163: Obstacles (3)

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Chapter 163: Obstacles (3)

Like every other city, Musatafu, the city where UA is located, was also under attack from villains of different kinds.

Many civilians were hurt and dead before Lady Nagant reached that place and took care of the villains.

After that, the civilians went up the mountain to reach UA in the hope to meet Recovery Girl to get healed as some of them were hurt quite badly.

Taking this chance, among these civilians, AFO slipped in a few spies to understand the aftermath of Hisashi's fight.

That was a few hours ago, but those spies managed to report only now on what happened in UA after the fight.

Learning all that, AFO was pissed.

That Neji brat used His quirk, All for One, to steal His long targeted prey. That was so infuriating that AFO hadn't felt this much anger in decades, if not centuries.

'Who does he think he is?!'

He wasn't interested in how Neji got the quirk. It was most certainly that maid delivering Nine's dead body to Neji before he did some trick to transfer the quirk from Nine's body to his. Normally AFO would be interested in the method, but this was not a normal situation. The problem that AFO was interested in was that he couldn't feel his consciousness that should be within Nine's All For One quirk.

Quirks have consciousness of the user within them, that's the same for the quirks that AFO stole from others. However, AFO's own consciousness can corrupt those other ones and reign supreme. After that, when he bestows one of his quirks onto someone, a part of his consciousness is left within that person. AFO can't control that consciousness, as it has a mind of its own, but AFO can sense where that person is by focusing on that consciousness.

AFO didn't give Nine his quirk in the usual way, as it was instead copied using technology and passed down, but it still had a part of his consciousness within it. Meaning, he should have been able to locate Neji's location right now, who was using that quirk.

But he wasn't able to do that.

As if that quirk, which clearly was All for One from the description, was actually something else entirely. Or that brat somehow managed to eradicate the consciousness within it... Or maybe both.

"Tch. I haven't been this furious in a long time." AFO was tapping his finger on his thigh as he grunted.

He needed to find Neji, which was another problem. Where was he? Where did he escape to after leaving UA? Unfortunately, he couldn't think of any place or anyone who might know about his whereabouts-

"Wait," AFO stopped moving his finger, a possibility coming out in his mind. "Does that Toga girl know something?"

It's possible. Highly probable. Since she worked under Neji, she must have a meeting place with him. There's a chance Neji is in that meeting place right now...

"Heh, this can work." AFO grinned, connecting a call with Hisashi again. "Hisashi, I have a plan. Listen..."

He started to explain as the impatient man on the other end started to gradually laugh.


A few hours after Rumi first met Hawks, she was greeted by different heroes each hour.

Around 11 hours after Hawks had left, he returned again, and this time he had Endeavour beside him.

He gathered all the heroes he called in one place, inside an old factory building, and stood there with a grim expression.

This is why Rumi didn't like this guy. Why gather everyone in one place if he's gonna stay silent?

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