Making up

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Maya sighed as she leaned her head against her fist. Her elbow was sitting on the table and she was flipping through pages of her art book with her free hand that was sitting in front of her on the table at Topanga's Cafe.

NYU was on spring break and everyone was out having fun and going on dates, everyone except for Maya. She and Josh had gotten into a pretty big fight the night before and she didn't feel much like having fun. And she certainly wasn't going on dates with Josh at the moment.

So here she was, on a Saturday afternoon going through her art book and having a pity party for herself. Too stubborn to go to Josh and be the first one to say she was sorry.

Although, she felt like she was perfectly justified to feel the way she did on the matter. She shouldn't have to be the one to apologize, Josh should be the one coming to her. And she wasn't going to back off of that.

They both had been having a frustrating day when things got to the boiling point of their argument. Maya wasn't a fan of Josh's new study partner that he had been helping tutor for a big psychology exam coming up.

Jealousy wasn't an actual factor until Maya started observing the way the girl would look at Josh every time his back was turned. She claimed she was struggling with her class, and Josh was a perfect student in it. So of course being the nice guy that he was had offered to help her with it.

Maya trusted Josh. She knew he wouldn't let anything happen, that was until she had walked in on them alone in his dorm room together.

They weren't doing anything, Josh and her had been separated respectfully on opposite sides of the room. But it still gave Maya a queazy feeling in her stomach to see them alone together like that in his dorm room.

So Maya decided to tell Josh her concerns about him and this girl being inside the room together alone. Told him how uncomfortable it made her feel and how she didn't like the looks that this girl gave her. Because that's what Josh is preaching to her all the time.

"Maya, we have to start communicating with each other how we feel." He said. "How else are we supposed to make it as a couple if neither of us know what the other is thinking?"

So like an idiot, Maya decided that she would tell Josh what was on her mind about this girl. And instead of her loving boyfriend agreeing with her and telling her that he would be more careful, oh no. He tells her that she's just being a bit jealous and that she should learn to trust him more often.

Well to hell with that. If roles were reversed and that was Maya alone in her bedroom with another guy that wasn't in her immediate friend group, this would be an entirely different story. I'm fact, it was a different story when it was her. Just last semester.

Maya flipped the page in her art book frustratedly, even just thinking about it made her blood boil as she gritted her teeth at the memory.

A shadow came across her art book and a sound was heard as someone plopped into the booth across from hers. Maya looked up slightly with an annoyed expression at the person.

"We're going to have to talk about this, you know." Josh told her in a tone just as frustrating as the look she had. Maya glared.

"Oh no, Darling. You made your point perfectly clear last night." She stated as she aggressively turned another page in her book as she used the pet name for him in a very sarcastic tone.

"Seriously, Maya? Come on." Josh sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked like he had been up all night thinking about it. Good.

"Have you already forgotten about last nights discussion, sweet heart? Well let me remind you. You're allowed to hang out with as many females alone in your bedroom for as much time as you want, and I don't get to be a jealous crazed bitch about it." Maya glared at him again. Josh scoffed.

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