Remember Me [Prinxiety] (Royals AU)

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Happy birthday Prince!


That stupid Prince from the stupid neighboring kingdom! How dare he play the glorious Prince Roman for the fool?! Does he not know who he is speaking with!? AND THAT IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM!!! Every time he visits to discuss the nations' affairs or even just to establish personal bonds he always pretends to forget who he is and he ends up making a fool of him! It's a disgrace! It's horrible! It's just like Prince Achmed without fucking tigers! Roman had a plan to make this sassy prince remember him! Yes he did!

Roman had already set out on the journey and had arrived to the castle quickly. The bridge fell down and had already requested an audience with the prince AND the King and Queen. Roman had made sure he had himself spiffed up. Hair slicked back and he had everything anyone could ever want. He has a million reasons on why his plan should work in the back of his mind and he was ready to be then charming and charismatic man he had always dreamt to be. LET'S DO THIS!!!

Now we switch perspectives for plot purposes. Also please watch the video above. It's amazingly good. It's one of my favorite villain songs ever.

Virgil groaned when he had heard that annoying man was coming back. He didn't know what he wanted to discuss now. He just wanted to hang out in the castle gardens and be antisocial for the rest of his life. Besides, that guy was wicked pretty and it made his anxiety shoot through the roof whenever he was around. Not cool. Still, he sat in his throne in such a way that makes his father mad. What? Can fall handle how gays sit in chairs? Then don't have a gay son. Simple as that. The only reason his dad doesn't kill him for being gay is because his mom won't let him. That and he can marry a rich guy and make the kingdom even wealthier. Only if the year can find another gay prince...

"Lord and Lady Hallow, it's a pleasure to see you yet again! Ah, and Prince Hallow. It is especially wonderful to see you again~"

What the hell was going on!? Virgil sat up once the doors opened and ne jumped off his horse that somehow the guards let him ride in on! They took the horse while he came up and gave his mom a kiss on the hand, as well as his father and then him. But he didn't just give him one. Oh no. He gave him three. His face started burning up. Well, there goes his anxiety. It's going to be impossible to calm it down now.... shit.

"Prince Roman Caesar of Rome! What a wonderful surprise! Please, boy, sit! We'll have a chair brought for you at once! Guards! Get our most trusted boarder ally a chair!"

The king bellowed and the Knights didn't Whatever he asked for. Virgil was trying to calm down, and he was watching Roman carefully. What tricks did he have up his sleeve? Another pitiful excuse to come here for who knows what ulterior motive or is he just mad that Virgil likes to tease him? Probably both. That's what keeps him coming back anyways. It's the only way Virgil can ensure he DOES come back! He'd Ben a liar if he said he didn't strike a bit of a fancy towards Roman...

Roman caught his glance and Virgil quickly looked away. He heard him laugh a little bit, sitting down on the chair that the knights have gotten for him. Jesus! Wait, does Jesus exist in this universe? What even is religion? Virgil looked back at him and he was safe. Wait, what was he pulling out of his shirt? It seemed like a scroll. He held it in his hand at his side, almost hidden. Curious... what was that?

"My Lord and Lady. I wish to ask for your permission to propose to your lovely Virgil Hallow. If you would have me that is. I have prepared several reasons why this would be benificial to both parties and I am willing to do anything you ask of me to prove my affections."

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN NOW OF ALL TIMES!!?! Virgil stood up instantly, wanting to excuse himself. But neither his legs nor voice worked. So he just stood there all flustered and hot and just didn't know what to do. His fists were clenched at his sides. Oh yeah. He was definately in love with Roman. That smug flirtatious look he just gave him... ooh boy it did wonders. His father was clearly displeased. You know, not supporting him being gay and all. But his mom, oh boy. She was ecstatic. She jumped out of her throne and started being a fourteen year old tumblr fangirl. Tumblr doesn't even exist in this universe! Christ...

"Oh my goodness! Yes you have our permission to propose to Virgil! Honey, can you believe it? Our little boy finally has a worthy suitor that actually is like him! Look how embarassed he is! He definately loves him! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Roman took this happily, walking over to Virgil. He stuck his hand down his shirt, placing the scroll with a little velvet box. Oh lord that ring is huge. He bent down on one knee and kissed his knuckles before exposing the ring. This was happening. Only in his wildest dreams could he think this would ever happen! Someone pinch him! He must be dreaming!

"Virgil Hallow, wouldn't you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Virgil felt overwhelming happiness in his body. His chest felt all giddy and he wanted to act just as his mother was seconds ago. He couldn't speak still, so he just nodded frantically and the crest of the Ceasar family was adorned on his ring finger. He was getting married to Roman! He was getting married to Roman! BEST DAY EVER OMG!!!! 

Then he woke up.

Virgil sat up in bad, extremely grumpy that the dream couldn't timeskip to the wedding. He looked beside him in the bed. Empty. Huh. That's odd. Normal his husband is super clingy to him. He looked at the ring in his finger. Not exactly the Ceasar family crest but it still was a gorgeous wedding ring. The Sanders wedding ring. Virgil sighed and threw the blanket off of him. He better go say good morning to Roman and tell him he loves him before he leaves for rehearsals and before he has to log on to his work computer for the day.


 That's going to be a dream that Virgil will remember for a long time.

1115 Words

I've been really lacking in the advice column of this book but I feel like everyone who reads this is already an amazing person who has good morals and doesn't need me to tell them what they already know. So keep bein awesome! I love you! 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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