Our Song [Moxiety] (Elderly AU)

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Sorry for not updating for THREE WHOLE DAYS, I had theater productions to do and I lost a lot of energy. I'm the high energy comic relief for both shows and I'm losing my voice, yuck. On the third day I was sleep deprived after softball practice. Anywho, no time for excuses, guess what time it is?


Patton and Virgil, or should we say GrandPappy and PopPop, were sitting in a nice resteraunt with their adopted daughter and her family. She married a man and had four kids, her oldest being twelve and her youngest being three. All girls. They wanted a boy so bad, so they just kept trying. Patton was encouraging but Virgil advised them just to stop and adopt a little boy if they want one so bad. It's one of those things nobody knows really what to do, ya know? But it didn't Matter right now. The two elderly men were here to celebrate Patton's birthday dinner at a fancy resteraunt, And Virgil had something planned for later on in the evening.

See, back when Virgil and Patton were in school and just became friends/lovers, Virgil was a total video game geek and only liked to play the old school Pokémon games. Before the EXP share to every Pokémon and 3D graphics. The first game he got Patton to play that wasn't one of Then newer and easier games was Pokémon Pearl. Virgil was playing Diamond and Patton wanted to be his 'rival'. Virgil chose Turtwig, having a soft spot for turtles, so Patton chose Chimchar. It was the first thing that was theirs. Patton worked hard to be better than Virgil and they spent the entire Spring Break and a handful of weekends and classes in school trying to be the very best like no one ever was. There was a specific song that Patton loved from that game, from his favorite town with his favorite Pokémon. It was Combee. Cute little honeycomb that can become a kween. Virgil asked the resteraunt to play that song specificallt for his husband, Patton. It took a lot of courage and anxiety, but he did it.

Virgil nodded at the waiter, who went back to go get Patton's special song. Floaroma Town, nighttime version. It had to Be nighttime because the first time Patton visited Floaroma town (after Virgil managed to beat him there because he didn't stop to level grind) it was night and it was the most magical moment for him because it was just so pretty. Virgil watched Patton as his wrinkly face twisted up with the same bright cheery grin from the childhood and early adulthood that he remembered. He may be old, but his smile will remain forever youthful. Patton will forever be stuck in his adorable youth.

"Hey! This is Floaroma Town!"

There it was, he recognized it. Now Virgil had to proceed with how he was going to make this night one to remember. His daughter nodded for encouragement, leaning his nerves just a smidge. Virgil creaked his old bones just to stand up. Patton watched with curious eyes as Virgil stumbled over to Patton. Virgil stood right next to him and tired to be a gentleman, like their old friend Roman, and stick out his hand. The song played soothingly, calming the little ones at the table. It was the perfect song for a slow dance, wouldn't you agree Reader? The song is above so you can make a fair judgement. It might be a bit to RPG-ey though.

"Can I have this dance?"

Patton bit his lip, as if trying to restrain himself from making a Dad joke. But it's worse now. He makes grandpa jokes and they're twice as horrible. Apparently Patton couldn't keep this one to himself and he instsntly became every middle and high achooler's worst nightmare: a Grammar Nazi English Teacher.

"I don't know, can you?"

Virgil groaned, getting a big laugh out of the entire table. Well, almost. The three year old didn't quite understand so she just pretended to laugh like everyone else. Avery is such a sweet child. Patton took Virgil's cold and limber hand. Virgil used whatever might he had left in this dusty body to help bring Patton up. Patton had a walking cane, but Virgil figured he wouldn't need it with his 'big buff Cheeto puff' husband at his side. There's a space in between the tables around where there's enough room for the two old men to slow dance. Slowly but surely, like slugs on 0.25 speed, they made it there and entwined their hands, slow dancing to their heart's content to a song from a 2006 video game.

"Hey Patton, Guess What. This is our song."

Virgil got a laugh out of his husband, who he was sure was starting to feel nostalgic for the old times back In Highschool. Thinking about it, maybe Virgil can look for that box in the attic where he stored their 3ds XLs and all the game cartridges. Maybe they both can pick up a copy of X and Y and become rivals again, just for old times sake. Virgil would pick the girl just for clothing options and Patton would pick the starter with the type advantage to be a little stinker. Patton got him into the 3D animation style after Pokémon Sword and Shield came out, so that's no big deal. You know, for plot convenance.

"The song I'd spend a half hour just getting to Floaroma town so I can hear it one last time before bed."

Oh yeah, Virgil almost forgot about that. Every time Patton wanted to play before sleeping, he'd fly to Floaroma town on his Staravia and save so he could listen to the music and fall asleep. When Virgil was up at night with his Anxiety-Induced Insomnia he would catch Patton snoozing on the couch with his 3ds open with Floaroma Town right next to the Pokémon Daycare. He'd also be snuggled up with the Chimchar plushie Virgil got him for their one year anniversary more often than not. Virgil probably has a photo he snagged of him dojnf just hat somehwere in the family's albums, way back in the beginging while they were still Young and Not in constant body pain.

"Yeah, And now we can dance to it. Happy Birthday, you old coot."

Virgil leaned forward and kissed his husband on the nose. How long have they been married now? Several years. Over half a century. They're old beans. Patton just beamed from the kiss as the attention was on them. The staff had to play the song three more times before it was done because the video on YouTube was only seven minutes. 

Okay, that settles it. Virgil is going looking for that box when he gets home.

1069 Words

Pretty decent for coming back after a long break. I've bene playing Pokémon diamond recently if you can't tell. Lol. 

I love you all! Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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