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Chapter 180 Return to Daya Village

  Perhaps in order to reduce the sadness of separation, Zhou Mingyan did not tell anyone, including Tong Qian, when he left.

  He just disappeared suddenly one day, as if he had gone to work in a suburban factory before.

  Tong Qian understood that it was still different.

  Because since the day Zhou Mingyan left home, he has never received a call from the other party.

  In this regard, Zhou Mingyan explained to everyone through his senior brother Li Chaoyang that he went abroad to study.

  Although Wang Pingping was a little surprised, it was common to study, so she didn't delve into it further.

  Tong Qian kept this secret deep in his heart and did not mention it to anyone.

  But people around him found out that Tong Qian was working harder.

  It's not that Tong Qian doesn't study hard, otherwise he wouldn't have maintained such good grades in No. 1 Middle School where there are so many masters.

  But no matter what happened at that time, he was not immersed in studying, and he was deaf to what was going on outside the window.

  My deskmates were all frightened by this energy.

  We agreed to be a scumbag together, but you secretly left him behind.

  When the final exam results were released, everyone in the class focused their attention on Tong Qian.

  First in class and seventh in grade.

  This is the result of Tong Qian's hard work and reward during this period of time.

  "Brother, what magic medicine did you take? We were obviously pretty much the same before."

  My deskmate wanted to cry but had no tears.

  Because there will be a parent-teacher meeting after the final exam, and his mother will sit next to Tong Qian's mother and will definitely ask about the results.

Comparing the hatchback and the car, the 20th place in the class at the same table is obviously not good enough.

  When the time comes, he will definitely die miserably.

  Tong Qian sorts out the papers.

  "Don't compare me and you. I just lost my hand that time. You have always been at the bottom and never got up."

  The deskmate was still wailing, but Tong Qian had already packed his schoolbag and left.

  The seats in the class were adjusted, and the study committee member who originally sat diagonally across from them was moved to the front of them.

  The study committee member secretly poked his deskmate: "Hey, have you noticed that something is wrong with Tong Qian these days?"

  My deskmate was confused: "No, what happened to him?"

  The study committee member rolled his eyes at him, a dull straight man.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tong Qian was not in the right state during this period.

  Although studying is good, you can't just study every day and not care about anything else.

  His level of hard work is comparable to that of the most famous nerd in his grade.

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