That Ring [Anxceit]

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Third-to-last request by Pengi11! Finally two oneshots in one day. Hopefully this one is better than the last one. 


Virgil sat on the staircase like normal when in one of their little debates. This one was just a simple conversation and little pow-wow so it wasn't video worthy. That meant Virgil could wear his ring. To literally everyone's surprise, the Stone wasn't purple. It wasn't an Amythest or a Smokey Quartz or anything else like that. His ring was a beautiful silver band with a diamond-cut peridot proudly rested in the center. Little specs of aquamarine littered the band leading up to the giant stone in the center. 

It was on his right ring finger, singalling it's just a ring and he wasn't married. The reason why wedding rings are on the left hand is because it connects to the heart. Jokes on marriage! Virgil has no heart and soul! It's only void! HA! Anyways... His relationship was secret from all the other sides, and it was for a good reason. If they knew about his relationship... they would hate him. Right? Especially because of who he had a relationship with. They definitely wouldn't approve, especially Patton.

"Virgil? You haven't said anything in a while Kiddo. Everything okay?"

Patton's concerned voice carried all the way from the window. Virgil snapped back into the reality, hiding his hand in his sleeve so nobody could see his ring. Virgil looked around at Logan by the stairs and in front of the door and Roman who's.... How can you even describe Roman's spot anyways? Just by the lamp? Virgil doesn't know. It's Weird. Regardless Virgil wasn't paying any attention to the conversation because he was lost in his own mind. All three of the other sides stared at him. Virgil just laughed it off and looked at Patton, the most sympathetic and kindest of the three, and asked him what the hell was going on.

"Sorry, uh, what were we talking about?"

Instantly, Logan figured out something was off. Logan was just good like that. Virgil watched him push in his glasses, and a clear tell sign for him. Virgil hid his ring hand not only in his sleeve, but also in his pocket protectively. It's like layering so Logan would have to work his figurative X-Ray vision to see the beauitful Peridot stone on his finger. Virgil bowed his head, feeling the stares on him. He was so tempted to summon his boyfriend, but he can't. He knows he can't. Everyone else would scold him and everything will go gay to hell. Nobody here can go straight to hell because everyone here is gay, let's be honest. 

"Just as I suspected. Something is on your mind Virgil. Some sort of internal anxiety bothering you or an external stimuli bothering you?"

Logan asked, genuinely concerned for Virgil. Logan was always like a concerned older brother. Patton was the best friend, Logan was the nice older brother, and Roman was the teasing older brother. Hooray for fun family dynamics. Wait, better one. Logan is the mom, Patton is the dad, and Roman's the older brother. Now the family analogy is perfect. Virgil looked at Logan  and shook his head, confusing the hell out of the logical side. Virgil even let himself gain a small smile for realism.

"No. I'm actually perfectly fine. Just a bit spacey. Maybe it's because a lack of anxiety or something? Not so sure. Just feel a bit more at ease."

Virgil noticed Roman staring at him. Well, when is thst Guy NOT staring at him? Virgil rose his eyebrow confused until he realized his hand was out of his pocket. Virgil realized that the thumb of his right hand was going over the beauitful peridot Gemstone on his left. His sleeves was pushed back to his wrist. The ring was visible to everyone. Virgil felt all the blood in his body go cold and his face go entirely white. He looked around frantically, feeling the true anxiety kicking in. 

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