Happy Wife, Happy Life

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Black Friday

Today his memoirs are released. Since he doesn't do autographs, book signings are not an option. With my expertise, I did a press release and the publishers did one as well. He did agree to a couple of interviews, and they came up to Paisley for to do them. We traveled to do Tavis Smiley's show in his studio and that interview took up two segments, 2 shows. The day of release, the book shot right to the top of the Best Seller's list. The reviews were excellent and he was critically happy with them. The book stopped chronologically at 2007 with his Super Bowl performance, so if he decides later to do another edition, there will be plenty to add. I received a call from our Paisley Park online store and the book sold out in less than an hour. There was a tremendous amount of back orders to fill when the next shipment arrives.   All is well and the memoirs should continue to sell out at stores as fast as reorder shipments are received during the holiday season.

I don't cook very often but I wanted a quiche. Checking that we had all the ingredients, I made a broccoli and cheese quiche. He is recording in the studio and as soon as I took it out of the oven he materializes. "Baby, whatcha fixin'?" I tell him a broccoli and cheese quiche which is one of his favorites as well as mine. He is licking his lips and I am not sure if it was for the food or me. I turned to look at him and said, "What is that for?" He laughed and said, "Both." I'm like here we go. I really hate it on the counter because the marble freezes my butt and then every time I fix food, I remember what else happened there no matter how much bleach is used. I ask him if he is ready to eat and he replies, "Yes, you." I am trying to plate up the food and he is wrapped around me like a snake. "Baby, I need my dessert now." Kissing me on the back of the neck and his hands are everywhere. Running his hand up my inner thigh caressing me until moans escape my lips. I put some fresh fruit in a bowl next to the quiche on the plate and he says, "Whipped cream please." I'm thinking, OH!~~~ that can of Redi-whip is not going to fare well. He grabs that can of Redi-whip out of the fridge and here we go. He puts the whipped cream on the fruit and then takes my hand and sprays some on the back of it then licking it off. I am so hot right now as I scooched my butt against him in an attempt to get away and keep my butt off that marble countertop, only making his response even more intense. I tried to get that can away from him but he was playing keep-away and needless to say, the can got emptied very quickly. He got his dessert first, complete with a copious amount of whipped cream. Good thing the fruit got some before he lost control of it or the fruit would have not had any. Finally, when we got around to eating, the quiche was almost cold, so I had to reheat it. Always complimenting my cooking,[in a french accent] "Ba-bay, your quiche is like taking a trip to Paris. It is like you, magnifique!" He is such a hopeless romantic. We are sitting at the bar, I get to the whipped cream on the fruit and dip my finger in it. I put it in my mouth very seductively and he is watching me intently, not taking his eyes off of me. I dip my finger again and lean over to give it to him. He grabs my hand, licks it off just as seductively and then says, "Baby, we don't have any whipped cream left." I said, "Yeah, I know. This is just enough." I dip my finger again, and that was all she wrote. He jumped off that bar stool and flipped me around facing him. His lips come crashing into mine, whipped cream still on my finger, I dab it on his nose as he takes his finger and licks it off. I get grabbed off that bar stool and carried to the sofa where he devoured me for the after dinner dessert. He is holding me and says, "Baby, that was too much for me to handle. You take whipped cream to a whole 'nother level." I said, "We could have had more fun if you had not got carried away with that can before dinner." Laughing hysterically, he says, "Baby, we need to make a whipped cream run." I said, "I've had enough whipped cream for one day. We'll get some more tomorrow." I ask him if he is done recording for the evening and he replies he needs to turn off the equipment. I tell him I'll clean up the kitchen and meet him in the theater to watch a movie. The evening was spent cuddling, talking and yes, and a lot of mind blowing sex continuing to break in the new bed.

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