Chapter One Hundred Fifty

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Chapter One Hundred Fifty – Liam

Liam frowns as he makes his way through the office a couple weeks after the first day of school, everyone seems to have settled into the new routines of the school year and thankfully Bella has come to realize that maybe Mason wasn't telling the truth about grade one and maths and she's more than happy to go to school and see her friends everyday. Chloe and Zack have been their usual happy selves, ready to go and play at the daycare everyday, although Liam really wants to bring them into the office with him, (one at a time of course) like he used to do with Bella.

Liam snaps out of his thoughts when Elise calls his name, arching an eyebrow at him while she holds out a stack of papers, "sorry Liam. Here's your mail, and Niall's waiting for you in your office" she grins, before her phone starts ringing and she turns to answer it quickly.

"Thanks" Liam mumbles, taking the stack of papers as Elise nods while she discusses something about a deadline with whoever's on the phone and Liam is glad that he not only hired her in the first place but didn't get rid of her after the few initial hiccups with her as his assistant, she's definitely the best one he's ever had. "Morning Nikki" Liam calls, getting a wave in return before he steps into his office where Niall is sitting on the corner of his desk.

"About time you showed up" Niall teases, kicking his legs back and forth as he sits on the desk.

"Shut up" Liam huffs, swatting at his best friend with the mail in his hands, "and get off my desk, you know I hate that, you're worse than the kids" he adds, dodging the playful kick Niall aims at him in response, before the Irishman just hops off his desk falling into one of the chairs.

"What's up Niall?" Liam asks after the silence in the room starts to get to him, "I mean I'm happy to see you and you know you're always welcome to hang out in my office, but it seems like you've got something on your mind" he adds quickly.

Niall shrugs, taking a deep breath and kicking at the carpet with the toes of his dress shoes, he looks more like a toddler than a fully grown adult right now. "C'mon Ni, talk to me" Liam pushes gently, dropping to sit beside Niall in the other chair, "whatever it is, it can't be that bad" he adds.

Niall grins shaking his head "no, not bad, not at all" he mumbles, before turning to look at Liam. "Josh and I are talking about adopting, and we were wondering if you and Zayn could be references, when we need them" Niall says quickly, looking everywhere in Liam's office but at the other man.

Liam is speechless for a second, before he shakes his head quickly, clearing it, "Ni that's amazing news, of course Zayn and I will do everything we can to help in whatever way you need" he grins, jumping up and pulling Niall to his feet to hug him tightly.

"I mean we've just met with a worker to start talking about it, and it's gonna be a long process, but yeah Josh and I are pretty excited about it all" Niall grins, pulling away from Liam's hug. "But we should get to work we have that big meeting this afternoon to get ready for" he says suddenly, abruptly changing the subject.

"Yeah, of course" Liam hums watching as Niall makes his way towards the door, "just remember anything you need, okay?" he adds, before Niall disappears with one last smile in Liam's direction.


Liam can't help but grin when he gets home later that evening and hears not just all three of his kids running around the house. He can also hear what sounds like Niall and Josh talking to Zayn, and then Louis runs past the top of the stairs followed closely by Zack, which means Harry is likely around somewhere too. "Honey I'm home" Liam calls out heading up into the kitchen, where Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Josh are all sitting, chatting.

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