161: Obstacles (1)

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Chapter 161: Obstacles (1)


It had been 8 hours since Japan had been under attack, now it was nighttime.

After having dinner, Neji decided to go out after waiting until Momo and Nejire were asleep.

"Where are you going~? Don't you need sleep?" asked Kimi, who was yet to fall asleep, but was curled in the bed like a sleepy cat. "It's been more than a day, counting the time inside the other dimension, since you slept."

Neji was changing his clothes as he answered, "I drank a stamina potion, it will help me stay up for a few more hours."

He wore a simple white shirt and black pants and tidied his hair a bit.

"Don't you need Kurai?" Kimi asked, seeing him open the door. "Going out alone might be dangerous..."

"Nope. Kurai is busy monitoring our sniper. Even if she wasn't, she would only be a drawback than anything since we can't fuse right now."

He was currently strong enough to raid Shie Hassaikai's base alone. After that is done, he will finally talk with Nagant.

"Okay, take care I guess." Kimi yawned for the last time before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Neji laughed and left the penthouse.


Shie Hassaikai was by far the largest Yakuza group amongst the countless others that controlled Japan's underworld. That's why they had dozens of highly protected bases all over Japan, however, it wasn't exactly impossible to find their main base.

Located in Eusha City, Villain Overhaul was spotted lurking around a seemingly normal family house, and upon further investigations, Kimi managed to confirm that this indeed was the main base of the Shie Hassaikai.

That happened a few weeks ago when network blockage wasn't a problem.

Based on what Neji remembered from canon, Overhaul wasn't the type to stay far from Eri for a prolonged time, so noticing his stay in this city for a few weeks, Neji was sure Eri was also in this base.

Rewind, the name of Eri's Quirk. It allows her to reverse a living individual's body back to a previous state, allowing her to make her target physically younger, heal injuries, and undo bodily modifications. She has even shown the ability to rewind someone's body to a point before they even existed, therefore effortlessly killing them.

Such a quirk... Neji could only fathom its abilities when it would be used along with One for All, let alone when it's awakened or evolved. Exactly that was the reason why he was so impatient to get his hands on this Quirk, enough for him to prioritise this first instead of looking for Rumi and Ryukyu.

'Besides that, as a bonus, I also get Overhaul's quirk.' Neji thought while floating a few hundred metres above an ordinary-looking family house.

That was the base, and he was prepared to go in there right away.

Putting his clothes inside his inventory (because they will only be a hassle) Neji leapt down onto the ground, falling downwards as if he was jumping into a pool, and shockingly enough, he indeed sunk into the ground like a pool, with no sound whatsoever.

⟨Permeation - Level 9⟩ Mirio Togata's former quirk. [1]

Neji activated his ⟨Level 3 - Eyes of the Lord⟩, and the magical eyes allowed him to see underground, even in his permeated form. Though it wasn't an x-ray vision so he could only see ground upon ground until he peeked into an underground room.


Seeing that there indeed were underground facilities, Neji got into work and started to pop his head from one room to another, effectively avoiding the security cameras since his now EL's 'Danger Sense' counted that as a form of danger.

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