Zodiac Boy [Analogical] (College AU)

570 31 21

Starting and ending with the same ship is always nice. We came full circle.



Virgil was a huge believer in the zodiac and in his tarot cards of the day. Sure, there were apps, but he'd rather do his tarot himself. His horoscope was electronic, but the other fortune and zodiac stuff he'd do all by hand. Virgil is a tech major at this huge university where many of the smartest, most scientific kids go. So it's easy to assume that be both became a laughing stock and outcast for his interest in this near paranormal fortune-seeking nonsense that most people claimed it to be.

Logan was aware of the stereotypes, rumors, and teasing that went Virgil's way, however he couldn't help but be curious. He was an accepting man, even though some political and religious views are defiantly wrong but the fact is people are just fucked up, so he would be open to try/observe anything once. He had done his research and saw little to no value in this practice, however Logan wanted to confirm this hypothesis and what better way to do so than go right to the source? Literally, Logan is conducting a full science experiment with research papers and documentation and all. He wants to see if this kid, Virgil,  is right or wrong in investing in this astrology mumbo jumbo.

Logan had found Virgil in campus easier than he thought he would with simple probability numbers ran through his calculator. He had forgotten to account for behavioral habit. Virgil was sitting outside of a coffee shop that isn't starbucks, playing with some sort of deck of cards. Logan cleared his throat, ran through his introduction once more in his head, and approached him with his ever-intimidating stoic expression and ridged movements. Virgil looked up at him, venerability and sadness looming within his eyes. There is also a whiff of sage in the nearby air.

"Salutations, Virgil. My name is Logan. I have heard you are interested in horoscopes and other alike fortunes and I would much appreciate a chat with you about them. Have no worries, I just want to understand how they work and would like to perhaps see an example? I hold no hostility towards you."

Virgil calmed down when he realized this guy wasn't going to mock him or bully him or throw anything at him. He had a class or two with his guy, didn't know much more about him other than that he's a teacher's pet and that he liked to do unnecessary experiments outside of class. Oh, and that his name is Logan. A real scientific guy. Maybe his fortunes and zodiacs crossed his mind for a old experiment? Who knows. As long as Virgil isn't gonna end up hurt or crying late at night in his dorm while his neighbors yell at him to shut up again.

"Okay...? Well, uh, what should we do first? I have my Tarot cards or I can give you today's horoscope... I also can, uh, tell you your birthstone if you don't know and describe stuff about your zodiac sign. Do you know what yours is?"

Logan shook his head. Virgil sighed. He got out a piece of paper that basically was a cheat sheet. He slide it over to Logan and gave him a dark blue pen. Logan saw his birth date lie next to the little scorpion icon. Scorpio. Logan put a tiny start next to the icon, circled November as his birth month, and slid the paper back over. He did say something about birthstones, and Logan knows those correspond with months and not zodiacs. Virgil saw this and nodded. He folded the paper and put it away. He then took out a yellow quartz stone. Logan knew better than most. This was a Citrine, not a Topaz.

"So since you're a November Scorpio, your stone is Citrine. I have plenty so you can go shead and have this. It has been said that Citrine could calm anger and manifest prosperity. Citrine is a good omen for wealth and success. Considering that you go to this college, that all probably something you'd like. Here."

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