UCW High Impact #21

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1- Boosette vs Rachel Amber with Arcadia Business: The story of the match was how Arcadia Business triple teamed Boosette whenever they could and to the limits without causing a DQ to prove to Fairy Tail that their teamwork was better than what they thought it was and it actually worked since Rachel had an 65/35 advantage whenever they were teaming up on her. However Boosette had an 70/30 advantage whenever Rachel couldn't get help from her buddies. In the end, a Facebuster got Rachel the victory. After the match we just see Arcadia Business saying "good enough teamwork for you Fairy Tail?. See you when we make your gold ours!" before leaving together and to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

2- We see Riku telling Darwin that although he's interested on facing someone who'd cheat to win which is what he told his last challenger would need to do in order to win...it's not the same for Darwin since he's just not good enough to beat the best cruiserweight in the company right now!. And he can say he's the best since he has the Cruiserweight Title which proves that he's the best!. Meanwhile, what does Darwin have?...nothing. He doesn't have the spotlight in his life since he's Gumball's sidekick, he has no intellect and thus needs Gumball's help to cheat as good as he did to get a title shot. Meanwhile, he has the skill to be the best, a friend who helps him in case someone tries to attack him and the ability to cheat on his own if necesary. Simply put, he's better in ANY aspect than Darwin and when they face off, he's gonna prove it once again.

3- Team RWBY (Ruby and Weiss) with Yang and Blake vs Angels of Death (Rachel Gardner and Alice Angel): The story was simple with Ruby and Weiss doing a simple teamwork that gave them the advantage over Angels of Death who still were accostumbring to teamworking. What was this teamwork?, well it resumed on Ruby doing most of the job with her speed and trying to get tje victory while Weiss would enter on certain points to work on the limbs of their opponents so when Ruby entered she could keep having the control of the match without that much trouble. This worked really well as Ruby and Weiss had an 80/20 advantage as long as it worked since otherwise Alice would manage to make the match back and forth on her own and Rachel would manage to reduce the disadvantage to 65/35 which might not seem that big of a deal but this is Rachel we talking about. In the end, Ruby connected the Rose's Thorn on Rachel and then covered her to get the clean victory.

4- We see Fairy Tail (wuth Gray being the one more offensive and Natsu being more respectful) saying that the Bikini Bottomers said what they said last week because they're scared of facing them, with all due respect, since they know that under normal circumstances they'd get their butts kicked and that's why they're trying to shake their confidence so they won't perform at their best and they lose to them. Well newsflash that will not work since no matter what shaking confidence they try will affect them more than the fear they have and THAT will be what makes the Bikini Bottomers lose since you can't take advantage of an handicap when you have one yourself.

5- Anri with Charlotte vs ??? with ??? and ???: The mystery opponent turned out to be Emerald who was accompained by Neo and Cinder. The match was clean without interferences from either side and Emerald having a 60/40 advantage the entire time. In the end, Emerald connected an Emerald Flowsion (move of the same name) and then covered Anri to get the clean victory.

6- We see Kirito saying that he doesn't plan on losing his title not to Seiji nor to Jerry since one needs to be humbled once and for all before he can even deserve to hold his title and the other doesn't deserve to hold the title since he'd win it from behind that rather face to face. Afterwards, we see Jerry and Tom assaulting Kirito before being forced to retreat by Agil and Klein who had come with unarmed and with a steel chair respectively.

The show ends with Jerry telling Kirito "That IC Title is mine come Money Above All!" as he gets up and Seiji watching on from backstage.

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