UCW Extra: Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5

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Feud with the Watterson Part 4:

*We see Edward Mason and Shovel Knight arriving for their match with the Wattersons when Edward stops Shovel Knight to tell him something real quick*

Edward: Shovel Knight, i'm gonna fight your way.

SK: *pleased smiling* Thank you!. I knew i---

Edward: I'm not doing it to please you but moreso to show you how your way of fighting will get us nowhere against people who opt to cheat!.

SK: Geez, no need to do that---.

Edward: No, it's necesary!. Because otherwise you won't understand that you gotta get dirty against cheaters like the Wattersons to beat them!

*Edward leaves to prepare for his match while SK stands stunned for what he just heard*

SK (to himself): Welp, this is getting harder than expected. There has to be a way to prove it to Edward that fighting my way is the right way and you'll win against evil with it.


Falls Count Anywhere Tag Team match: the Wattersons (Gumball and Darwin) vs Shovel Knight and Edward Mason:
The match's purposes were:
-To show at first (till the objects got introduced) how the match was back and forth since both teams were still equal in the ring to each other thanks to Edward and SK's teamwork being matched up against the Wattersons' brother synchronization.
-To show how unlike last time where Edward and Shovel Knight both took avantages of the occasional miscomunication between their opponents, only Shovel Knight did so since Edward was trying to fight in SK's way to prove him wrong about his thinking and thus that blocked him from taking advantage which reduced the lead of 60/40 to 55/45.
-How the match turned upside down for Edward and SK as soon as the Watterson started to implement weapons since due to both Edward and SK not doing so due to their respective reasons...it meant that they were at a 75/25 disadvantage as Gumball and Darwin knew how to exploit weapons as it was technically cheating only than by using weapons rather than by oneself.
-To show how the match didn't even start fairly since still sour over Edward and SK beating them down, and taking advantage of them being distracted by Edward's latest rant, they decided to jump them as they were making their entrance and this gave them an initial 60/40 advantage before the match turned back and forth for reasons said on the first purpose of the match.
In the end, Gumball and Darwin connected a Darwin's Theory/Gum Ball combo on Shovel Knight through a table and Darwin covered him to get the victory.
After the match, we see the Watterson beating down Edward and SK telling them that it didn't feel so good when it was done to them, did it?. And the crowd actually were mixed (80/20 boo/cheer ratio) as they didn't like to see Edward and SK getting beaten down but they did agree it was fair for the Watterson to do the same to them.

Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5, Feud with the Watterson Part 4: END.

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