UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #3

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To start off the road to, we see Link responding to Elias' words inside the ring:

Link: I've heard all Elias has said about how he has earned the UCW World Championship and to be fair, considering only half his defenses have had interferences and only one of those has had Elias directly cheating, i can't argue much.
However, just like he has gotten used to having a World Title, he's gonna have to get used to not having one once more for if anyone can overcome him, it's me.
He wants me to prove that i deserve the title, i will fight him head to head.
He wants to cheat, he must know that i used to be someone who cheats too.
Elias, no matter what you try, no matter what you say, you're going to get used eventually to the fact that you can't beat me.

*The segment ends with the crowd cheering as Link leaves the ring*

Intercontinental Championship N1 Contender's match, Shield Knight special guest referee: Edward Mason vs Kagerou:

This match was quite tense which is to be expected considering none of these three are in good terms with each other.
However, what was noteworthy is how Kagerou now had a bigger advantage over Edward which while not surprising as one could see that, even if the opponent did beat him last time they faced off, there was height difference, the thing to note here is how the moments where Kagerou wasn't in control by a margin of 80/20 was when he started to add some flair to his moves which proved negative against Edward whom was able to use his small frame to squirm out and counterattack. Otherwise, the noteworthy aspect was the lead of Kagerou in the match and that it took Kagerou being fully himself to have problems against Edward who unexpecting this was on the backfoot for most of the match.

It didn't help that Kagerou decided to not go for the win instantly but rather that he chose to both taunt Shovel Knight for he knew that he couldn't touch him lest he wanted to lose a shot at the Intercontinental Championship after him and also soften Edward up so he couldn't use his speed against his flair attempts, pretty much keeping him a prisoner without a way out...and it worked overtime to perfection.

In the end, Kagerou struck a stiff high kick and covered Edward to get the clean victory.

After the match though, all this tension that had been accumulating due to Kagerou's taunts blew up as while he was making it all about himself, Shovel Knight struck him on the back with the shovel and then exited with both his rivals down (mostly Edward as Kagerou was glaring daggers at him) raising his shovel, standing tall as the crowd booed the outcome of this match.

Next, we see the Greedy Bastards backstage with microphones:

Wario: Wahaha!. It's time to go another round!. It's time for the bell to be rung for our rematch against Digimon to take place to remind them who's boss between us and them!.

Waluigi: They may have won last time and that is to be praised no doubt. However, don't you dare think for a second we're going to just be talking the talk oh no. We're going to do what always happens when the Greedy Bastards and Digimon cross paths, we'll talk the talk and that entails becoming the NEW UCW Tag Team Champions!. And just because you won last time, it doesn't mean you'll do it again. We'll make sure of it.

*The segment ends with the crowd booing Wario and Waluigi as the Road To goes on*

If the Wattersons win, whoever gets the fall, gets a Cruiserweight Title match: Wattersons vs Kazuma and Mori:

Hoo boi this match, this at first seemed like a sort of traditional match with Kazuma, champion and all, struggling 2 on 1 against the opponents who were outrunning him and spoiling any chance of a comeback.

This just kept building and building as Mori was trying to interfere from time to time but couldn't without being given the tag and at least 3 hot tag possibilities were prevented by Gumball and Darwin who were pretty much giving karma to Kazuma and how he won the Cruiserweight Title due to help from Mori.

Even so, despite the 80/20 advantage of the Wattersons, Kazuma wasn't out of the game and following a series of cunning moves, he managed to escape enemy territory and tag Mori in and this actually flipped the match on its head as with the speed advantage now gone since Mori was faster than them, the match was even as now Mori could go after both of them without much risk, at times though as number's game is still a number's game and Mori was 2 on 1.

This led to the conclussion of the match where Mori and Kazuma were arguing since Kazuma didn't think it would be a good idea for Mori to overspent himself considering the match wasn't over yet and Mori saying otherwise, and then Darwin came from behind and struck with a Darwin's Theory (Chaos Theory Suplex) on Mori as Gumball dropkicked Kazuma off the apron and then proceeded to cover Mori for the 3 count and clean victory.

The Road To then ended with the Wattersons celebrating their victory as the crowd boos them

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