182: Downhill (2)

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Chapter 182: Downhill (2)

Kimi managed to "explain" the situation to Neji and Momo's parents.

"All-for-One, eh. The boogeyman of Japan. We knew about him honestly, being so high in the society ought you to know things that even most heroes don't know." Aiko, Neji's dad, spoke as the other three nodded.

They were sitting at a round table, the four adults, while Kimi and the other girls were standing around them.

"Well, guess Japan is at an edge now," Touma, Momo's father, said next. "Unless the foreign heroes manage to do the impossible, we are done." Then he chuckled for a second. "It's fine as long as we manage to escape to another country, though. Our companies are international, we won't go bankrupt just because of this."

"Not like it matters even if we go bankrupt." Aiko chimed in. "We can just rise again, at most it will take 6 months."

The two men laughed at each other, quite ambitiously while the two women beside them looked more worried than that.

"Tsk, men..." Gara grumbled and shook her head. "I am more worried about Neji, though. My baby boy... Where is he now? A night's passed since we woke up, but he's still outside."

Miku, Momo's mother, was instead more interested in Momo's hair. For some reason, she didn't want to believe Momo just dyed her hair, and it was understandable why. Why would someone dye their hair in this situation? Kimi found Momo's excuse too rash for the situation.

But either way, it wouldn't matter after Neji returned and "explained" his own story.

'Sigh... all this villain bullshit is ruining my peacetime with the young master.'

Kimi wasn't in favour of all this at all. But it seemed Neji didn't mind for some reason, he even seemed happy these days. Kimi guessed it was because of his very fast growth in power, that power maniac.

She just hoped everything would turn right, enough to battle against those Gods in the incoming decades. Though Kimi would much prefer if he just went to hide in some other dimension, in some other verse even- since he once said the concept of Multiverse was real.

'Then again, the young master doesn't have any way to traverse through dimensions willingly. He said those [Dungeons] just pop up on random spots, he can't make them as wished. He must be just gaining strength as a backup plan in case he never gains any way to traverse through these dimensions and verses as he wishes.'

That seemed a plausible explanation to her. Either way, nothing of that mattered. Whatever he was going to do, she was going to support him on that.


Everything went silent.

The sound of gossip became deafened, the sound of water boiling in the kitchen vanished and the whole world went silent for a moment.

Only for a moment.

Because the next second a terrible explosion of sound happened in the far sky, throwing shockwaves across the world as it even threw the parents to the floor.

Kimi managed to hold the mothers and the fathers were saved by Nejire's telekinesis.

"W-what the hell was that?!"

Rumi looked around, her expression pained even as she clenched her jaws.

Blood was trailing down her ears.

Her super-hearing was a curse at this moment.


Kimi cursed and looked at Momo.

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