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Chapter 10 Ways to Make Money

  "Have you come up with any good ideas?"

  The expression on his face was so obvious that Zhou Mingyan immediately realized that he might have figured out a way to make money. Tong Qian smiled and said, "Yes."

  He walked towards the big fat man and, contrary to his previous impatience, said in a good voice, "Let's not play with hoops, let's play something else."

  The fat man hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask, "What fun do you have there?"

  He hooked the hook into the iron ring on his hand.

  Hoop rolling has been a popular activity for children who lacked entertainment at this time.

  But children are naturally fond of the new and dislike the old. After playing for such a long time, it's time to play something else.

  Tong Qian tilted his head.

  "How about wiping the cannon?"

  The movement of the big fat hand suddenly stopped.

  His eyes widened in disbelief.

  "You actually wiped the cannon!"

  Crackers, this kind of toy that explodes when dropped, is a favorite of children, especially boys.

  Unless it's the Chinese New Year, I usually don't have the chance to touch it.

  Firstly, it is because it costs money to buy the cannon, and secondly, it is dangerous to play with the cannon.

  Adults would rather children get together to play house than buy them crackers.

  The more you don't get it, the more you feel itchy.

  There is only one week left before New Year's Eve, and no child in the village has been the first to get the opportunity to play with firecrackers.

  At this time, if anyone tries to do anything, you can imagine how popular he will be among the children.

  Tong Qian shook his head, "Not yet."

  Before the fat man's eyes dimmed, he added.

  "But it will be available soon."

  Although Linshui County is not far from Daya Village, it is still more or less twenty miles away.

  If you go by bus, it costs 50 cents per person, and 2 yuan for two people.

  Tong Qian clasped his fingers and sighed.

  They only had 5 yuan in total and couldn't afford to spend it like that.

  Zhou Mingyan volunteered.

  "I'll walk alone. I should be able to get back before dark."

  Tong Qian refused.

  The current social atmosphere is not good. When he was very young, he had heard that there were scumbags kidnapping children in some nearby places. When he saw a child alone outside, he would rush up and snatch them away and sell them without saying a word.

  Tong Qian didn't know if this was a lie made up by his mother to prevent him from running around, but he would never test Zhou Mingyan's safety.

  So he decided, "Let's go together."

  After all, people are short and have short legs. Tong Qian's feet ached while walking on the twenty-mile journey, making it difficult to walk.

  Zhou Mingyan squatted down silently.

The Story of Reborn Husband and Raising a Family (Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang