Chapter 72: Stupid (3)

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Chapter 72: Stupid (3)

"Then, let's talk about something else. I heard you have a cat? Ah, a black cat to be precise."

The boy blinked at him. "Yes, why?"

Nezu's eyebrows rose. Huh, so he was right?

Nezu had tried looking for Neji's background, but it's all locked behind walls and walls enforced by his parents, most likely Gara who Nezu was familiar with...

So he researched Neji's middle school, instead, for the last three days and came to learn about his explicit relationship with multiple women. Principal Nezu honestly didn't mind such a thing. Famous heroes always do scandalous things like that, it's better for the kid to learn to hide this from a young age, in fact. Nezu wasn't dumb enough to believe that something like Pure Good exists, there is always a mixture... maybe except for All Might, but not everyone is the Symbol of Peace after all.

So one of the silver-haired man's traits had already matched Neji; he was always surrounded by women. Only one trait was remaining, and now that he also confirmed about his black cat, Nezu couldn't help but smile to himself.

Nezu stared as Neji looked at him with a confused gleam. "Does the Principal not like cats? Black cats, in this case."

The boy asked in a curious voice, as Nezu considered something.

Should he tell him about Nighteye's vision? Or should he first let Nighteye know that the man in the vision was finally found? What should he do to him, exactly?

"Neji-kun." After a long silence, he asked. "Do you perhaps know about Sir Nighteye and his Quirk?"

This boy was special. He was smart and cautious. He was able to hide his relationship from everyone for three years, and if not for Nezu's connections flanking the other students' background, Nezu would never have been able to figure it out himself. After that, as he considered some other things that only his advanced brain could think and conclude of, Nezu had decided it's better to tell the boy instead of hiding it all.

The boy stared at his face silently, his curious face now unreadable. Did he know Nighteye...?

Moving to Neji, he considered what was happening exactly.

'Sir Nighteye...' he muttered in his mind.

He had no idea why Nezu was suddenly asking about him, but he didn't see any reason to lie.

"He is pretty famous, so I guess, I do know him. Though I only heard rumours about his Quirk, not what it does exactly." He nodded.

Smiling, Nezu moved his gaze to Aizawa who wore a grim expression. The man seemed to have his own things that he wanted to say, but from the looks of it, more questions were just about to pop up in his mind.

Nezu considered if he should ask Aizawa to go out or not before deciding against it. Aizawa was a reliable man, after all. He should also know about the vision, if possible.

"Sir Nighteye has a quirk that lets him see the future." Nezu went silent, took a deep breath, then said, "Using his Quirk, he has seen your future."


Neji stared at Nezu silently.


Now that's not something I was expecting to hear... at least not today. I had theorised before that Nighteye has seen the future of the world where Gods come, but I wasn't expecting to hear that he has seen ME. First of all, how did he see my future since he never got in contact with me? Even assuming he saw me in someone else's future, the further into the future he sees, the more uncertain and blurry it becomes. So how exactly did he know that it's me...?

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