Settling In-Prince POV

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Settling In-Prince POV

The next few days, I spent trying to show her how much I love her and make up to her for causing her pain from the accident. Yeah, she forgave me, but I will never forgive myself for my childish actions which resulted in her leaving me to begin with. She did give me some time to go to the studio and play with my new system. I love putting down the music and hearing it just like it is in my head. She worked a little in her office on the Paisley heating/ac system to figure out what happened. I know her, she will get to the bottom of it and have a plan of action. I discover every day she is such a gift to me in more ways than I can count.

I called Dr. Jones about her accident and he discussed with me in great detail what happened and what she will need to recover. He told me that sometimes it takes months to fully recover from a head injury and to not push her. Rest and sleep are the best medicine. Thankfully, her recent surgery is still intact- she won't have to face having further surgery. I am so relieved she won't have to go through that again. I could not live with myself if she had to. While we are in London, I will have to tame down how much I normally run around. She needs to rest and recover, so that should provide us a great deal of time for that. I know from the past the paparazzi will be on high alert; that will be a good excuse to stay in. The first week with Bonnie and Steve will give us plenty of time to see things and explore some of my old haunts. After they return home, we can enjoy our time together and she can rest to fully recoverer from her injuries. It is going to take awhile for her to get her stamina back.

She informed me she needs to get a dress for the BRIT Awards when we arrive there. I hope she finds something that covers all those bruises but still looks sexy. It will be great for her and Bonnie to go shopping right away. While they are at the dress designers, I can take Steve along to arrange for the press conference. I want to play more intimate gigs in London and I hope she enjoys them as well.

I have a great plan for dinner tonight. I hope she will want to go out, taking her back to where it all began last year, the Dakota Jazz Club. I had planned it last week but we had to do the surgeries to be ready to travel to London. She is so regimented about food and times to eat, I expect her about anytime now to inquire about dinner. I know she is getting tired of the food Ray sent over. Yep, there she is watching me tinker with this song. When I see her I just can't help but smile from ear to ear. She makes me so happy just to be with her. I tell her of my plans for tonight and she agrees. As she always looks nice, I told her to go as she is, but she insisted on changing into a prettier outfit. 

I couldn't help myself, wanting her to match me I picked out a dress for her. I would have really loved for her to wear the dress I designed for her last year, but it is still over at Paisley. That's OK, she'd know something was up if I insisted on that dress. I spoke to the artist and she is going to allow me to sing a few songs before her performance. What a gracious lady to let me take over her stage. I hope Gigi doesn't suspect anything tonight, she is just expecting dinner and a show. 

We arrive as planned to get up to the VIP seating. Oh crap, she's crying. It just breaks me apart when she does that. Quickly, I apologize to her and pull her onto my lap to hold her until dinner arrives. She reassures me she is just happy and that bringing her back here was so emotional for her, falling in love and how much her life changed. We dined on Lobster. Knowing how much she loves it, I knew it would be the perfect dinner for our anniversary. After dinner I excuse myself as if I'm going to the restroom. Little does she know what I have in store for her. I walk out on stage with my finger over my mouth so the crowd stays quiet, she's not looking. Some idiot in the back screams and she looks up, I was at the mic, center stage. I think she was surprised as I can see 'that look' all the way down here. I love seeing 'that look' on her face when I surprise or impress her. 

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