Soft Boy [LAMP] (Trans Pride AU)

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FtM Pride


Logan, Virgil, and Roman were three entirely different people, but they all had something in common: A Love for Patton. Patton is the softest boy in the world. He is kind of short with dorky glasses. He loves pastel colors and he doodles hearts and kittens all over his assignments. He shares Art with Virgil and World History with Logan and has Tech Theater when Roman has Theater. Everyone knows him but nobody knew him before sophomore year. Everyone says he transferred, but only these three know the real backstory behind Patton.

Freshman year, Patton's name was Penelope. Last year, Patton was a girl. Everyone believed that Penelope and Patton were two separate people. And they were. They are two separate people. Why? Because he wasn't out yet. Sophomore year was the year he came out. He made up a story that said that he moved into Penelope's old house over the Summer and was so exited to be here. But he always confided in Virgil. 

Virgil was the first to know and accept him. Then Logan found out wothnhis logical reasoning and Patton admitted it, Happy to have someone concerned for his health and knowledgeable on these subjects. Then Roman caught him in the dressing room pretending to be a prince and Roman showered him with compliments. It was the first time he was called Handsome. To everyone else, Penelope and Patton are different. To Patton and his three best friends, Penelope and Patton are the same. Patton just is an evolved version of Penelope.

But there's a problem that all three of the others had confided to eachother. Logan, Virgil, and Roman had all fallen in love with the soft boy. All three of them had their own stories of falling in love with this wonderful boy. After school today they've all made the agreement to settle this. They all agreed to say the story of how they've met and fell in love with Patton and they'd decide who deserves to ask him out first based on their story. And no lying. So here they were, in the schoolyard by a tree. Virgil crossed his legs, sitting under the tree. Roman was on one of the branched and Logan refused to sit down, leaning agaisnt the three. 


Virgil met Patton in sixth grade. Well, Penelope. Virgil was an anxious little bean back then, worried he would never make a friend and worried that nobody would like him because of the music he liked and the way he dressed. Virgil was abnormally skinny back then, but now he has some tummy chub due to how the body stores energy after you starve it. Penelope was in his homeroom and became his only friend.

Virgil fell in love with Penelope that year. They lived two blocks away, but Virgil knew it was worth it to bike over there on the weekends and over the summer. His parents would always tease him about having a girlfriend when talking about Penelope. Virgil hadn't told his family he was bisexual yet so the idea of a boyfriend was foreign in their minds. Virgil still hasn't come out yet so... yeah. But he knew he was in love with Penelope and nothing would ever change that

Then in eighth grade Penelope admitted to feeling weird. Virgil asked what kind of weird and Penelope said stuff like her chest feels weird and she doesn't like being in the girls dressing room because she feels like she's violating other people and she feels violated. She said she didn't like being called a princess or pretty. Virgil proposed the idea of being trans, but she rejected it. She rejected it until freshman year.

At the end of Freshman year she admitted to Virgil that Penelope was trans. Over the summer Virgil helped Penelope transition into Patton, holding his hand along the way and doing his research to help. Virgil is saving money on the side to help with the chest surgery. They're both saving their allowances and Virgil bikes to the Wendy's nearby to work there over the summer to help raise money for Patton's surgery. 


"I know it's cheesy and cliché... but I love him. I just want whatever makes him happy because he's made me So happy and feel accepted."

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