Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 8

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Feud with the Watterson Part 7:
2 out of 3 Falls Tag Team match: the Watterson vs Shovel Knight and Edward Mason:
The purpose of the match was to show how Shovel Knight became the MVP of the match because of when the Watterson got the 1-0 lead he realized one more fall and he'd be proven wrong and he didn't wanna face the consequences of being wrong and thus he fought his heart out to get an advantage in the match which didn't happen as it remained 60/40 in favor of the Watterson as they were the ones to cheat only due to the bet and they exploited that and it showed as the match was just like their first encounter when the Watterson started to cheat.
In the end, a Darwin's Theory on Edward got his team the second fall and the 2-0 victory.
After the match, we see SK getting Edward to his feet and when he says he was right, Shovel Knight just looks at him in the eye and shoves him to tbe ground before leaving as he says that he said he'd do things Edward's way not that he'd team up with him!
Backstage, we see SK just chuckling a bit as he says that if it takes acting like a villain for Edward to act the right way then DAMN would he be the biggest villain in the history of the company.

Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 8, the Watterson feud Part 7: END.

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