UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6

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Tsurúgi Kenzaki and Hasumi Hanekawa call out the Extra Tag Team Champions:

*We see the challengers to the Extra Tag Team Championships on the ring and Tsurugi snatches two microphones for herself and Hasumi and begins speaking*

Tsurugi: Let's cut to the chase, it has been tedious ever since we lost to the champions Peach and Karin to admit that they were better than us, specially considering that only one of them can actually fight on her own compared to us two...but i digress, Karin, Peach...get down here RIGHT NOW!

*We now see the Extra Tag Team Champions come down to the ring while being cheered as they grab microphones and we see Karin and Tsurugi exchange a glance before she begins speaking*

Karin: At least said someone who can't fight on their own has a title compared to you Kenzaki.
Honestly, it felt good getting these titles alongside Peach and doing so at the expense of Anti-Rebellion, even if i didn't like to crumble that as they could've been helpful down the road but what's done can be done, there won't always be a good result but you've got to notice a problem and try to solve it like Peach and i did by forming a team for our problems could be solved through the other.

Hasumi: You mean your problems. Considering that Peach could've solved hers with Daisy, you just happened to click perfectly with what she needed and viceversa. We may not be a shining example of a perfect team that gets along like you two, but at least we don't frown upon a sad situation like you did Karin but rather we do like Peach and try to solve it ourselves.

Peach: I get where my partnership with Karin feels like she got lucky to meet me, but isn't acknowledging one's flaws and choosing a way to solve them doing it yourself even if you need help?.
After all, this is TAG TEAM wrestling we're talking about, if this was a 1 on 1, i'd get the complaint but not here.
I'd actually say that you two are trying to mess with our heads so your chances of winning this time are bigger considering that last time we met, you two lost.

Hasumi: Why would we try that though, the last time one of you two were in any mood other than normal we lost to you and it was just ONE of you, why'd we try to mess with both of you?. That'd decrease our chances of winning.

Karin: Still, one can't deny but ponder the curiosity of all since it's almost like you two are seeing your chances of winning gone unless we're ourselves and yet you made a comment that tries to mess with us.

Tsurugi: We can talk all day about this and that, but you want proof, actual proof that we have better chances of winning with you two normal?. Let's fight. Me vs your teammate Peach.
That way if she wins, there can be question of why we're acting like this and if i win then your argument falls apart!

Peach: I wouldn't say our argument falls apart if i lose, but that it'd show you have a chance at winning, it would and i don't intend to let that be shown so you're on Tsurugi. See you.

*The segment ends with the crowd expectant of what may happen, seeing as we have two arguments with solid ground yet only one team can leave as champions*

Link's title shot on the line: Link vs Minoru:

The story of this match is pretty straightforward, while Minoru is indirect on interacting with Link via choosing to go for more misdirecting submission holds in order to get the victory rather than say a dropkick that could get him caught into a boot or something of the sort, Link is indirect not because he doesn't want to prove he deserves the title shot but rather that considering he doesn't know how many matches he's got till Glory or Demise 2, he essentially needs to save energy so that he doesn't end up gassed out heading into the clash with Elias or in the way there.
And since Link would rather make effort to prove he deserves the win but can't it creates a conundrum for him where he doesn't know what to do and this opens chances for Minoru to be on the lead the entire match by a 70/30 lead.

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