A Deadly Game Of Monopoly [DRRLAMP]

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I really want to make this a book.

Also the double R means Remy AND Remus. Now I'm going to have to specify if it's Remy now Remus now lol.


There's always something... evil that comes out of Logan when everyone decides to play a friendly game of monopoly. Everything always starts out as fun and games until Logan starts to make alliances, making deals, and forging his own financials empire, refusing to quit until he nor only owns the board; but has created a pyramid scheme out of the rest of the players. Roman and Virgil are determined to defeat him, Remy wants to own the most lit places, Patton just wants to have fun with everyone, Remus is just here to mess with everyone and to be included, and Deceit is here to actually play Logan's game.

"Remus, I propose that you go ahead and sell me your red property. I will give you four hundred fifty dollars for the property and I will personally pay for the 'Mad House' Hotel you plan on creating on your 'North Carolina Avenue'."

Remus grinned his comical devilish grin, handing over the property and accepting the the stack of money. Roman snickered at the foolishness of his impulsive brother. Remus always was the impulsive type. Deceit watched Logan's extange, making sure he gave Remus his correct amount of money (he cheats them out sometimes in the spirit of a true businessman). Virgil's face went pale. Virgil owns the other red property. Logan's financial empire always begins with either the red or the magenta properties.

"Now Virgil, I see you own 'Illinois Avenue'. What would you say that I trade you both of my light blue properties: 'Vermont and Oriental Avenues' for that simple little red property? A monopoly for a monopoly."

Virgil looked between Roman and Deceit, the only two he really needs to worry for. Patton is already almost bankrupt but doesn't really care because he is having fun. He'll end up losing soon and begging to join Virgil or Roman's 'team'. Deceit just kept smiling like the slimy bastard he was. Roman was sweating buckets because he has three unfinished monopolies and running low on money. Remus, however, was making his Mad House on his prized green property monopoly nice and spiffy by creating little people who are swimming in a pool of cockroaches next to the hotel. Virgil looked back at Logan. Time to strike a deal, even though Logan's was perfectly good.

"Nah. I'll sell you Illinois Avenue for three hundred fifty. A pretty nice price. But you have to form an alliance with me and not Deceit."

Virgil smirked, holding up the property in front of Logan's greedy green eyes. Logan stared at Virgil, making a deceision. Then Logan sideways glanced at Deceit, who always was his business partner until everyone was defeated. Meanwhile Remy was just trying to take the blue properties. He gave up fighting for the utilities and green properties. The dark sides don't like the budge on what they want. So Remy settled for stealing a yellow property from Deceit in revenge and for a bargaining chip.

"Your turn, Roman."

And that's one turn in the begining of the game. Why don't we fast forward into soemthing towards the end of the game? After the first two or three people duck out bankrupt. That's when the magic happens and Logan becomes one with Remus and Deceit's kind. Logan will alsheas slick his hair back when it's time to get serious, and that's always when Patton is out of the game. He does not want to murder Patton economically.

So Logan owns the entire left side of the board apart from the utilities. He also owns the red properties. Remus owns the entire right side of the board and the brown properties, laughing as he snacks on some deodorant. Deceit owns the yellow properties and the utilities. All of them. Lastly, poor little Virgil is about to die with only a monopoly on the light blue properties. He has hotels on all his properties and rides on milking his monopoly. He has decent cash, but everyone knows that he is about to be blood in the water. Roman, Patton, and Remy were out. Patton was on Virgil's 'team' while Roman and Remy left to go do something related to fashion.

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