What's A Soulmate? [Logince] (Modern AU)

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What's a Soulmate Evangeline? Well.....

It's a.. Well, it's like a best friend, but more. 

Logan never really had a best friend. Ever since middle school he'd been an outcast. People labeled him as a nerd and a freak because he'd rather stay in the library rather than gonoitside tonplay during recess. He doesn't really speak much unless answering a question in class and he never had worn shorts, nor even once. Logan was the outcast and he pained himself to admit it. He wanted to be like everyone else, but he just wasn't. He was just too much into his books and not good enough for the other kids. 

That's when he finally met his best friend. On his Junior Year Of High School (after skipping two grades to get there) another junior moved in. He was very eccentric and definitely a theater kid.  He had this bright smile and accepting aura that naturally pulled Logan towards him like gravity. He remembers crisply like a noon sky what he did. He extended his hand and beamed at him. 

"Hey! I'm Roman! I'm guessing you're the smart kid? I'm going to be hanging around you s lot because I'm a lost cause! Ha ha!"

He laughed it off like it was nothing. Logan felt his heart just explode inside of his chest and he felt w loud blush creep up to his face, even though the blood rushing up into your cheeks has nothing to do with sound. Roman kept to his word and bugged Logan for help with homework often. Logan would get annoyed, but he got used to it and came to enjoy his pestering. Roman as the reason Logan felt like he should pursue teaching. He had so much leisure helping him with his homework he felt like he could do it forever. They grew closer and began seeing eachother outside of school, hanging out and going on what would normally be classified as a date. 

Logan felt like he had a best friend, yet at the same time it was more. He felt so happy around Roman. He could actually smile. He went to the theater productions for the school. He went to pep rallies and football games just because Roman was going to be there. He learned how to fit in with a group and he felt safe. He didn't feel like just a nerd or just an outcast anymore, he felt like a whole person. He would long for Roman's hand in his own in class at random times and wonder what questions Roman would ask when taking a test, answering them under his breath and leading himself to the correct answer. Logan was without a doubt in love.

It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. 

Roman was the new boy in high school. Switching schools on junior year? Not exactly a old idea moms, but it was for the best financially. Roman as so lucky to have met such amazing people, but the one person who he was grateful for the most was Logan. The sarcastic nerd didn't know how to extrovert, but he didn't mind. Back home, none of Roman's friend cared much about his preferences or listened as intensely as he did. Logan remembered every single detail he told him.

"Hey, I dropped by Starbucks on the way here. You said that when you study you prefer a hot drink and you like to keeonit seasonal for fall so I got you a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I hope this is adequate."

Logan placed the drink in front of Roman, sipping on his own green tea. He remembers everything and anything Roman says. Roman talks about a person in my cast he doesn't like? He asks me the next day if the same person gave him any trouble and smiles when he says they didn't. He says he loves a youtuber or would love merchandise? In the next day or two Logan comes in with a tee shirt from the very fandom he mentioned. Roman talks about how much he loves his moms or how undeniably gay he is? Logan comes back the next day wearing a rainbow bracelet or with a rainbow heart drawn on the back of his hand. He was always there for him, and Roman loved it.

Logan knows Roman better than anyone else. He wasn't a new kid nor was he ever lost. He had Logan right by his side, telling him how he should solve a problem rather than telling him the solution. He went with him wherever he wanted to go, advising him instead of telling him what to do. They made decisions together. It was almost like they were two halves of the same brain, Logan on the left and Roman on the right. They held their hands together and Roman beamed. There wasn't anyone else in the world for him like Logan.

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