Playing Pretend [Roceit]

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I literally JUST thought of this on the spot after listening to that song above and I wanted to do something epic for once in a while so here's the epic shtuff


Roman was goin to the Imagination to go fight the dragon witch, as he always does when's he needs an ego booster. Her Cavern was deep in the imagination, past the forests of doubt and over the river of sexuality. It was a scary place for one of his status in the mind, however he was the great Prince Roman! No task is too troublesome for the gallant and glorious Prince! Roman netted the cave with confidence, but worry struck him when the Dragon Witch wasn't there, waiting for him to return nor napping like she normally does. Where did she go? Roman wants to be a hero and needs her assistance!

"Why Hello Roman~"

That voice, it wa beckoning and attractive. Attractive as in had a pull on him, but you could use the other definition of attractive to define it too. The voice was deep and suave. Roman turned around with his Silver Katana in hand to see Deceit, sitting on one of the rocks on the cafe with two snakes slithering up his arms: one a dangerously vibrant black and red and the other an ominous dark green. Deceit had a smug smirk of his own painted across his face. He had one leg crossed over the over and his eyes were daggers directly into his own. Roman couldn't look away. He was scared, but his need for a challenge and a need to be a hero overcame that fear. He's not scared of Deceit!

"Oh how terrible, your little friends the Dragon Witch has left your playtime. There's no need to worry, Roman. Since I loathe you so much I thought I could step in the place she willingly resigned from."

Roman didn't think twice about what he was saying or the words he was stressing. Deceit wants to fight him in place of the Dragon Witch, who left because she didn't want to do this anymore. He didn't need to be told twice. Besides, Deceit says he hates him! Of course that would be spark enough  to begin an epic battle. Deceit chuckled as he watched Romans get intk stance for a battle of the sword. Deceit forgot how easy it was to sway Roman. Roman isn't just creativity, he's the ego. An ego needs to be fed, lies or not.

 The truth? Deceit locked away the Dragon Witch so he could spend time with Roman. He is curious about him. Roman was more fun to manipulate than Patton, and he didn't want Patton to grow depressed because of him. Roman he can actually help positively unlike all the other sides. It's also fun to mess around with this boy. He believes everything he is told. Deceit hopped off his position and conjured and Emerald Green sword, his snakes disappearing under his cloak somehwere unknown. Deceit was going to play pretend today and that would be fun. Deceit waited for Roman to make the first move, since he was in a defensive stance to begin with. Or did Roman not know the fundamentals of Sword Fighting and just wung it the entire time? Wung is totally a word. Past Tense of Wing. "Winging It" to "Wung it". Obviously grammatically correct.

"Three... Two... One!"

Roman counted under his breath before taking his first charge towards Deceit. Deceit was already having a good time. Roman started out with your normal jab towards the abdomen, aimed for the side of the stomach. Deceit used his heavier, broader blade to deflect his slim katana. Roman shifted his weight and used it to bring his sword upwards in a slash, aiming for his chest to his shoulder at an angle. Deceit jumped back, barely missing the tip of his sword. Deceit laid back, letting Roman take over the offense. From what he knew, Roman normally fights in the imagination when he either needs to blow off steam or when he needs to feel better about himself. Deceit won't let him win~

Roman flipped his hands and rebalanced his stance to take a forward ferry towards Deceit. It was weak and easily blockable with his sword. Deceit was confused until he noticed his back foot sliding a bit backwards and his weight falling. Suddenly he pivoted and pushed his power forwards, lowering and levling his sword for a trust directly at Deceit's bellybutton. Ah, so that's how he likes to play. How amusing. Deceit grinned and fell to the floor on his back before giving a hearty laugh and springing back up again. Deceit's movements are very fluid and elegant, just like a snake's. Of course that's not foreshadowing in the slightest.

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