She's So... Perfect [Analogical] (Genderbend AU)

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Sorry that this took forever. I was at a pool party all day yesterday and I had softball camp this morning. 


Victoria sat off to the side at the pool party. Rosalina has invited her to hang out with her friends Patricia and Delaney. Vicky doesn't really know either two girls, but the three of them were in the middle of a killer water gun fight. Vicky would rather not step out of the pool. Her roommate made her wear a bikini even though she's super pale with tummy chub. She doesn't have much of a self esteem lol. Victoria just held onto a water noodle just in case and kept to herself on the ledge of the pool.

That's when the water fight ceased and the horrid sound of the backyard gate scraping against the horribly placed concrete filled the air, over the music that Rosalina was blaring on her speakers. Vicky had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't having another gay daydream. That girl right there was Lindsay: Valedictorian and leader of the National Honor's Society at their school. She wasn't wearing her glasses and her hair went all the way down to her mid-back. Sure, she was flat, but she was tanned like caramel. Vicky felt her face heating up so bad she had to take a full body dip into the water.

"Lindsay! Awesome! Now the party's Here!"

"Don't patronize me, Rosalina. I'm only here because Delaney would find some sort of way to make me pay for not coming to her girlfreind's Pool Party."

Delaney shrugged and did a flip into the water, getting a cheer and a 10/10 from Patricia. Lindsay caught Vicky staring at her. Crap! She looked away instantly, not able to see the slight smirk on the intelligent girl's lips. Vicky decided to go ahead and go for a small little cool down swim. She pushed off then ledge she was sitting on, going for the floor of the pool. She touched the bottom, dragging her hand across it. It was rough, but it was always nice to know you have ground below you.

Placing both of her hands on the ground, she flipped herself around and opened her eyes. Sure, it was going to sting later, but she didn't care. She let out a few bubbles and watched them go the surface. It's gorgeous. She smiled and flipped back around. Oh dear. Her breath! She pushed off the ground and before she knew it her feet hit cold air. It's only cold because she's used to the water. She did a flip and took a big deep breath. It's always really refreshing to do that. She didn't expect to get a small applause from none other than Lindsay.

"Bravo. I could never go under that deep without feeling discomfort of the ear from the low pressure. I don't believe we've met. I'm Lindsay. Lindsay Barry."

She stuck out her hand. Vicky couldn't believe this. Her smile was so warm. It sent butterflies to her stomach. She had always idolized and maybe had a celebrity crush on her. She's not a celebrity, but she certainly was unattainable like one. Wait a second... what if she's straight???  Anxiety was pumping through Vicky's veins as Shen reached her hand out, kicking her legs to keep her fluffy self afloat.

"Victoria! Victoria Burton! Well, uh, I actually would much rather go by Vicky than Victoria because it's so formal and.... I'm ranting! Sorry! My name's Vicky. Vicky Burton."

It's five hundred words around here, so it's time to flip into Lindsay's perspective! Lindsay knew exactly who Victoria was. She had always been shadowing Delaney and Patricia in the halls. She's a hardcore lesbian from what she knows. She's exceedingly smarter than her three friends and she has social anxiety. She's a part of the Honor's Society and she once shared a Chemistry Class with her. They've never conversed, but Lindsay has grown quite fond of the concept of Victoria. Oh dear, where are her manners? Lindsay has grown quite fond of the concept of Vicky.

"Vicky... yes. A bold and unique name is suitable for a pretty girl such as yourself. Considering that the other three here are dimwits, thought lovable dimwits, I should be spending most of my time conversing with you."

Watching her duck into the water to hide the ever so apparent blush on her face was priceless. Lindsay had never been able to make another girl flustered before. Normally people confuse her flirting as being nice or just being her subtle, insensitive self. It made her laugh a bit under her breath. So cute. She didn't lift her face out of the water, just her eyes above so she doesn't sting. Lindsay looked around for something. She saw a beach ball heading her way. Ah, thank you Rosalina. It's nice to know that she isn't the only one who can sense the romantic shift in the air. Welcome to fanfiction, Nice to have ya.


Lindsay bounced the ball off of her head teasingly, catching it back in her arms. The ball's too dry. She dipped it in the water and spun it around to get it nice and wet. Then, just to get on someone's nerves other than this cute chubby girl, he volleyball served it back over. Patricia got it and passed it over to Delaney, who set it up to Rosalina. Rosalina jumped into the water, spiking it back at Delaney while doing a cannonball. Nerds. Lindsay got off the ledge and started treading the water next to Vicky. She seemed to be lost in her own little world...

She's perfect.

"Hey, Lindsay? Maybe we should go join the others. It is Rosalina's party."

Maybe she was correct. Spending time with the host is the whole point, however Lindsay didn't exactly feel like it. Rosalina must have somehow felt her "they're about to be gaydar" go off and flashed a smile, giving a big thumbs up at Lindsay. Good. Rosalina did exactly what she wanted. Lindsay grabbed Vicky's wrist before she could swim off. They should just stay on the deep end and maybe do a little bit of diving or swimming along the floor. It's always nice to swim against the pool floor.

"Trust me, she won't mind. Especially if it means her most antisocial friends are actually being social for once."

Lindsay knew she it it right on the money. Vicky stopped swimming away and weakly smiled. She's so adorable. Lindsay must protect this precious bean.

1067 Words

This is so horrible I'm so sorry.


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