Lazy Sunday [Moxeity]

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Since I have had a horrible day and I still want to cry, I asked Pengi11 to extended fluff prompts with me. This is their prompt and I'm so excited to write it. I just really wanna feel better.


Finally, the stress of the entire week was over! Virgil had been kicking in double time, constant new people who could probably hurt him all around him for buisness and deadlines creeping up fast worked his anxiety to the bone. Thomas gave everyone a workout, even Logan! So it was nice to have this braindead Sunday to take off of everything. No thinking. No doing. Just a date with the couch while Thomas plays some Kingdom Hearts on his play station. Everybody was so grateful. And with a brain break, you know what that means? That's right! Snuggly boyfriends! Virgil's Head perked up, ceasing to play the ukulele cradled in his arms. He was playing L.O.V.E by Nat King Cole just to get something nice stuck in Thomas's head. Besides, it annoyed Roman and that's always a score.

"Virgil! Are you in there? Open uuuuuuuuuuup! We have a date with the bed, puppies, and a billion Disney movies we can watch together!"

With the workload piled on everyone, that right there sounded like absolute heaven. With a wave of his hand (and a well placed moan he had swept the very bravest of four their feet) the door flew open. Virgil decided to give the room some more magic and less spiders because Patton is deathly afraid of spiders. So he has black cats and little vampire bats decorated around. When he's feeling super spooky he sleeps in the coffin over in the corner... Uh... somehwere. Basically his room shifted from deep eggplant to a more indigo-hinted lilac. With cute winged puppies all around. The second Virgil saw Patton's cheery disposition, he already felt refreshed.

"So, how's the prettiest man in the world doing~"

Just a causal flirt to get the mood of the day started. Can we call it a Sunday morning? What time is it? Eleven forty nine. If you can still buy Turnips in Animal Crossing New Leaf, it's still Sunday morning. So let's sah a casual flirt to get this Sunday Morning started. Patton giggled and rolled his eyes, knowing what the pun was and how Virgil always was oblivious to the fact that there was the most perfect comeback ever. Patton decided not to tease him. He shut the door behind him, happily chirping back:

"Better now that I'm with the cutest man in the world!"

Patton preferred that line to anything else he can say. He heard a scoff slip out of Virgil's mouth. Score! Patton wandered around, opening a few of the windows that Virgil had scattered around the large, brightened up room. Virgil pooped his ukulele away, having it teleport across the room to his little music corner. He just has, like, a corner for everything doesn't he? Finally after what seemed like forever, Patton flopped onto the bed next to Virgil. Before anything else could be concerned, Virgil had to get some luvins. 

He pulled Patton in his lap and pressed kisses all alongside his face and neck. Patton closed his eyes, humming the song that Virgil forcedly got stuck in everyone's minds. Yes, hate detsil is important. Remember that. Virgil paused for a second, hovering at the skin right below Patton's jawline. Suddenly he stsrted blowing on it like he was blowing a kid's tummy: just for giggles and silliness. Patton gasped and started laughing, trying to push Virgil away. Virgil kept Patton locked in his lap and kept blowing, just trying to hear more of that angelic noise from Patton's voice. Who cares if they acted like they were five? They were happy and that's all that matters.

Patton finally paces away from Virgil. Virgil was shooting out breaths of laughter through his teeth while Patton controlled himself. His face was bright pink, like a cute little piglet's, and he crossed his arms over his chest. Virgil knew he was only playing being mad, but he still didn't want his boyfriend to be mad. He knew exactly what would cheer him up~ Virgil conjured the black Pomeranian that Roman gave him in the Nostaliga Part Two video. Roman taught Logan who taught Virgil how to conjure puppies and this was the only one they could. The boys have named them Cookie, and with the amazing powers of the mind palace they have figured out that Cookie is a proud enby.

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