Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five – Zayn

Zayn's sat in his classroom marking a few papers as he eats his lunch when a slight knock on the door makes him look up. "Hey" Jessie grins as she steps into the room, "hey" Zayn echos, gesturing for her to take a seat. "So you've been back for three months and you still haven't eaten your lunch in the staff room, what is up with that?" Jessie asks arching an eyebrow at the younger man. Zayn shrugs taking a bite of his sandwich, "I like to be available to my students, and to be honest I just don't like it in there" he explains. Jessie furrows her eyebrows at him, "you know everyone here thinks you're great right? Like what was happening before isn't going to happen again" she explains. Zayn chuckles nodding his head "I know, but I also know that you and me are the youngest two on staff and you're even five years older than me" he teases. Jessie narrows her eyes "watch it young one" she growls playfully, and Zayn chuckles. "I just don't really like spaces like that, I never have" he explains.

"I get it Zayn, just don't feel like you have to hide in here okay? If you ever want to come into the staff room, you're more than welcome. We even have free snacks in there" Jessie grins. Zayn shakes his head rolling his eyes "well, free snacks, that changes everything" he laughs, just as his phone starts ringing. Zayn reaches for it as Jessie hops off the desk she was sitting on to look at the pictures he keeps on his desk. Zayn furrows his eyebrows as he sees its the daycare calling, "I've gotta take this" he mumbles and Jessie waves him away as she smiles at one of Zayn's favourite pictures of all three of his kids.

"Hello?" Zayn asks answering his phone quickly, "Hi, Zayn? This is Trina calling from the daycare" a happy sounding voice answers him. Zayn frowns, "hi Trina, is there a problem?" he asks and Jessie turns to arch an eyebrow at him, but Zayn waves her away, holding up one finger. "Actually yes. I'm sorry Zayn but it seems that Chloe isn't feeling well and we need someone to come and pick her up. We called you first because we know you work just on the other side of the building" Trina explains. Zayn pouts and rubs a hand over his face "yeah, no thank you. I'll be there in a few minutes" he hums. "Thank you, we'll see you soon. Sorry to bother you" Trina answers but Zayn shakes his head even though she can't see him "no need to be sorry" he hums before they both hang up.

"Something wrong?" Jessie asks concerned, and Zayn nods "yeah um Chloe's sick, I need to go pick her up" he mumbles. "Poor thing" Jessie pouts "boss is in his office" she adds and Zayn smiles gratefully as he grabs his bag and stuffs a few things into it, running from the room towards the principal's office, rapidly explaining the situation once he's there, before jogging down the hallway towards the daycare, worried about what's wrong with his baby.

Zayn stops to compose himself before he slowly opens the daycare's door knowing that it's naptime and not wanting to wake any sleeping toddlers. "Ah Zayn, thank you for coming" Trina hums and looking around she seems to be alone in the room for the moment, no sign of Heather anywhere and Zayn assumes she's on her lunch break. "We noticed during lunch that Chloe wasn't really eating and when we checked on her she was very warm, and appears to be running a fever and is just not herself" Trina explains quietly as she leads Zayn towards the small cot where Chloe is lying asleep, Zack on the one right beside her his small hand reaching towards his sister as they sleep. Zayn coos slightly, "thank you, I'll take them both home and we'll let you know how Chloe's feeling" Zayn murmurs crouching down to gently shake Zack to wake him up.

Zack pops up and looks around confused, unfocused eyes landing on Zayn "Baba no, s'eep" he mutters rubbing at his eyes "I know Bubba, you can go back to sleep, but Chloe's not feeling well so Baba's gonna take you home" Zayn hums. Zack nods slowly, stumbling to his feet, Zayn watches as the eighteen month old gets his feet under him, and stumbles towards his cubby to get his coat, Zayn's grateful for how independant Zack can be as he's going to have to help Chloe. Zayn then turns and decides to just scoop Chloe into his arms instead of waking her up. Zayn can feel the heat radiating off the toddler and pouts, as Chloe stirs in his arms, "Baba ick" she mumbles and Zayn grins. "I know Tiny Dancer we'll go home and get you feeling better" Zayn coos. Chloe just mumbles and snuggles into his chest, as Zayn approaches where Zack is waiting for them, "thanks for being patient Bubba" Zayn hums as he bends to grab Chloe's other shoes and scoops up their bag as well, offering his one hand down to Zack to hold, happy when his son doesn't argue just grabs ahold of his pinky finger as they head towards the door. "Feel better Chloe, and thanks for helping us take care of your sister Zack" Trina calls out quietly as Zayn reaches the door. "Thanks for calling" Zayn replies before he leaves the happily decorated room.

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