Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane vs SAO's Sinon and Leafa

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Week 1:

*we see Goku sitting on his office*

Goku: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a mini UCW Extra, today i come here to announce that we are gonna use this Extras not just for segments but matches once each 4 weeks.
To start this process we are gonna test the waters with two new combinations of teams and by that i mean, two representatives whom have either never competed in an UCW ring or have never teamed up together.
Anyways, the teams in question are Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane and SAO's Sinon and Leafa.
Needless to say, this should be quite the big chance since first impressions are important and no one wants to make a bad one.
Well, thanks for watching this mini extra and before we leave let me tell you that on the next two weeks both teams will have the chance to interact with each other if they desire to do so before the match or they could just do some mic work about why they could win and what not.
So, yeah, this is Goku signing off ans hopefully this will go controlled and not like any business that Anti-Rebellion are involved in.

Week 2:

*We see Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane sitting at their guild's home on a place far away from the usual noise (which can be still heard but not as loudly as if they were nearby it)*

Wendy: Well, time to introduce ourselves. My name is Wendy Marvell.

Mirajane: And my name is Mirajane Stratuss.

Wendy and Mirajane: And we are the ones who'll be representing Fairy Tail in tag team matches!.

Mirajane: Anyways, moving onto the matter at hand. In two weeks, we are facing SAO's Sinon and Leafa in tag team action and while we wish them luck, we are gonna have to be the winners.

Wendy: Why you may ask?. Simple, because think about it, who are our partners in UCW?.
The longest reigning Women's Tag Team Champions and off that one can say that we have been training with them and thus are better than any other women team in the league.

Mirajane: Meanwhile, and i apologize for this, what have SAO done ever since Asuna lost the title to Sonya Blade?. Nothing, heck, we may seem the underdogs because we have never had a match but neither have Sinon nor Leafa or if they had, it was never as a team.

Wendy: Meanwhile, me and Mira have been training with the best tag team in the company and thus are the ones with the most chances at winning against an unexperienced team who have not done anything stable wise barring a Women's Title run for their leader which wasn't even that long.

Mirajane: Anyways, good luck, even if it won't matter.

Wendy: This is the second coming of Fairy Tail controlling the Women's Tag Team Title scene.

Mirajane: And no one will stop it.

Wendy and Mirajane: Because Fairy Tail always wins!.

*the segment ends with Wendy and Mirajane leaving the table where they cut the promo to go to the more crowded part of the guild house*

Week 3:

*we see Leafa and Sinon entering the ring and in not exactly a pleased mood albeit Leafa is more noticeable than Sinon who just has a cool yet furious expression*

Sinon: So, we are here scheduled to be the first opponents of the so called second coming of Fairy Tail in the Women's Tag Team division.

Leafa: Well, let us tell you something girls, we know that you are bound to be good considering who your sparring trainers are.

Sinon: However, something we do also know is that while your trainers may have pretty much the singles division on lockdown which shows how good they are...we have a trainer in Asuna who has yet to lose clean in this ring and will put down Gatomon once and for all inside Hell in a Cell!.

Leafa: And the best thing, she didn't HAVE to go inside the cell to end it all considering how she's 2-0 against her opponent but she is willing to do so because she trusts in her skills being able to stop Gatomon who, according to her match against Asuna at No Way Out, is really good in the ring.
What do you have to say to that?.

Sinon: Yes, Erza and Lucy may be ruling over the singles division but that is because of Asuna not being at the top due to Gatomon!.
Otherwise, they'd be not at the top.

Leafa: Moving on, you call yourselves the second coming Wendy and Mirajane?. Well, i'd say that's just a barrier you both put up because you know you will NEVER be as good as Erza and Lucy were.

Sinon: Since think about it, just like us, you are yet to debut in the ring and just like us, you have a formidable trainer AND when we add that to where Lucy and Erza stand right now...there's simply no way you'll get to their level.

Leafa: Hence why you are saying this second coming crap, to get inside people's minds and make them doubt they can beat you both.

Sinon: Well, we see through that and we are not cowards and come next week, we are gonna prove why you are not the second coming of Fairy Tail...but just two girls trying to live up to the hype your trainers produced.

Week 4:
Fairy Tail (Wendy and Mirajane) vs SAO (Sinon and Leafa):
The story of this match was to show how even though they weren't yet at the level of Erza and Lucy, Wendy and Mirajane were a competent team all things considered considering how SAO helped show their opponents weren't at the level of Erza and Lucy but rather than having a huge lead like 75/25 or 80/20, they just had a 65/35 lead which all things considered was impressive for Fairy Tail to not be at a major disadvantage.
In the end, Leafa and Sinon connected the Flying Bullet (3D) on Wendy and Leafa covered her to get the clean victory.

After the match, we see how SAO try to offer a hand in respect for Fairy Tail which Mirajane accepts yet Wendy declines and walks away while promising that next time they meet with them, Fairy Tail would walk away the victors as Mirajane apologizes for Wendy's lack of respect and Sinon just shrugs it off while Leafa tells Mirajane to not worry because it was nothing and then Mirajane leaves while the crowd cheers for SAO's victory.

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