136: Plans and Executions (1)

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Chapter 136: Plans and Executions (1)

After Ryukyu left, Neji met up with Gara one last time before calling Kimi to pick him up.

When he was in the car, going back to his home, his phone buzzed with message notifications.

[Toga: Boss, things went hectic in here.]

[Neji: What happened?]

Neji frowned softly and waited for Toga to reply back. Was this a prank from her side? Or did something big really happen?

[Toga: First off, did you know, your classmate Izuku Midoriya is associated with the league?]

Neji knew that and sighed softly. If that's the only thing that's 'hectic' then it's nothing serious... That thought of his immediately revealed to be foolish as another message came.

[Toga: Also, Shigaraki isn't actually the leader of the League... It's this one guy named The One or whatever, I never heard of him. So what happened was...]

Toga explained the situation that occurred in the League after she returned. That part was surprising, true, but the shocking part only came on the next message.

[Toga: When I regained my consciousness, Stain was already dead... His body was limply lying down on the floor with that 'The One' dude looming over his body. The shocking part is, that guy seemed to have... stolen Stain's Quirk.]



Toga washed her face in the basin and returned to the main room of the League.

"It took you 20 minutes to finish?!" A large muscular guy with blue skin yelled at her, going past her towards the bathroom.

Toga clicked her tongue. "Tsk, girls need more time than guys. But then again how would you know, you fucking virgin."

The guy, who was halfway through, turned around to glare at her from the door. But as his eyes met Kurogiri's golden gaze, he groaned and left the scene.

Kurogiri was wiping a glass of wine, like usual. Izuku and Shigaraki both were gone, taken away by All for One. So the remaining members sat in corners of the room, silently without any sound.

Toga woke up later than most others, so she seemed to have missed quite a show based on the expressions of the others. Though it seems only Stain was killed, as he was the only one brave enough to attack The One, who swiftly took him down. After that, nobody dared to even speak.

"You're quite brave," said Kurogiri as Toga took a seat in front of him. "Everyone is silent, even avoiding eye contact, yet you are picking fights. Is it because you weren't able to see him in action?"

Toga looked at his eyes, or at least what seemed like his eyes, and shrugged. The reason she wasn't worried was because of Neji. She didn't think much of it back then, but it was clear that he had multiple quirks too.

One was his Surge, which he used in the Sports Festival. One was his space manipulation or maybe pocket dimension where he kept many things inside. At last, one was either the ability to heal wounds, or make potions that could heal wounds.

Toga was certain he had more things hidden in his sleeves, and if she had to guess he was actually hunting for All for One from the get-go. Maybe because he didn't like another person with multiple quirks? Or maybe he wanted the ability to steal other quirks. Toga didn't care enough to theorise beyond that.

"Well, I am just a bit grumpy." Toga said, taking out a knife from within her socks and starting to wipe it clean. "I heard that monster looking guy took Stain's quirk? If the rumours I heard are true, he used to give quirks like candies in the past. Hmm, if I was a core member then maybe I would have been able to get that quirk? Just imagine, it's a perfect quirk for me. I can transform into others by sucking their blood, but if I could paralyse them too, I would have been much more efficient in any job I am given."

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