Respect My Pronouns [Logince] (Trans Pride AU)

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Request by my really great friend named Pengi11 who you should go follow immediately and read all her stories. They're the best.





Logan is a man and will always be a man. He is resourceful and knows fact over falsehood. It doesn't matter if his chest is bound or he doesn't hold the Male body part. He is smart enough to know that both sex and gender are two entirely different things. However, those around him aren't as smart as him. Just because he has breasts doesn't make him a girl, it only makes him biologically female. He was cornered by a bunch of Trans haters. He has been jumped already, so he knows how to deal with such a situation.

"Heh! Look at this Trannie! What a faggot!" And "She just wants to be the special snowflake like on tumblr." And "Trans Men aren't Real Men." Rang in Logan's ears, however he didn't express any emotion. He was stronger than them. Logan just remained silent. "Hey, Lucina. Look me in the goddamn eyes when I'm talking to you, you dyke." Logan clenched his fists at his sides. With his extensive vocabulary and broadened visions, that word was not a word to be used around him. Logan is not a dyke. Logan is a boy. End of story. Logan was this close to snapping. To clocking them until they were knocked out. But that's when someone threw one of the transphobic scum off of him. He hardly realized they were so close to him.

"Leave them alone! What are you, the scum of the earth? If they refuse to talk to you then you just leave them be!"

Logan knew him. That's Roman. Everybody knows Roman as that charming man everyonce seems enchanted with. He was like a real life Disney Prince. Logan stared at him, expressing no emotion while feeling an indescribable gratitude fluttering in his chest. Roman growled at the three transphobes, who all ran away. Another thing: Roman's Moms are both with legal jobs. Mom Number One is a Prosecution Attourney and Mom Number Two is a police officer. Roman dusted off his hands with one another as if touching that rotten woman filthier his palms. Roman then flashed a charming smile over at Logan.

"Lucina, Right? Of course I heard them call you awful names so I would assume that isn't your real name now is it?"

Logan was flabbergasted. Someone actually cared to know what his preferred pronouns and name was? Lucina alwahs bothered him. It was a royally elegant girl's name used for princesses. He was no princess, nor was he a girl at all. Logan was a mature name. A name for an intellectual such as himself. That's why his name is Logan. Logan cleared his throat after realizing that he had been staring at the metaphorical knight in shinning armor. He fixed his glasses by pushing them onto the bridge of his nose.

"My name is Logan and I use he/him pronouns. Before you introduce yourself, I am aware of your name and your familial ties, however to make this introduction better for both parties why don't you introduce yourself to me formally?"

Roman's perspective because why the hell not?! Roman watched the (now he learned) boy smile warmly at him from behind his glasses. Roman, being a pansexual in this oneshot because the author is hella pansexual, felt his heart skip a beat. Logan, that was his name? It seemed to fit him Perfectly to a T. Such a smart, interesting, yet common name. A name of an intellectual who just wants to fit in and be accepted by such a cruel and unforgiving society. His Mama wanted to name him Logan, however his Mum said no. She wanted her little boy to grow up so he could be someone's prince. A prince named Roman. Roman did the same, but instead of clearing his throat he just want ahead with his introduction.

"My name is Roman and I, too, use he/him pronouns! And if I may be as bold as to say your tie truly brings out your eyes. They sparkle underneath those lenses of yours. Might I ask that I take you out somehwere and get to know you, Logan?"

Roman extended his hand towards Logan, leaving the poor boy confused. Didn't he just meet this man? How are the chemcicals in his brain rescting so fast as to make him feel flustered at the thought. Logan stared at Roman, trying to assess this situation. He just met a man named Roman who saved him from being jumped yet again by a group of three people who were harassing him. He wore a red shirt that read all women are queens and khakis. His smile could warm the hearts of millions and Logan was experiencing rapid heart contractions. Could this be that phenomenon star crossed lover so refer to as 'Love at first sight'? If so... this was a pleasant experience Logan would love to divulge more into. Logan took Roman's hand graciously, feeling his own lips curl at the thought. A date with Roman... that sounded just lovely didn't it?

"Your bold decision was a calculated risk. You're lucky the probability's worked out in your favor. Yes, I will accompany you on a date wherever you want to take me, Roman. I also wish to learn more about you as a person."

Roman felt an undeniable glee. He said yes! He got a cute boy to say yes to him! Roman instantly took holds of his wrist. There were so many places he thought they could go! There was an amusement park or he could take him out to lunch! However, Logan seemed to be a bookish guy so maybe a library or a small coffee shop that's quiet with jazz music playing softly in the background would be more of his taste. Either way, Roman was strucken with creativity and was determined to make this date work!

"Then follow me~"

And like that, they were off! Where were they off to? Ha ha! I'm sorry, but that's a story for another time. Maybe you should leave it to your imagination to dream up their happy ending.

1049 Words



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