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Chapter 197 Kidnapping

  The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

  No matter how fast you pedal on two wheels, you can't outrun someone on four wheels.

  Just as he was about to rush out of the alley, turn into a busy street, and escape from the clutches of the clutches, Tong Qian suddenly felt something hit the back seat of his bicycle. He was suddenly unable to control the body of the bicycle, and he and the bicycle fell to the side of the road.


  The screeching sound of tires scraping against the ground was heard.

  The van stopped, and the tattooed bald man and several people opened the door and rushed out.

  Seeing their aggressive looks, Tong Qian knew that he couldn't escape this time.

  He looked around and saw that the place where he fell happened to be near a residents' garbage dump.

  All kinds of domestic garbage are scattered and piled up in the open space, still emitting an unpleasant smell in winter.

  He wanted to leave some clues for his family.

  Tong Qian quickly pulled off the scarf around his neck and threw it to the surrounding branches.

  As soon as the scarf was hung up, the bald brother caught up to him.

  Several younger brothers rushed forward and pushed Tong Qian back to the ground as he struggled to stand up.

  "be honest!"

  "Don't move!"

  If it weren't for something wrong, Tong Qian would want to complain. Do you think you are the police?

  The bald brother came over, looked around, and found that there were no pedestrians coming or going at this time, so he waved his hand decisively.

  The boys understood what was going on, grabbed Tong Qian, held his head down, and stuffed him into the van.


  Just as Tong Qian was about to speak, someone punched him in the stomach.

  The pain was so painful that it was difficult to even breathe, and stars were popping up in my eyes, let alone speak.

  The van took Tong Qian and his bicycle and drove away quickly.

  in the car.

  It took a while for Tong Qian to recover. His hands were tied behind his back by the group of people, making him unable to move. His head was also covered with a black cloth, but fortunately his mouth was not sealed.

  Tong Qian said weakly: "...Brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be getting along with Lili. If you can let me go, I will break up with her when I go back."

  ? ?

  Even the bald brother was stunned.

  A group of people looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally the eldest brother shouted: "What kind of breakup? It's a mess!"

  Tong Qian's pale face showed a look of surprise.

  "Aren't you guys here for that guy Chen Fan?"

  A yellow-haired gangster said impatiently: "What Chen Fan, this is us..."


  A loud slap was thrown on Huang Mao's head, and the bald brother cursed: "Idiot! I was framed by a little brat! Get out of here!"

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