Returning Home

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The rest of the cruise, on the beautiful, Diamonds Are Forever, yacht was spent enjoying each other immensely. The alone time provided us plenty of time to expand on subjects we talked about and going more in depth with them. We learned a lot more about each other growing as a couple and our bond grew stronger. Of course there was plenty of mind-blowing sex and love, along with rest and relaxation from exhaustion of all the activities. One day the ship dropped anchor for us to play with water toys, carried on board and he beat me racing the jet skis. I beat him at kayaking but he accused me of cheating. Every day he sang to me either on the piano or guitar, or both. One night on deck when he was playing his guitar for me, he noticed I was concentrating on his fingers playing the strings and frets. "Baby, do want to learn how to play?" I was hesitant, "I know a little but nothing like your virtuoso could I ever compare to." He quickly strapped the acoustic guitar on me and I strummed the strings with my finger nails. I had not played a guitar in years and years. He handed me the pick which I declined. I always used my nails to play. He smirked, "Play something for me." as he leaned back into a man spread to watch me. I played a couple cords to get familiar again with the guitar. I only know a few songs so I picked one that I remembered the best, 'Proud Mary'. I let it rip and he was singing and clapping to it. Afterwards, he was so thrilled I could play that song. "FANTASTIC! Baby, that was the first guitar song I learned, was it your first song?" "No Sweetheart, it was the 2nd." What was the first one?" "Rawhide." We both busted out laughing. "Sweetheart, you might be more interested in the 3rd song I learned." "Baby, which one was that?" "Little Red Corvette." "Really! You learned that song? Play it for me." "I don't know if I remember it all, but I'll try." I played about all of it but the intricate guitar solo. He sang as I played and was so happy I learned to play one of his songs. That was before I met him. I never mastered it because of that difficult solo, but I had it down other than that. "Sweetheart, here's another one of my favs. See if you recognize it." I played a few bars, he shook his head, puzzled so I kept playing and then I circled back, this time I sang it, 'Cracklin Rosie get on board'. When I finished, he hugged and kissed me telling me he never knew I could play like that. He wanted to teach me more. I told him I'd leave the guitar playin' to him but maybe once in awhile he could show me an easy tune. Before I gave him the guitar back, I plucked off the theme song to 'Deliverance' and he just roared with laughter and so did I. "Baby, I have to say, you're not bad. That all was really good. Are you sure you don't want to learn more?" "No Sweetheart, I just know a few really well because they were ones I really loved. I'll leave the guitar playing to you, you play it so much better than I ever could." "Aw Baby, you loved Little Red Corvette?" "Yes, I did. I watched on MTV and followed along. That's how I learned to play songs I really loved and buy the sheet music." He smothered me in kisses. "Baby, I might need you to be my rhythm guitarist. I'll teach you." Whatever!

The last night onboard, we had a little party for the crew in the salon. He wanted to play piano and fun was had by all. The time spent on the yacht was the best quality time we've had since the first week we spent down here last year. Our love and bond continues to grow as a couple building a stronger joining with each other to be as one. We understand other's strengths and weakness more clearly through our love and commitment for one another. This is going to be a busy year, so it was good to have this time together without interruptions or diversions. After the cruise and returning to our home down here, we talked more and enjoyed each other thoroughly before we had to make the trip back north to MPLS. We are scheduled to head back up north on the 14th and three weeks later we will be in London. He has a Dr appointment for his hip on the 15th and so do I for my knee. We will see what lays in store with that trip to the Doctor.


January 14, 2014

We arrive back home in MPLS late Tuesday night. Tomorrow we have our Dr appointment at 1:00pm so we have no time to get back into the swing of things. The staff was happy to see us back and most of the morning we caught up with all the happenings. He did a little work before we left to go to the Doctor appointments. We drove down to the Mayo Clinic in the black Bentley to the appointment so we could stop and have dinner on the way home at a favorite restaurant. Prior to getting in the exam room, we both had CT scans, so we were waiting to see Dr.Avery and find out what he proposes to do about my knee while he is hoping to be released from the hip surgery. We were a sight to see, both of us in the same exam room waiting to see the same Doctor. Sitting in a chair next to him, I took a deep breath and sighed. "Baby, what's wrong?" "Nothing Sweetheart. I just dread what's coming. I was hoping for a year without any surgery." "Baby, it will be fine. I'll take care of you, don't worry." "Yeah, I know. I just hope it will be better by the time we go to London. I really wanted to sightsee and go places while we are there. Steve and Bonnie are going to be there with us and I want to enjoy that time." "Don't worry Baby, it will be all good." 

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