And Even More Parties

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Hey y'all. It's very important to me that you guys read this before you start on the story below. But don't worry, there will be a one shot down below. I won't leave you guys on just a AN.

So as you can see I've been putting out a bunch of these oneshots in the last couple of weeks. That's because during the time that I was away, I was still writing drafts to put out. So in my drafts right now are a bunch of half written or fully written chapters that just need to be edited before published.

Also, I'm trying to finish up this one shot book. So I'm publishing them as soon as I'm finishing them. I'm not waiting for a specific day or time. Literally as soon as I finished the last word, I hit publish. 

My point to this is that I'm doing my best to finish up all my stories that I have, not just this one. But I want to focus on one story at a time, which this one will be first and then I'll set to finishing all the others. So if you read my other stories, that's why I haven't been publishing any of those.

I have about 35ish more one shots I think for this before I'm done with it? Which does seem kind of a lot still, but I hope to be done with it fairly soon. I got an 8-5 job with weekends off. So I'm hoping to have more time to be able to sit down and write.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rant. Now onto the story.

"What's your name anyway?" One guy asked as he brought his beer up to his lips. Josh politely denied a beer being handed to him before sitting back in his chair and turning to the guy.

"Josh Matthew's." He said. The guy raised an eyebrow, a slow smile coming onto his lips.

"Matthew's." He repeated. "That would mean you're related to that freshman, right?" He asked. Josh tensed. "Riley Matthews. Sister?"

"Niece." Josh corrected.

"Damn, Matthew's. Your parents were getting in on!" Another guy exclaimed. Some of the guys in the group slowly chuckled. Josh shifted uncomfortably.

"So that would mean you're pretty close with her and her friends?" The guy continued to push.

"Not particularly." Josh stated. "We might be close in age, but we grew up apart. Her here in New York, me in Philadelphia." He told them. "Her friends aren't really mine." He hesitated a little, it felt weird to say that. He wasn't particularly friends with her friends, but it's not like he hadn't hung out with them occasionally.

"But you know of them." The guy stated.

"Why so curious?" Josh asked, his eyebrows narrowing. "If you're trying to get to know my niece then you can find her on campus and talk to her yourself." He said. "Although, you would be out of luck. She has a boyfriend."

"Oh I'm not interested in your niece." The guy said, taking another sip of his beer. Josh watched him closely. "I'm more interested in that blond girl that she's always with. What's her name? Millie? Mally?"

"Maya." Josh deadpanned. His mood changing drastically.

"Right." The guy smirked. "She's hot."

"She's three years younger than you." Josh told him. His voice cold. Andrew shifted beside him and nudged his shoulder, but Josh didn't pay any attention to him.

"So? Three years ain't nothing compared to what a lot of guys our age are into."

"Sebastian." Andrew warned. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're more protective over her than you are of your own niece." Sebastian said. "Or does she have a boyfriend as well?"

"Maybe she does." Josh said. Andrew's eyes widened as he stared at him.

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