Gitchee Gitchee Goo [Logicality]

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Means that I love you! Request by none other than Pengi11


Patton has noticed that Logan has been really off from his normal self. Not only has he been imbalanced and even tainted with his logic, but he has been more reclusive from the others. He spends more time in his room either reading or working on a Rubiks cube whenever Patton checks on him. But Patton has been getting increasingly worried with the amount of fights he has been getting into. Not with him, of course. Logan doesn't yell at Patton no matter how angry he is. But the fights with all the others.

He and Virgil would go at it, but it never lasted long enough because Logan knew better than to stick around and hurt Virgil. They were wingmen and best friends. Logan didn't understand his heightened sensitivity, but he still respected it and knew when to quit. Virgil would be messed up for a while, but then realize it could have gone worse and Logan had a really good argument. Logan and Deceit would go at it too, but Deceit's heavy sarcasm and lies would make it unbearable for Logan to deal with it and keep debating so one of the two would end up walking away. Roman and Logan would go at it. When those two argued, it doesn't stop until someone intervenes. Neither of them refused to listen to eachother and they would get so loud the entire mind palace seemed to shake. It gave everyone headaches and everyone would end up in a lousy mood. It wasn't good nor was it healthy. Patton needed to find out what was up with Logan.

Patton knocked on Logan's door as a warning that he was about to come in. After hearing jo response Patton sighed and just walked in. To no surprise whatsoever, Logan was working away at a Sudoko at his desk. Or at least, Patton thinks it's a Sudoku. Nope, it's not a Sodoku. It's a different thing with a bunch of symbols, most of hands. Was Logan writing in WingDings? It looked like  WingDings. Patton couldn't read it, but based on the slight difference in Logan's facial expression it couldn't be a happy story about puppies frolicking in a field of daisies underneath a dozen glitter rainbows. Patton walked over to Logan's desk and sat down on it, taking after Virgil's habit. There's actually a cleared spot on the desk since both sides like to sit on his desk to talk to him while he works. Again, he and Virgil are best buds.

"Logybear? We need to talk. And I don't want to talk while you're working on something. Can we go to the bed?"

Logan looked up Fromm his task. His eyes told him the tale. He didn't realize Patton wasn't in here. He was writing something to get his frustrations out in whatever pictographic language he was drawing. He wasn't okay. He needs to figure out what is pushing Logan's buttons and fix it right away. Patton wants his boyfriend back to normal. Logan sighed, knowing that he can't resist Patton. Patton hopped off the desk as Logan scooted himself back from the desk and stood up. Patton reached for Logan's hand and secured it in his own. Patton had Logan sit down on the bed and Patton sat down next to him.

"Okay, now tell me what's wrong, and before you lie to me know that I can tell when you do lie and I can figure out the truth. I will tickle you."

Logan is extremely ticklish so he knows he better tell the truth. In reality, he felt villified. Roman had the perfect way to make everyone feel like the villain. Every time he felt needed or when he felt he should put in a valuable fact, Roman and/or Deceit tell him they didn't need it or that it wasn't true or he should just shut up. Not only that, but he felt neglected. All of Thomas's recent problems have been extremely emotional. He tried to say uplifting facts and things about the physical world around him, but hos voice has been drowned out by the others. Patton tried to bring more focus to Logan in their discussions and agreed with some of his points, but Roman won't listen to him. Virgil has even had a mental breakdown and Logan Reid cheering him up with some happen facts he knew he would enjoy, but the others found Logan alone with Virgil and he was crying so everyone blamed it all on him. Logan felt like everyone was making him out to be the villain. The sob in his throat and emotions he's been bottling up aren't ready to come out. They just aren't. Logan isn't meant for emotions like this. Instead, he tried to communicate what he was feeling in a way that wouldn't cause a mental breakdown.

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow."

Patton froze. He knew exactly what that meant. Thomas grew up with Phineas and Ferb. It was one of his favorite cartoons before Steven Universe became his favorite. He knew all the songs by heart and would sing a bunch of them with his friends at school. He even auditioned with a song from the show for his high school theater and got the role of Peter Pan. This must be Logan's way of changing the subject. That or telling him that he just need to be loved and not feel so alone. Patton smiled and squeezed Logan's hand together with his.

"That's what my baby says."

Logan felt like he was going to cry, but he held it in. He wanted to cry really hard and just hold Patton close to him and never let go. He felt like Jo from Ultimate Storytime before he met Emma and Preston. Bad Guy could be his theme song right now. But he kept his cobblestone expression and rubbed his thumb against Patton's hand. He was here and that was all that really mattered to him. He could never feel neglected or feel like he was a horrible person when Patton, his angel, was sitting right here next to him... right?

"Mow mow mow."

Patton giggled softly, so soft Logan couldn't here. They were so off beat and Logan sounded like a broken record. He never did sing much. He could only ding when Crofters was involved. Maybe he should get him some crofters? That would porbsbly out him in an instant good mood. Why didn't Patton think of that before? Maybe later. Everyone just had lunch maybe an hour ago so nobody would be hungry enough for a snack. Homemade sourdough start biscuits plus Crofters should make it perfect. Patton took his hand and held it out to make half a heart. He couldn't help but smile when Logan weakly held up his own to finish the heart.

"And my heart starts pumping."

Logan couldn't help but chuckle a bit. He was feeling better already. A thousand times more uplifted. But there was a sinking feeling in his chest that was inevitable. Fact: This moment would end soon. Theory: All Good Things Come to an End. Correlation/Causation: This good moment will have to end, therefore proving the theory true. Wait a second, why was he saying all the nonsense lines? That couldn't be less of his character. Oh well, this is a fanfiction. He can say whatever he wants, even if it's out of character. Besides, he needed to find a reason to smile. Nonsense can do that.

"Chicka Chicka Choo Wah. Never gonna Stop."

Patton and Logan wheezed their hands together. Patton turned his body to face Logan. Logan did the same and he pulled Patton close. He broke. He felt a single tear slip under his glasses. Patton leaned forward and kissed the tear off of his cheek, then pressed another sweet kiss on his lips before they put their foreheads together. Logan was silent and Patton whsipered into the silent room:

"Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I Love You."

1334 Words

Wow that was really sad. I'm sorry for making this super sad. You guys deserve happier stuff. I'll work on something better or one of the happier requests.

You have every right to cry. You can cry if you need it. You have a right to be sad. It's part of being human. If we weren't meant to be sad sometimes, why do we have the option to be? Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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