Alternate Responses to Transphobia [LAMP] (LGBTQA+ AU)

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Where the actual hell did I get one thousand votes and almost sixteen thousand reads?! I don't deserve this! Well... here's another treat for all of you. For a big milestone. I hope you like this.

With that title, you know there's going to be some cursing.



Roman, Patton, Virgil, and Logan are all very queer people. They all are in one way, shape, or form a part of LGBTQA+ and are very proud to be so. Roman is a FtM Trans Man who is openly bisexual. Patton is  beautiful Genderfluid bean who is proud to to be the pansexual person they are. Virgil is non-binary all the way. Screw the cistym, amirite? Logan is Agender. And asexual., however they're Demiromantic. They're basically an alien. However they don't mind being called by the original he/him pronouns as much as you'd expect. The best part is that they're all dating. This concludes our exposition chapter. Read on for the many cringe things transphobic and homophobic people do to these poor cuties.


Logan and Patton were holding hands together, walking through the park in the center of town. Patton wore a beautiful pink bracelet on her wrist to signify that today was a female day. She prefers to go by the name Paulina on feminine days so that's how she shall be referred to from now on. Well, for this segment of the Fic. Paulina was wearing a beauitful flowing skirt and some nice earrings that Logan had gotten her earlier while on their date. Roman and Virgil were doing their own date day. The four of them have a system so nobody gets jealous. Now, Paulina has a male sex and hasn't had any transitions, so she appaeared to others as a man in woman's clothing. That didn't bother Logan at all, but it seemed to bother some entitled mother who walked up to them and tapped Paulina on the shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Excuse me sir. Could you maybe not be a creepy fsggot in a public place? There's children here."

Paulina was shocked. She even shaved her legs and underarms today just so she can wear these cute clothes! Paulina looked down at herself, dysphoria kicking in. Her body wasn't a girl's. She could never properly be a girl on a female day. She started panicking inside. Logan squeezed her hand and glared at the entitled mother, who was crossing her arms and didn't have a single ounce of remorse after what she had just said. People are so horrible. People are so cruel. Some people need to accept that the world is changing. The world has Queer people. Logan needs to step up for their girlfriend.

"I demand you apologize to my girlfriend this instant. I, for one, would be ashamed to be the child of such a close minded mother who would say such a thing to a person. For shame."

The mother gasped, as if appalled, and lifted her hand as if she was going to smack Logan. She way overreacted. Logan assessed the situation quickly. Being an analytical nerd of an alien, he made the quick conclusion that it would be best to leave her. To repair Paulina's hurt self esteem, they shall take them to a nice little bookstore or somehwere that they can enjoy a nice tea together. Logan quickly jerked her out of the way from the transphobe's trajectory and they kicked her hard in the shins. She winced in pain and was about to scream, but Logan's interrupted her.

"Sorry for being a bit violent, Darling. Now, let's go. I wouldn't want a fair lady such as yourself to be crippled by the ugly of this world."

They turned and left, dragging Paulina behind them. The woman was shouting slurs and curse words at them as they hurriedly fled the scene. Who's the one offending the children now? Logan made sure to pamper their precious girlfriend extra for having to endure that hellhole of an adventure.


Roman was practicing his monologue at the local theater building . The soundproof ones were all taken so they had to be in the lounge, waiting for the next one to open. Virgil was watching Roman , their eyes never able to leave him or his movements, when a middle aged man stopped to watch Roman. Virgil just knew by looking at the guy that he was trouble. He licked his bottom lip. Warning signs flashed at Virgil. Virgil sent Roman a glance that meant something dangerous was afoot. Roman halted and walked over to his enbyfriend, finally noticing the creepy man. The creepy man grinned something horrible at Roman, ignoring the fact that the two of them were now holding hands.

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