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* This is heavily inspired by Witches of East End *


Ever since she was a little girl Alice remembers being fascinated with witchcraft, so much so that as she got older she practiced Wicca. Even as an adult woman who's married with children, she still practices the craft.

She knew she didn't have any real powers, she knew that... or so she thought. You see, her mother has that God-awful disease that's basically a death sentence. She found out about it when it was too late and now she's lying in some stingy old hospital bed waiting for someone to guide her to the light.

So, when Alice goes there to say her goodbyes she expects her mom to pass on and that would be the end of her suffering.

But that's not what happened at all.

She sees her mom laying in a hospital bed, her skin, once bright with blushing cheeks is now a pale, almost grey, colour. Her once joy filled eyes are sunken and lacking in emotion. She doesn't even look like the mother she's known all her life.

She walks over to the side of her mothers hospital bed and kisses her forehead. "Hi mom, it's me. Alice."

"Alice." Her mother gasps out, the hum of the machines she's hooked up to buzzing in the air around them.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm here. Are you feeling okay?"

"They said I'm dying. They thought I was sleeping when they said it but I was wide awake. They're placing bets on me, Dr Foster bet on ten AM so he's already lost."

"That's horrible."

"Ah, it's not really. I mean, I know I'm dying, I've accepted it."

"How do you just accept something like that? Aren't you scared?"

"Death is inevitable my darling, it's my time." Alice tries to discreetly wipe a tear that's travelling down her cheek but her mother catches her. "Don't waste your tears on me."

The doctors are in the room when she takes her final breath. "I'm sorry for your loss, m'am." the doctor sorrowfully tell her as he tries and fails to locate a pulse. "She's gone. I'll give you a bit to say your goodbyes."

"You weren't supposed to leave me yet. You weren't supposed to go! The girls are so young, they're not going to have their grandma there for their graduation, or their wedding or when they have their first baby. It's not your time! Come back!" Alice cries, clutching her mother's lifeless hand with all her might. "Come back." She whispers.

A tear falls from her eye and her mother gasps. Her skin has all the colour back into it, her eyes are joyful again, Alice doesn't understand. She screams for a doctor.

"This has never happened before." The doctor tells Alice and her mom looks between the two of them with wild eyes.

"Oh, Alice darling what have you done?" Her mother gasps when the doctors leave the room. "You better hold those babies of yours real close, you know the rule. When you resurrect someone, someone you love has to die."

"It's not like I tried to do this, I don't... I don't know how this happened."

"Well it did, and now you have to pay the consequences."

Those words hang over her as she drives home. She drops the news to her husband first. "How on Earth did you manage that?"

"As if I know! I don't have any real powers, you know that. I don't understand how this happened."

"So," he takes a deep breath and lets his head fall into his hands. "what you're saying is that someone you love is going to die?" She nods. "So it could be me? Or the girls?"

She nods again and he sighs. "But it could also be a cousin or an aunt, it's just going to be someone I love."

"Then I guess you better make it count with those around you." He grasps her hand in his own and gives it a light squeeze.

"I intend too." She says, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

That's exactly what she does. She spends almost all of her time with her husband and daughters, the four of them squeezing into one bed at night because she can't bear to be away from them in case anything happens to any one of them.

It's like a cloud of death hangs over the family's heads, the threat of it too inevitable for them to not worry about.

When they walk across the street she makes sure her daughters are in the middle and her and her husband are beside them, clutching their hands tightly so they don't leave their side.

When the girls play outside Alice watches from the window, and when Polly swings too high and accidentally flings herself off, Alice magics it so she lands up right.

She knows she shouldn't be cheating death, she really knows it, but she can't just watch her daughters die in front of her eyes without doing anything about it.

There's the time Betty is walking across the street to go play with her friend next door and Alice watches her go. A car zooms in out of nowhere and Alice swerves it so it misses her little girl.

At dinner when her husband turns blue and purple from a piece of chicken lodged in his throat she magics it right out of his mouth, leaving him gasping for air but still very much alive.

She knows she can't avoid it forever, her daughters have to go back to school eventually and she can't be there to magic them out of harms way. She knows it's inevitable but she can't help doing anything she can to avoid it.

She drops her daughters of at school when September arrives, making sure to hug them tight and make sure they know she loves them.

She drops her husband off at work, making sure to kiss him goodbye.

It's when she arrives home that she feels the pain in her chest, just above her heart that tells her someone has died or is dying. She instantly thinks of her daughters and her husband.

But when she walks into her house the phone rings and she practically lunges at it. "Hello?" She speaks into the phone, her heart pounding as she waits for a response.

"Alice? It's Hogeye. I have some bad news for you." Why would Hogeye be calling to tell her bad news? She hasn't been to the Wyrm in years. "FP dies this morning."

She freezes. "He... he what?"

"Motorcycle accident. It was quick, he didn't suffer or anything, he was pronounced dead on the scene."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"I wish I was." He sighs into the phone. "I thought you would want to know, I know you two were close. You may not have talked in a while but that man never got over you."

"Thanks for letting me know. Will you let me know when the funeral is?"

"Of course."

"Thanks Hogeye, take care." She hangs up the phone and her knees give out as she collapses to the floor.

She thought it would be her husband, or her daughters. Though, she supposed it made sense, she never loved anyone as much as she loved FP Jones. Even as a married mother of two, he still held her heart and there was no one she loved more.


I wrote this for my English class (just with a different ending) but I figured since it's October and Halloween is coming up soon I would post it here too!

Feel free to leave some Halloween themed ideas below!

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