BIG misunderstanding

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Family dinner night at the Matthews household always was entertaining. There wasn't a dinner that went by that there wasn't something going on. Rather it was Auggie's consistent girl problems, Cory and Topang's soft little lover's spats, or even a fascinating story that Riley or Maya always seemed to have about the school or one of their friends. Dinners were never boring. It was one of the main reasons that Josh always loved coming over. He always enjoys being in the loop in everyone's lives.

He would listen to his now ten-year-old nephew as he talked about the troubles that he and Ava were having nowadays. He would laugh at the parts he was supposed to laugh, he would gasp at the parts that he was supposed to gasp, and he would give his ten-year-old nephew the best advise he could when talking to a kid that age. Auggie would listen and nod his head thoughtfully before he would of course decide to do the exact opposite of what his uncle tells him. But Josh was sure one day when Auggie was a little older, he would appreciate his Uncle's words a little more.

Josh would watch amused as his two favorite people in the world growing up would have another one of their marital debates. He loved to watch how Cory and Topanga interacted and would take mental notes for the future life that he would have someday with the woman of his dreams. He would only get involved when his opinion was asked, and like the smart man he was, he would always take Topanga's side even when she was wrong, and she never was.

He would listen with peak interest at Riley and Maya's stories as they would take turns telling everyone the events of their day. Telling their own point of view of whatever mishap had taken place this time. He would even chime in his own thoughts and sometimes have a story of his own to tell when it was all said and done. He loved being a part of the family, he loved being in New York and sharing in all the exciting events.

But sometimes, and only sometimes, did he wish he they weren't so... open... with him around.

"So where exactly are mom and Dad?" Auggie asked as Riley placed the huge bowl of spaghetti in the center of the table before sitting down in her usual seat beside Maya.

"They went out for a date night. It's the first one they've had in a while and you get to stay up past your bedtime. So don't complain." She said with narrowed eyebrows. Auggie rolled his eyes as he reached for the bowl first, filling his plate up while muttering under his breath about how he was too old to have a bedtime anyway.

Josh gave his niece an amused look before taking the bowl from Auggie and helping him finish filling his plate before starting to fill his own. Maya pushed her hair back over her shoulders as she grabbed the plate of garlic bread and piled two onto her own plate.

"So," Riley started casually. "How did it go with Zack yesterday?" She asked as she took the bowl from Josh. Maya shrugged her shoulders.

"It was okay, I guess." Josh glanced up for a brief moment before taking a piece of garlic bread himself. He hadn't heard the name Zach mentioned before. Riley raised an eyebrow.

"Just okay? You've been talking about this for weeks. I can't imagine that much build-up only for it to be a letdown." Maya once again shrugged her shoulders as she took the bowl from Riley and started piling the spaghetti on her plate.

"Well, Zack was great and all. And he really knew all the right moves. But it's just been a while since I've done it, you know? So of course, it didn't feel all that great." Josh froze, his body going rigid, his fork stilling the twirling around his noodles.

"How long has it been again?" Riley asked.

"Just since last year, but you know how it is. Once you stop for a while, your body kind of forgets." Josh looked up at them from above his eyelashes. They couldn't possibly be talking about what he thinks they're talking about.

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