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Chapter 55 Rabbit is so cute

  Ever since Tong Weilong passed out in front of the food stall, Wang Pingpingping had been really worried for a few days.

  Although she is much stronger and more confident than before, she still understands that if she is alone, she will not be afraid of anything, but with three children, it will be different.

  She was very afraid that Tong Weilong would take revenge.

  After waiting for a few days, everything was calm.

  Tong Qian came back from school and brought her a message, "Tong Weilong actually woke up not long after he was unconscious that day, but he was too embarrassed, so he just pretended to be unconscious."

  Wang Pingping was quite surprised by the news about her son, "How do you know so clearly?"

  Tong Qian naturally has his own news network.

  According to the information he collected, Tong Weilong suddenly stood up shortly after leaving everyone's sight, pushed Tong Dafeng away, and pushed her to the ground.

  After losing such a big face, he naturally wanted to find someone to vent his anger on, and the only person in front of him who could vent his anger was his own sister.

  Facing Tong Weilong's humiliation and scolding, Tong Dafeng endured it again and again, and finally broke out.

  She accused her brother of being selfish, laughed at his incompetence, and complained bitterly about her parents' favoritism.

  They are said to be siblings, but in fact there are many conflicts between the two, and no one looks down on the other. The conflicts that have accumulated for decades finally broke out on this day. The siblings beat, scolded, scratched and scratched, and finally... Tong Dafeng and her husband rushed over after receiving the news, and dragged his wife away while cursing.

  Tong Weilong suffered physical and mental blows one after another. He lay on the ground and did not get up for a long time.

  No one around him was willing to help, so he was left lying on the ground in disgrace.

  When Tong Weilong came to his senses, he immediately covered his face in shame and ran away, never to appear in Linshui County or Daya Village again.

  "I hope this time will give him a big enough blow that he will never come back again in his life."

  Tong Qian prayed silently. When he learned what the siblings were doing in front of the stall, he wanted to kill each of them with a hoe.

  How could there be such disgusting people in this world? Even thinking about it occasionally makes me feel stinky.

  Fortunately, after all this trouble, their energy was severely damaged and they no longer had the energy to come back and harass their family members.

  However, when Tong Weilong left, he took away his family's household registration book and disappeared. No one could be found to sign it. Wang Pingping and he could not divorce for the time being.

  Wang Pingping herself didn't care very much.

  If she can't get divorced, she can't get divorced. She currently has no idea of ​​finding a man to live with. She just wants to stabilize the food stall and raise her three children.

  After the turmoil some time ago, Wang Pingping originally thought that the business of the food stall would decrease a lot. After all, if such rumors spread too much, it would always be detrimental to a woman's family.

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