. We fall fast asleep and take in a restful nap. 

A/N-Please vote and leave me a comment. I'd love to hear how you think I'm doing and how you might thing this story should go. Thanks for reading and enjoying my story. I'm writing for you readers. 

Slow LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora