Another One Where She's Pregnant

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And another one where she's pregnant. You would think I would find more story ideas to come up with.

We're pregnant.

I'm pregnant.

I'm going to have a baby.

We're going to have a baby.

These thoughts kept going through Maya's head as she stared down at the positive pregnancy test that was laying on the bathroom counter at the moment.

Oh shit...

Well its not like this was horrible news, actually quite the opposite. Sure, Maya and Josh had talked about the kids in the future, but they hadn't really been trying. Actually, they hadn't been not, not trying either. More or so they've just been risking it, having the attitude that whatever happens, happens.

But they had made that decision six months ago, and Maya could honestly say that it had slipped past hers and Josh's mid what unprotected sex for six months could lead to. But suddenly she was reminded, and everything had hit her full force.

She had to tell Josh, but how? He was at work and wouldn't be home until evening time, but their family was supposed to come over for dinner tonight. A dinner that Riley, her best friend and husbands niece, was on her way over to help her cook.

Riley! That's is, she could call Riley! Riley would know what to do considering she had been through this twice already... But just as Maya was fixing to hit the call button on her Best friends contact, a thought struck her.

No. She couldn't tell Riley. That wouldn't be fair to Josh.

Sure, her and Riley were best friends, and they shared everything together. Told each other all their secrets and even talked about things that they wouldn't ever dream talking to their husbands about... But this, this was something that Maya and Josh shared that was special for the both of them. This just wasn't Maya's child, this was Josh's, too. And he deserved to be the first person to know after her.

Maya put her phone down and ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't sure how or when she would be able to tell Josh. She would want to tell him a romantic way, just the two of them. But she couldn't do that tonight, or at least not until their families went home.

"Maya! I'm here!" Riley's voice called from downstairs.

"Aunt Maya!" Maya smiled at the small little two year old voice that called to her as well.

"I'll be down in a minute!" Maya called out. She quickly wrapped the pregnancy test box in toilet paper and threw it away so Josh wouldn't be able to see it if he came in the bathroom.

Maya grabbed the test and hurried into their room, opening the top drawer of her nightstand and putting the test in there. Josh rarely ever looked into her nightstand. She mostly kept her journal and sketch book with pens in there. Wasn't anything exciting. And Josh respected her privacy, just like she respected his and didn't ever go into his nightstand drawer either.

She knew the test would be safe in here for the time being. Just like when Josh was planning on proposing and had the ring in his nightstand drawer for a whole month before he actually popped the question.

Shutting the drawer, Maya took a moment to collect herself, placing a hand on her flat stomach and imagining how Josh would react. A small smile graced her lips before she turned away from the nightstand and walked out her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

The whole night Maya felt like she was walking on eggshells. The newfound information about her pregnancy had been in the back of her mind ever since she found out and couldn't get her mind off of it to save her life. Riley had asked her a few times if she felt okay, in which Maya replied that she had a lot of water today and that was why she felt the sudden need to rush to the bathroom a lot.

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