Chapter 19-Monday

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I wake up this morning and look over and I'm alone. I do see a note on the pillow. It simply says: Amazing Day, Come to my office. Love, P

OK, sounds fairly innocent but I know this man, and he is up to something. So I get showered and dressed. I grab a cup of coffee and head down. He is sitting there looking at his laptop. I think, OK here we go again. The is not good. I clear my throat. He looks up and is smiling. I said, "Good Morning Sweetheart." He returns the salutations, gets up and kisses me. I ask, "What's up?" He calmly says, "Well, you were right,we are in the paper again." I asked, "How do you feel about that?! He said, "Come over here and look" as he turned the laptop around for me to see. There it is, the big smooch in the park, us standing/sitting in the park, walking close down the path, walking to Chanhassen and back, snowball fight. I said, "So, you are OK with this?" He gleefully said, "I love it! Most of the pictures were fuzzy and not that good resolution, but there was no mistaken who it is. I said, "OK, good. You don't need me to do anything do you?"He said, "Naw, this is fine. They still do not know who you are and that is my main concern, to protect you. I told you, I do not care anymore." I said, "OK, we are good to go. What else do you have for me." He was so excited and proceeded to tell me he talked to the surgeon. He said, "The surgeon said we could start anytime. Just let him know when we are ready. And, we can travel after 48hours. He will give me Doctors where ever we are in case of an emergency. I checked my schedule and this week is open and he was too. Can we start now?" WOW! That hit me like a bus. I just pondered a moment. I said, "Like this week?" He was smiling ear to ear and said, "Yes, Baby, this week!" I start to shake and feel the blood rush out of my face and feel weak like I'm going to faint. He rushes over to me and says, "Baby, are you OK?" Having him take me in his arms, and his warmth and love envelope me, I quickly came back to reality. I gathered my thoughts and said, "Do you realize what this is going to do to me? Do you?" He said, "Itis going to make you whole again." I said, "No, this is a long road to go down and I am not going to be able to do anything for awhile. I am going to be in bed for like two weeks to recover this. I will barely be able to function, barely able to take care of my needs, let alone yours. Do you understand?" He said, "Yes, I know. The surgeon went over all that with me. I am fully aware how hard this is going to be. I want to take care of you, Baby. I won't leave your side. I want to take you somewhere warm right after the surgery this week. That way I can take care of you and the warm weather will make you feel better sooner. My schedule is clear for two weeks and I just have a little deal here at Paisley to come back for and I'm good for another month. Please say yes." I said, OK, what day this week?" He said, "Wednesday?" OK this will give me a couple days to prepare for it. I said, "Yes, I'll let you take care of it.  Wednesday is fine." He was so happy and hugged me and said, "This is going to be fine, Love. You do not have to go to the hospital, he can do it in his private surgical hospital. I'll call now and get it scheduled." I sighed and shook my head. Everything with this man moves at warp speed. I love him, but this is a big adjustment for me as his world just goes at that pace. I get up and kiss him softly and say, "Take care of it. I'm going to see Cathy.  Let me know what the details are." He was already dialing the phone. I walk out and head up to wardrobe. I just keep shaking my head. I arrive and Cathy was so excited to see me. She said, "What's wrong dear?" I said, "Come let's sit and talk." She said, "Are you having doubts about all this?" I said, "Oh no. I just wish that man could slow down." She smiled and said, "Moving too fast for you?" I said, "No that part is fine.  We are doing just fine.  After that big deal Saturday, all is well.  I'm glad he told everyone what was happening. It was really a relief to me so we don't have to be as guarded anymore. It is something else. Did he tell the staff this morning?" She said, "Yes he did. It was just beautiful what he said G. Everyone was so happy and congratulated him. So why the long face?" I said to her, "He wants me to start the surgeries this week." She said, "You know how he is dear. When he gets something stuck in his head, he has to act on it." I said, "Yeah,  I know. I was just not expecting it this quick." Cathy said,"When?" I said, "Wednesday/Thursday. And he wants to whisk me off for a tropical vacation afterwards." She smiled and said, "Let him do this G.  He is going to be fine. It will bond you two even more." I relented and agreed. She was so excited and asked, "So how did the weekend go?" I smirked and said, "It was wonderful but that man is going to be the death of me. He just lost his mind Friday nite. You heard about his stunt on stage at the Dakota,right?" She said, "Uh, huh. I heard about it before it hit the paper." So, I told her the whole deal with my spa day and meeting with Jon Bream. Then I told her more about the party and she just laughed and laughed. She said, "He loves you and he is so happy he wants everyone to know it." I said, "Yes, I know. Yesterday was wonderful. We rested, we relaxed and we played. I don't think I will ever tire of this." She said, "That is great to hear. It will take some time to get used to this, but I think you will be just fine Gigi." Just about then, he comes in and says, "It's done! I need to talk to you." I got up and followed him. He took my hand and we walked towards the apartment. We go to the living room and we sit down. He proceeded to tell me the schedule of the week. I need to get some per-operative testing done and the surgery is scheduled for Wednesday morning 7:00am. I said, "You need to get as much nookie as you can now because after Wed it is going to be a very long dry spell, LOL!." He just laughed and laughed. He took me into his arms and said, "Baby, I understand that perfectly well. The surgeon went over ALL the details with me and I know there will be no sex for 4-6 weeks. It will be hard for me but I promise to be good. I am ready and excited for you to do this. I love you and we will make it just fine. Don't you worry." I said, Sweetheart, I have been thru these surgeries before. I know how this well be. I won't be a very nice person to be around. I turn into "Evilina" and it is not really me, it is the pain and healing process talking. Darling, I was hoping to have some more time with you alone and enjoy you like yesterday before we get into something this drastic. Can we please postpone this a week or so? I know your mind moves at warp speed and I just want to slow this down a bit and prepare for it. I would love to go away with you, before this. I haven't even had you for a whole week yet. Please indulge me?  