They Won't Break Us [Moxiety] (LGBTQA+ Pride AU)

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I'm just loving on Virgil don't mind me. This one is gonna have a big message and moral so look out for dat.


Everywhere Virgil goes, he gets judged for who he is. Virgil wears a gay pride wristband in his right wrist and he wears purple and black clothing, fitting into the stereotypical emo style. He gets called a freak more often than he'd like and he hears whispers wherever he goes. Sure, they've gotten more bearable since he got his boyfriend, Patton around. Patton wears notnone, but two bands around his wrists. He wears a Pansexual pride wristband on his left, and a trans pride in his right. Patton is trans FtM, and Virgil loves him regardless. Like the Radio Friendly POP song, they hold hands make out and do all things that lovers do. But Virgil can't help but feel anxious and pressured by all the whispers around him.

"Don't worry, Virgil. They can't break us. As long as we stand strong and stay in power like Leelah, we can make a difference. Once the world understands us, everyone can love in perfect harmony."

Patton would always reassure him, being a literal ball of sunshine. He was the most amazing person in the entire world. Virgil was so lucky to have him. 


Every day they walk hand in hand around the town, just going with the flow and seeing where fate (and Patton's cravings) take them. Today the boys found themselves in the middle of town square where a giant mass of people were holding signs and spouting some very hurtful words out that neither man would like to share. A preacher with a megaphone stood in the center, putting down many teens and young adults who were around them. Basically, all the whispers about Virgil were now loud for everyone to hear and judge. Virgil let go of Patton's hand. Patton looked over at him, very confused.

"Virgil? Are you okay? We can just leave if that's better for your anxiety."

Awww, look at Patton bein so precious and considerate. He didn't even care about what they were saying, he only cares about Virgil. We stan a boyfriend who doesn't give any bothers about all the homophobia in the world. Virgil stared at the circle and saw a girl running off, crying. Another girl ran off after her. They must hav insulted them and hurt them. That is the very last thing he wants Patton to experience. Yet st the same time in his heart was a challenge. He had to stick up for other people like him, other people like Patton. Virgil took out his Ukulele that he carried with him for plot convenience.

"Patton, do you remember that one song I wrote a long time ago? The one you loved so much?"

Patton suddenly had the entire brightness of the sun wash over his face. His eyes lit up with something so innocent yet something so intense. Patton always went on and on about how he wished he could just go up to some of those "preachers" and teach them what it's like to have a heart. Virgil's heart was racing as he took out his ukulele and began strumming, the two boys walking over towards the circle. To their surprise, the police officer there let them into the middle. Is that how these things work? Who knows. Virgil noticed there were a lot of kids Nd teenagers here's, holding up their own pride signs. He noticed many people looking at his wrist and the rainbow ribbons he ties to his instrument. He glanced over at Patton, who was doing a wacky dance. Virgil smiled and closed his eyes, getting lost in the music and in Patton's voice.

"🎶Clap your hands and dance along to the beat! Those not open to listen, sit down and take a seat! Here's a message you don't need to read from up above! It's that everyone is equal, and love is love! 

Take my hand, then take hers and his and theirs. Trust me when I say there's enough love we can share! 

Because when you're alone, tossing and turning at night, it doesn't matter who's right by your side! Love is all I need in my life, so accept us for who we are and come into the light! Sing along, a song of equality for all, don't stand there waiting for the dictatorship to fall. Clap along and dance to our melody! Hand in hand, we'll make a perfect harmony!🎶"

Cheers from the crowd encouraged the couple to keep going. Now was the musical interlude in between verses. Virgil was lost in his ukulele, but he opened one eye to see a bu ch of other young adults and some teenagers jumping into the center of the circle, dancing along with his lovely boyfriend Patton. They didn't even need a microphone, Patton was just naturally loud. But with all this commotion and the so called preacher trying to yell over them, maybe Vigil should start signing along with Patton.

"🎶Sway your hips, jump around, and look at me! There's the smile I always want to see! The world will learn this when push comes to shove! We're all human and we all just want a little love!

Take my hand, then take hers and his and theirs! Trust me when I say there's enough love we all can share!🎶"

It wasn't incredible. A large chorus of even more people joined in to sing along to the precious, anow adding up to the chorus. People were swaying and jumping around. People were proudly wearing their flags and colors. Rainbows, shades of pink, combinations of pink blue and another color either yellow or purple, black down to purple, purple yellow black and white, and many more color combinations were apparent in the crowd. But none shined as bright as blue pink white on Patton's wrist. Somebody found a microphone somehow And gave it to Patton. A kid with a guitar sat down next to Virgil and copied the notes he was playing, trying to make the song louder. The homophones comepletey gave up at this point. And so did the kids when it was a different lyrics than they expected.

"🎶Becaude when you're kinda lonely, wasting your time at night, it doesn't matter who's right by your side! Love is all I need in my life, so accept us for who we are and come into our light! Sing along, a song of love for all! Don't stand there and let hate cause your fall! Clap arlong and dance to our melody, sing along so we make perfect harmony!🎶"

Virgil strummed off the end of the song and so did the teenager next to him. They wore a non-binary pride flag on their shirt and had their hair kind of like Virgil's but it wasn't dyed purple, it was dyed crimson red. Virgil gave them a high five as cheers erupted from the crowd. Virgil eat his ukulele down and ran up to Patton, taking him into his arms and pressing a long tende rkiss on his lips. He was sweaty and obviously not tired, but Virgil didn't care. He had adrenaline running in his body and hasn't really been this happy in public before. More cheers came from the crowd as the two passionwtely kissed, Patton finding no his way into a dip from Virgil. When the two finally pulled away, Virgil brought Patton back up and spun him around. The purple from the church gave up, packing up to leave. People were tapping vigorously on their phones and many people were crowding around them.

"Oh my god you sing so good!"

"Can we buy that song on ITunes? I wanna sing it to my parents who don't think I'm valid for being Genderfluid."

"Who wrote that song? Oh, and are you two dating? You guys are such a cute couple!"

"Uh, what pronouns do the two of you use? I don't want to disrespect two amazing people!"

 Virgil glanced over at Patton, who was having the time of his life answering questions and giving hugs to complete strangers. Virgi, just stared at everyone, taking the entire scene in. He also had a protective arm wrapped around Patton the entire time but we don't need to mention that. He had never felt mor proud to be gay. He had never felt more proud to be himself. Virgil let himself smile a dopey grin and he began to talk to everyone too.

He can deal with his social anxiety later.

1418 Words

If y'all want me to "sing" the song on Twitter and link it in my conversations board with tagging you I will. I literally thought of the song in the shower and just decided to roll with it. 

You don't need to fight back with violence. Sometimes love, acceptance, and pace is enough for everyone. Fire doesn't fight fire, water needs to cool it down. Sure, sometimes you need to strike back, but most times just try compassion and see How far that takes you. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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