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After this I will only have two more stories I can tell in this book before we will be forced to relocate.

But holy shit

The video happened.


First of all, Beware the Mustache man

Second of all, buy it in ITunes we stan

Third of all, Virgil is a canon dark side 


And now the serious talk: Remus.

Remus is a new character who is said to be a twin brother branching off of Roman. He isn't the darker, more mature and goreified versioned creativity expressed via intrusive thoughts.

He is dressed like a comical cartoon villain, says a lot of poop and sexual jokes, obsessed with murder like a psychopath, and has a tie with Deceit. Listen to the song in the beginning, it explains everything.

So now the fandom is given this new character to do as we please. We can write, draw, and theorize about him. Thomas has given us the majority of the blanks with very few to fill in and speculate. Unlike Deceit, we were given a name and he literally explains his entire self right off the bat. So I have my theories of everything about him.

Please note that all of this is my theories about his character and what will happen next.

I believe that the reason why Remus so outwardly explains himself is because of who he is. He is supposed to be another half of Roman, a neglected twin brother, which means he also has the fundementals of being an ego as well. He also clearly portrays himself wanting to be heard, seen, and payed attention to. That's his entire character. He bugs you in all the wrong ways with no rhyme nor reason just so you can pay attention to him... as he eats deodorant. 

The design is basically a Wicked Emerald Witch vision of Roman's attire, but adding the mustache. Roman says that the weapon used to knock him unconscious was similar to a revelation, so that leads me to think that Remus wanted to be there to teach a lesson while getting the attention he oh so lusts for. That's what I believe his character motivation is. He wants attention, but he also wants to make Thomas a person who can understand that the dark sides exist and that he isnt 100% a good person. Nobody is. Plus Deceit literally hired him to do that so... maybe that's just Deceit's intention and Remus just wants to have a good time? I'm fine with either.

Then there's the thing I wanted to make a stretch on: the yellow sash. It is easily shown that Remus's aesthetic is supposed to be dark green. But why the yellow sash? Is it just to mirror the color scheme of Roman? Then why not make it white or a pink or something else? Why yellow? It could be that it looks nice, or it could be something relating to the dark sides. As we've seen, Deceit's signature color is yellow. He could have forced Remus to wear the yellow to showcase that he sent him there or that he hired him for the job. That's the more likely theory. OR IT COULD BE THAT ALL THE DARK SIDES WEAR YELLOW AND DECEIT RUNS THEM ALL!!! That's just a random thought lol, but that would be cool.

I don't imagine Remus being too important. In regards to plot, I think that the playwright Intended him to be a comical villain, a look into what to expect for the rest of the dark sides. They made Remus in a way that plays into theories I have seen: Like the villains mirroring regular sides and how every villain will be a color of the rainbow or all sides a color of the rainbow. But I do think Remus will make cameos in videos often. He explicitly says he has no rhyme or reason and just pops up out of nowhere. I doubt he'd develop, but if he ever did it would be moving past the poop jokes. Or maybe to help out when insecurity strikes to see if a fear really could happen? Idk. Remus is kind of a wild card. A true joker of spades.

End of theories

But yeah, I have a lot of ideas on how to use this character. I definitely will in the next book. As of now I have to drafts before this chapter, two after, then a chapter telling you details and sending you off on your way.

Imma take a shower, draw Remus, then write. 

Love you guys!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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