How about we leave to where ever you are going to take me and stay a week. Then come home the day before surgery?  I'm just asking for a week alone with you. After thinking about it, he agrees and leaves to call the surgeon. Gigi,waits anxiously to hear what he has to say. He comes back and took her into his arms and says, "Done!" I am so excited Baby, I think this is a fabulous idea. I will get you all to myself for a week. That should tie me over for my impending celibacy perfectly. Baby, I want this for you so much. I hope all goes well. The surgeon said to come in tomorrow at 1:00 for all the per-oprative testing as planned.T hen on Wednesday I will schedule our flight to paradise where it is warm and we can have some quality one on one time.  Does that sound good to you Baby?" Gigi says, "OK, I need to go shopping and get some clothes and things I'm going to need for the trip." He said,"Done. Do you want Cathy to go with you?" I said, "That would be wonderful. He said, "Let's get something to eat and then you two can head out." I said, "Good." We had breakfast and I got with Cathy and off we went shopping. It was a whirlwind. We were gone most of the day and I had everything I needed for the trip. Then it dawned on me. Kirk will probably have to know what is going on. Oh, gee, I really do not think I can tell him this. He is a good guy, I'll let P tell him. That should take care of it. I took all my purchases to my walk-in closet to arrange them for travel. I heard him come into the apartment and just knew he'd want to see them all. So, I called him in. He is such a Girlfriend and so excited to see my new outfits and kept saying, that won't stay on long. Most will work well for post-surgery plans to go back to warm climate. He then says, pack one extra nice dress in case I decide to take you out and show you off. I gave him my side eye, and he said, "I promise to keep it on the down low, Baby. I don't want any publicity right now. All I want is you. Be sure to pack lots of pretty lingerie as I plan to keep you this week as close to naked as possible. You know how much I like taking it off of you, he grins. On my shopping trip, I picked up some really nice lingerie sets so he should like what I have planned for him. I did not show him that. Keeping those as a surprise. I asked where we were going and all he said was, it's a surprise for you. You have your passport right?" I said, never travel without it. He said he called ahead and ordered food so we don't have to go out or we can order prepared food for delivery. He said he was having Ray prepare some dishes for us to take along in a cooler so all we have to do is warm them up as well. Gosh, he has it all planned & covered in warp speed. I think he's done this before. This diversion will help me settle in my mind the upcoming surgery. We will have plenty of time to discuss the details and the next step, surgery and recovery.We embrace and I whisper in his ear, Thank you for all this. It makes me very happy and I'm excited about spending time with you on the trip." He says, "I will do anything for you my Love. It is my pleasure to see you happy." I ask about dinner. He said, how about a light dinner. I said, sounds good. So he gets two spinach shrimp salads out of the refrigerator along with a fresh fruit compote with whipped cream on it. I'm getting a little craving for meat. I know he is vegetarian and I would love a good old hamburger but I know that is a no,no. I have an idea. I ask him, can Ray make me a special request. He said, "what do you want my darling?" I said I want him to make me a portabella mushroom burger. He winces, and I quickly say, no meat, use the mushroom instead of the meat. He likes that idea. I told him I want swiss cheese on it, lettuce, tomato and onion on a grilled bun with french fries. He said, "I'll order that for tomorrow." I saved the fresh fruit compote for dessert and I take one look at the whipped cream which was piled sky high and I dip my finger in it. I lift it to my mouth and very sensually lick it off all the while looking back at him eating since he never takes his eyes off of me. He softly says, "Baby?" I go, "Humm?" while I am dipping my finger again, this time offering it to him. So he takes my hand, and just like in the "Cream" video, he licks it off my finger just like that. And then it just so happens that"Cream" comes on the house music system loop so he sings it to me and oh yes, I took the horn and blew it. Told you it was not about him looking in the mirror. After he landed back on planet earth, he grabbed me and we rolled on the floor laughing and laughing. He said, "Baby, you just amaze me and I'm in awe." I said, "well, what else was I supposed to do?" He just hugged and kissed me all over saying, " I can never get enough of you, I love you so much. You are always full of surprises." We proceeded to finish this in the bedroom. We still needed to touch and fully experience what God has given us. This love is a strong love and needs nourished.

Prince POV

Dear God, I've listen to you and WOW! What a reward for doing so. I am more at peace with my life, my heart, my soul with my love, GiGi. She is all I could have ever imagined and then some. I can't wait for this chapter of my life to unfold. I really hope we can have 20,30 or more years together. She had to remind me to slow down and she was right, again. We really do need some time alone with each other to grow and enjoy the journey. I have wasted 2/3 of my life expectancy on empty women and those only wanting to be my girlfriend or things I can give them. They were not capable of giving back to me what I really needed from them. I finally have one that truly knows how to be a wife. Help me be the man she desires and needs. Please God, don't let me screw it up this time. I want her to say yes. I have changed thanks to your help and guiding hand. She knows how to be married and also knows howto genuinely love a man. Not only is she that but she is also a fierce protector. She loves me for me. She is all I could have wanted, she is my everything. I can hardly wait to take her away day after tomorrow. I know she will just love the house in Turks. For some reason, the music is still running through me but differently. I can block it if I need to and turn it back on, unlike before. I love to create music but there is a peace I have never had all my life that I do now. Before there was an urgency to get it out, now that flow is different. I think having Gigi in my life has caused it resulting in a new me. A better me. I am getting used to it and I love the new me. And best of all, she loves me either way.  

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