I Love You [Moxiety]

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I hate how I procrastinate so much. Eww. This is why I hate myself. Pengi11 found the perfect OTP prompt for me so this goes out to her.


How did he end up in this situation? Virgil was laying in Patton's room, holding him close. Unlike the norm for these kids of fanfictions, Virgil as walking through the halls maybe an hour ago and heard crying from the other side of Patton's door. He came in here around ten and he lost track of time. Patton had a nightmare that a clan of spiders were going to kidnap and eat him or whatever so Virgil agreed to sleep in his room with him. He knows how scary dealing with nightmares on your own can be, and Patton was too adorable and precious to deal with that kind of insomniac fear. 

Virgil noticed how his breath had gone steady and even after a while. Virgil was still wide awake, thoughts racing. He had Patton right here in his arms, sleeping soundly now that he was here to 'protect' him. Patton had a music box lullaby twinkling in the background, soundlike how a star's song woild probably sound if stars sang. That was Virgil's attempt at being poetic. Virgil got bored and eventually started using his index's finger to draw on Patton's back. He was wearing one of his own merchandise shirts from the store. The Patton 2.0 shirt was pretty hecking adorable.

After invisibly writing out the entire fitness gram pacer test introduction three times and the push-up and sit-up indroductions once respectively, he got bored again. Virgil felt his face heat up at the thought that crossed his mind. Virgil wrote out the capital letter I and paused for a second. Wouldn't it be better in cursive? He drew a cursive eye with his index finger instead, making it really big. He stretched it from his lower back to just below his shoulder blade, curling it extra. That was good. He proceeded to write the rest of the special phrase on his back, heart racing with anxiety as he did so. What did he write? It should be pretty obvious.

"I love you..."

Virgil whispered out a mumble, reading the nonexistent words he wrote on Patton's back as he slept. This was one of the ma t downfalls to being an insomniac. You don't sleep and you do crap like this. Virgil ignored it and wrote it again, tracing exactly the same font and the same letters in the same spot. He was feeling Patton's soft skin through the shirt, pressing a little bit harder this time so he could feel the friction against his skin." I love you." That's what he said, and that's what he does. He wouldn't be here if he didn't love Patton enough to stay with him. Patron did so much for him and cared for him so much. There was no way someone wouldn't fall in love with someone like him.

He had to have written the phrase at least a hundred times before he even felt his eyelids grow the slightest bit droopy. I love you, I love you, I love you. Virgil smiled  letting any insecurity or anxiety in his mind slip and be replaced by daydreams of being a legitimate couple with Patton. Holding hands, kissing over breakfast, cuddling on the couch, snuggling and watching Disney movies, sharing popcorn and milkshakes, pillow fights, bubble baths together, watching rain and snow in the window togehter... so many things are possible and so many small moments can be created just with the company's own single person. Love was a beautiful thing, if only Virgil wasn't too scared to give it a shot.

"I love you, Patton."

Virgil whispered again, praying that Patton didn't hear him. He was about to I snuggle up closer to the side and close his eyes, allowing himself to go to sleep. He was starting to feel tired and he needed to rest. Virgil closed his eyes and did exactly what he planned on doing, misleading you with the suspense. You've been fooled, Reader. Virgil fell asleep almost instantly, breathing in Patton's scent and feeling calm. Neither of them woke up in the middle of the night, neither of them had nightmares, and neither of them had any sort of discomfort. They were together and they were cuddling. Just two Bros needing eachother so they don't get bad dreams. Just two boys being a dream catcher for one another. Just two pinning gays cuddling without knowing they both like eachother. 

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