23 [Anxceit] (Highschool AU)

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Yeah since I've done two Deceit pairings I've decided just to go through all of them because y'all deserve more updates from me. 

And yes, more gambling because I freaking love doing it. But not with money, with food. A kid I know actually has a roulette and it's awesome.


Virgil was so excited for lunch. One of his foreign exchange student friends who is in his math class has a small roulette and he brought poker chips with it for them all to play at lunch. Virgil himself personally made it his mission to get as Many of his friends and the Russian guy's friends as possible to play roulette with them. So far they got: Logan, Joan, Talyn, And Jay/Jo to join them. It's gonna get liiiiiit!

Virgil rushed to the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang to get to their table way in the back hidden from the rest of the world. Virgil slid onto the little bench and Logan sat across from him. Calculus AP was right next to the cafeteria, so he got there quickly. The two DATING Non-Binary pals arrived next, holding hands and sitting next to Logan. Next came Jay/Jo and the forgein exchange student whose name nobody can pronounce so they call him Dee came. Dee held a box under his arm and he sat rihjt next to Virgil. He pulled out a coardbosrd structure like a board game and a roulette wheel. He took out the chips and distributed colors. Talyn and Joan, betting together, got the white chips. Logan got blue. Jay/Jo got the red chips. Virgil got the green chips. Dee just wanted to spin the roulette.

"So, we all now how we're playing and what we're doing? I don't want to waste time explaining when we can be gambling our lunches away."

Nope, everyone understood. And Virgil was pretty fucking eager. See, he was a Game Grumps fan and knew what exactly to do in situations like these. THAT'S RIGHT BABY BET EVERYTHING ON NUMBER TWENTY THREE!!! Instantly chips went flying across the board, but nobody dared touch the number twenty three. That's virgil's number. He made his fortress of solitude all around number twenty three and every tile that corresponded with number twenty three. While Logan and Joan both made jo strategies and calculated probabilities, Virgil is throwing it all away. So far for this pot the winnings were a bag of flaming hot Doritos, a full snickers bar, a can own ginger ale, and some white cheddar cheezits. He looked at Dee, who simply rose an eyebrow at how childish he was being about a sophisticated game like roulette. 

Dee put the little ball on the wheel and spun it. Everyone watched intently as the ball went round and round. Dee glanced over at Virgil, who was crossing his fingers in hope, and laughed. Let's get one or two things right about Dee: One is that he's hella ah for Virgil. Two is that he has fun cheating. It's an adrenaline rush. He lightly tilted the roulette in a Wayne unnoticeable so that the little orb would end up in number twenty three. When the little silver ball stopped Virgil stood up and started screaming like the child he is, annoying then hell out of Logan and making Jay/Jo really made. 


Virgil stood up on the bench and did that little air pump. People were laughing about him, but no fucks were given. He jumped down and scooped all the things into his arms greedily. Joan noticed how Dee had that glint in his eye and was looking fondly at Virgil, but they didn't say anything. They knew they'd do the same thing for Talyn just to see them that happy and excited. But Logan? Oh no. He didn't let the coincidence slide. The stick is too far up his ass to let it go.

"Dee, if you're going to cheat in favor of Virgil then we aren't going to participate in the roulette. Play fair."

Dee rolled his eyes at Logan, making it well aware that he didn't give a damn. Virgil was the one who was super excited about the roulette anyway. That made Logan frustrated and he left. Jay/Jo followed him. Talyn wanted to go with them to go play dungeons and dragons or whatever so they and their enbyfirend left too, leaving Dee to be alone with Virgil for lunch. 

It was great.

712 Words

Yeah I just did this as a crack chapter lol.

But seriously don't cheat, it's r00d.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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