Feel Good

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I wake up a few hours later. He is holding me snugly so I know he is awake. Not to mention, he is messing with the girls again and that is what more than likely woke me up in the first place. It is in the middle of the night when he is at his highest energy level. He is just has an insatiable appetite. My hand is resting on his thigh really close so if he does anything more, I'm going to just grab him. I am not going to say anything and just let him do whatever he needs to do. It is just not worth fussing with him over this. God love him. If he keeps doing what he is doing, he is going to feel my heat on his thigh and lord only knows what that will lead to. I kiss him softly on his neck to let him know I am awake. I whisper in his ear, "Sweetheart, what do you want me to do? I love you." He tells me, "Baby just hold me, I mean really hold me." He takes my hand and moves it down to his manhood. I take control of this, if this is what he wants, he is going to get it. I get him good and ready, I sink down under the sheets to give him one amazing trip out this world. When he comes back from the outer stratosphere I sent him to, he pulls me up to him and kisses me over and over. "Baby, that was out of this world. I love you so much. Thank you." I peel myself away to get out of bed. He says, "Baby, what are you doing?" Answering him short and to the point, "I need a shower to calm down. I'll be back in a few." I race to my bathroom, trying to hold back the river of tears and when I get there, I lost it and broke down sobbing. This is going to be harder on me than I thought. Just doing what I did, got me so worked up I almost lost all control and that could have been disastrous. I try to pull myself back together and get into the shower letting it pour over me as I try to get collect myself. I hope the lavender body soap helps calm me down further. I take my time and try to get relaxed as much as I can. When I go to get out of the shower and turn around, he's standing there watching me. I was shocked to see him there. "Sweetheart, how did you get all the way over here?" Softly with concern in his voice, "I called the nurse to help me get out of bed to come over here to check on you. Baby, Are you alright?" I shake my head yes and say, "Is she out there waiting on you?" He said, "No, I told her you would help me get back to bed." I dry off quickly and throw my robe on to get him back in bed. He is walking really well with the walker and we get back over to the bed. I help him back in bed and all fixed up. I tell him I'm going to go dry my hair and I'll be back shortly. He is pulling my hand to get in bed with him right now. I said, "Sweetheart, let me go. I won't be long, I'll be right back, please?" He lets me go and I speed back to my bathroom. Damn, I am shaking and quivering trying to not lose it again. I feel like I need to take another shower to prepare for what awaits me when I get back to him. I dry my hair and slap on some perfume after putting on a little makeup. Okay, here I go, ready or not, I put a smile on my face and head back to him. He pulls me over to him and says, "Baby, I have a surprise for you. This afternoon the nurse told me they are going to get me on my side so I can hold you better." He is smiling ear to ear and I know there is more to this than meets the eye. I say, "And?" He snuggles up to my ear and says, "Baby, I'm going to make love to you tonight." I said, "How are you going to manage that?" He tells me that he's been through this before and knows exactly what to do. He pulls me close and adds that he told the nurse to not bother us till at least noon. He says to me, "Baby, I love you. It's my turn to pleasure my wife to show you how much I love you." He knows how to get the maximum response from carefully playing me like one of his instruments. I get pleasured several times before I lapse into a purple hazed nap. He wraps his arms around me and I feel the warmth of his love coursing through me as always.

We sleep until we are awakened for lunch. We enjoy a really good lunch today. After lunch the nurse informs him, he's going to get a shower. He quickly responds, "Can my wife do that? She knows what to do." The nurse tells him OK, but she will show me how to get you ready. I said, "I know how to use the wound wrap to keep the incision dry." She nodded and said, "You should be good to go then." This is funny, in all the years I've known him, he has never been shy or modest about anything. Remember he is 'Mr. Sexuality'. For some reason, all of a sudden, he did not want her to see his junk. I had to snicker. She took the bandage off and left me a new one to put on after the shower. [Housekeeping was in to change the bed while we were out getting him a shower] We got him in the bathroom and she told me if I needed any help, just hit the call button. He said to her, "We'll be OK. Thanks anyway." As soon as she clears out I say to him, "What has gotten into to you? What about all those people yesterday that got to see your junk?" He says, "Baby, that was different. I was out of it. I only want you to see it now." Aww, that was really sweet of him.  I proceeded to get him showered, shaved and he was good to go. I put a really cool looking silk night shirt on him with a matching robe. Always in style, even in bed. Cathy made it because it matches the lavender paisley set I have on. I got the new wound dressing back on and put him to bed. That incision is much smaller than the other one, 3 inches long, if that. I guess this new less invasive surgery is much better and the proof is he is walking really well. Not to mention, horny as a toad. He tells me to call the nurse and I ask him what for? He said, "She told me that they would put me on my side so I can get with you better." OK, I call the nurse. She comes in and he tells her to put him on his side. She gets the another nurse and they get him over on his side. She tells him that they will put him on his back in a few hours and they will have to alternate the different positions. Reminding him to keep the surgery leg straight and to keep the pillows between his knees. Stay at below a 90 degree angle and don't turn his foot or leg inward. He agreed to all that. He is laying on the hip that had surgery and I say, "Does that hurt?" He said, "Nope, I'm good to go." I get over to him and he puts his arms around me. He is much happier with this. Kissing me and looking at me with those come hither eyes. I said, "Sweetheart, slow this down, please. I don't want you to get hurt." He said, "Baby, I've got this. I know exactly what to do and not do. Remember, I've done this before." He tells me what to do and then proceeds to take me on a trip out of this world. Oh, I have missed that connection of sharing our love and joy with each other. I feel him really strong now holding me and I'm sure he feels me too. We take a nap until dinner arrives. The nurses comes in to move him to his back and he asks if we can eat dinner at the table. They were surprised he was ready to do that so they helped him up and over to the dining room table. We enjoyed our dinner there and he assure me he was doing good, no pain. When we finished,  I helped him back to bed. As soon as he gets settled back into bed the Dr comes in to check on him and tells him how the surgery went. All was good and the surgery went extremely well with no nerve damage. He went over some do's and don't's and told him if he keeps progressing as well as he is, he should be out of here on Saturday morning. The stitches will dissolve so none need to be removed. We have the pain medication dialed down really low so it looks like you are tolerating that good and not craving more. He asked when he could travel to go to the Caribbean and the Dr said as soon as he felt like it after he was released. He told the Dr that he was pain free and did not have the irritating, grinding or aching pain that was always there. The Dr said that was a good sign and he was happy to hear he felt this good after surgery. The Dr also told him to walk around as much as he felt comfortable doing to get his mobility restored. He left some paperwork instructing us to read it and said he'd be in tomorrow to see him again. 'Keep up the good work. Everything is looking really good for you and you are on the fast track to recovery with all this'. After he leaves I get in bed with him and he checks out to sleep which is good thing. He needs to rest and sleep this surgery off to recuperate properly.  

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