The Old Couple Up on the Hill [Analogical] (Elderly AU)

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Im trying something new with this one. I hope you enjoy it. 


Away from everyone and up a Hill was a small cottage. In that cottage two elderly men live. They have white hair and are very wrinkly. Everyone always says that they have the best stories. Everyone in town loves them. They go by Doctor Sanders and Mister Sanders. Adults love talking to them. Children love to listen to them. Teenagers love to hang out by their little Hill. The one thing in common was that everybody loves them. Especially those who need something uplifting told to them.

Luka and Hänsel are two little boys who live in the village and they often go up to the hill. Luka is thirteen and Hänsel is Fourteen. The morning sun isn't rising over the horizon and the entire town is waking up. Hänsel swung his legs, sitting on the tree branch right outside of Luka's house. He wore a long gown of a dress because he isn't out to his parents. He didn't mind wearing a dress. It looked nice on him. But he was, in fact, a boy. Hänsel Smile day and jumped down from the tree when he saw Luka walk out the door.

"Luka! Come on! Doctor Sanders promised us that he'd finish up his story this morning! We have to be there by six!"

Luka nodded, tightening his hat on his head and smirking. Doctor Sanders was telling the two of them the story of how he met and fell in love with Mister Sanders. Luka grabbed Hänsel's wrist and the two began running towards the house at the top of the hill. The sun was rising and the pinks and oranges followed the two boys as they ran past the trees and flowers. Luka wore a tote bag over his shoulder filled with paper and pencils to sketch with and some snacks for the two. Hänsel didn't even bother wearing shoes because for him it's much easier to run with.

The boys ran up the fill, over the cobblestone and gravel paths set out to prevent people from running through Mister Sanders's garden that he cares for very much. Luka dragged Hänsel up to the house. It had a yellow roof and the smoke of the chimney was going, showing the world that the Sanders Men were awake. Giddy with excitement, Luka stepped back to let Hänsel knock on the door. He lifted the old style knocker and banged it against the door a few times. The two waited for the door to open. When it did, they were greeted with the old wrinkly man who went by Mister Sanders.

"Let me guess. It's Mister Sunshine and his Boyfriend Mister Trap."

The snarky nicknames he created for them never made them not smile. Luka was Mister Sunshine because of his tanned skin and his optimism. Hänsel was Mister Trap because he was a boy who wore dresses. They were lighthearted jokes that neither of them took seriously. Mister Sanders held the door open and the two teenage boys walked inside, both excited to hear more from Doctor Sanders. They knew exactly where he'd be since he can't move all that much and all. They hurried to the living room next to the fireplace and sat down in front of the rocking chair where old Doctor Sanders sat. Mister Sandwrs sat on the couch next to the chair. 

"Doctor Sanders! We're back! It's six in the morning! Just like you said!"

"You promised to tell us the rest of the story of how you met Mister Sanders, remember? Luka brought paper and everything!"

Luka dug in his tote bag to get out his pencils and sketchbook. He also got out two oranges, two pears, and two Capri Suns for him and Hänsel to share. Hänsel took a pear and bit into it. Pears always were his favorite. Doctor Sanders opened his eyes and reached for his glasses on the small table next to his rocking chair. See, Doctor Sanders can't walk anymore. The adults of the town help him move around when he needs to. He got in a car accident when he used to live in Gainesville. He moved here for his health. That's what he said in an old story. Luka and Hänsel looked up worryingly when they heard him cough, but the corners of his lips were curled up. 

"I suppose I did promise to pass down the story of Virgil and I in our youth, hadn't I? And young Luka wanted to depict it with one of his drawings. Who am I to deny you of that?"

Doctor Sanders began rocking back and forth in his chair slowly. Mister Sanders stood up again and waddled to the kitchen to go do something. Maybe get Doctor Sanders his morning tea. He isn't too good at staying awake without his morning tea. After another nasty cough, he began right where he left off in telling his story to the two little ones.

"That last day of Highschool back in Gainesville was magical all right. I took Virgil out with me to get some coffee. On a date. He didn't realize it was a date yet, but I had perceived it a second such from the begining. He managed to make me flustered so I had to excuse myself as I went to go get our orders. This part isn't of much importance to what made that day truly magical. It was when we went to the Cul-De-Sad did the series events become so surreal."

Luka had already started sketching out two people sitting together under a tree. He had notes from details that happened yesterday in his little book. He was going to illustrate it and Hänsel was going to write it. Hänsel has a good way with words. If you haven't figured it out by now: The boys are planning to write a book based on the story of what happened between Mister and Doctor Sanders that day in Gainesville. Based on what Luka wrote down, Doctor Sanders wore suspenders and a bow tie while Mister Sanders Just wore a hoodie and sweatpants. This is when Mister Sanders came back with Doctor Sanders's morning tea. They both took a large drink, synchronized, before Doctor Sanders continued with his story.

"Virgil was laying in the tree he climbed and we were talking about who knows what. I beleive the topic was our favorite music. Then he noticed a firefly flutter down, despite it not being firefly season. He didn't know what a firefly was, being from Michigan, and he created this entire fictional reality in his head that they were called "Starbugs" and they are fallen stars on Earth. This particular one was part of the constellation Gemini and lost his twin. His name was Arvis, looking for Ayra. Of course, this was all fiction. I thought it was childish, but charmingly adorable. He apologized to me for it and I told him there was no need to. That's when I had the crazy ambition to ask for his consent to kiss him."

Hänsel gasped, accidentally eating half of the core of his finished pear. He was totally invested in this story and completely in love with everything that was going on. Meanwhile, Luka had already finished sketching what he thought Mister Sanders would have looked like. Oversized hoodie, messy hair, bags under eyes, and ripped jeans. He was begining to draw the details on Doctor Sanders now. In the corner with pretty cursive writing he simply wrote Starbugs. 

"He said yes, so I did just that. Before we knew it, fireflies were surrounding us. Fireflies danced around us and they suddenly were all over us. The golden light alluminated his face gorgeously. There was a knot in my chest. I had to ask him. I formally asked him if he would go out with me, as you kids say, and he said yes. Sixty three years later and we're here in this town living together. That's a happy ending to our tale. Now we just live here, domestically and in comfort, for the rest of our days."

The boys were borh in awe. Doctor Sanders cracked a full on grin and Mister Sandwrs sat on the couch, looking up at the ceiling and reminiscing on the good times of his childhood. How much he'd kill to go back and be teenagers again. Before Logan got in that accident... 

"Woah! That's such an adorable story! I can't wait to write it! Lulu! What does the drawing look like? I wanna see!"

Hänsel was freaking out and going full fanboy mode over the Sanders Couple. While the two boys were doing their own thing, Logan rolled his neck over to look at his husband. Virgil locked eyes with Logan and knew exactly what was going on. He rolled his eyes and smirked his signature smirk. Same smile, even underneath all those wrinkles. Virgil got up and kissed Logan on the lips. Living this long and staying together through it all... isn't that true relationship goals? Yes. Yes it is.

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That message at the very end is the same one I want to relay to you. Who cares about whatever cute things that people say are relationship goals or those "you're not a real couple if you don't do this" things or whatever other discrimination you might have with your lover. As long as you're happy together and can live a long life together, that's all that really matters in the end. I promise.


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