UCW High Impact #85: Digimon vs Greedy Bastards

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1- We start the show with Goku from his office saying the next words:

Goku: Sorry that i keep delaying the action like on last episode but i've booked a big main event for Episode 87 next week!. Simply put, Jin Sakai and Sekiro will face Fairy Tail but that's not all!. First off, there will be no disqualifications to ensure there's no screwy finish with Jin and Sekiro surprising the competition and if that wasn't huge enough?. The winners will face the champions whoever they may be by Episode 89 for the Tag Team Titles!. Good luck to both teams and may the best team win.

*The segment ends with the crowd cheering albeit not to degree of what was Episode 84 due to this, while being a big match, it wasn't confirmed comeuppance like for Anti-Rebellion*

2- Then we follow up with a segment backstage where we see Shovel Knight and the IC Title on his left shoulder as he begins to speak:

SK: The time is almost here for the steel cage match and while i can't touch Edward Mason or the match is off, what i can do is prove to him how just like at the 5 Way match, he has no chance of overcoming me!.
How will i do that you may ask?. Simple, i am going to host an open challenge for my Intercontinental Championship TONIGHT!
You may think this is a risk but oh no it's not, not for me but rather for my opponent who will have to endure the dangerousness of a villain such as myself if they even hope to leave the champion and trust me they will not!. For only heroes can defeat villains and i am someone who used to be a hero and still is despite being a villain in this situation so i know what i will have to do to keep you down for the 3 count and i will show it!.
See you later for the Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge and see you at No Way Out Edward.

*The segment ends with Shovel Knight exiting to prepare for his match as the crowd boos him*

3- Next, we see Kazuma entering the ring with a cocky smirk on his face as he lifts the Cruiserweight Championship and says "no one has the braveness to face me" before he enters the ring and proceeds to grab a mic and then speak:

Kazuma: Well well well. It seems like no one has the balls to face me after my comment on craftiness wouldn't you say Mori?.

Mori: Yes indeed Kazuma and that means you get the month off, congratulations!!!

Kazuma: *high fives Mori* Yeah buddy i do!. Because if i have no challenger that means i have to face no one for this Cruiserweight Championship of mine!

*Here is when Darwin comes down to a mixed reaction as he oddly seems uncomfortable with the new type of reaction he has just for stepping up against Kazuma?*

Darwin: *looks at the crowd* Wooow. So now at least half of you are in my side just because i stood against this slacker?. *points at Kazuma* Screw you all and your fickleness. *the crowd proceeds to full on boo him and Darwin oddly smirks before continuing on* Where were we?. Oh yeah. The slacker Kazuma.

Kazuma: *looking at Mori a bit unnerved* uhhhh, you okay buddy?.

Mori: Yeah, it's not normal for someone to prefer being hated than have some mixed reaction should they care about the crowd.

Darwin: Oh that, i just am happy with the way things are and i don't want them changing.

Kazuma: Then why are you here since i assume you want a shot at my Cruiserweight Title and if you win then you change how things are.

Mori: It would be hypocritical if you will.

Darwin: Oh, when i meant things staying the same making me happy i meant as in myself not other stuff. And winning that Cruiserweight Title off of you whilst also preventing you from slacking off is good for me since i can still be hated and a champion so no change there.

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